>Actors who live vicariously thru their roles
Actors who live vicariously thru their roles
Is this a stealth Jenna thread?
it is now
Post Jenna’s
I know these threads are garbage but it makes me laugh so hard thinking about how pathetic Jenna became
repair me with your gold semen, john!
Why are actors like this? First this, then Millie obsessing over Finn, and now Boyega obsessing over Daisy. Like do these people not realize that they're playing fictional characters? Or do they not understand the concept of keeping things professional and, you know, not going onto social media and being a fucking creep by posting about the other person? Like half the time it's not even them talking about the actors themselves, they're referring to their characters (like Boyega literally arguing with fans that Finn isn't with Rose, and that Rey is who wants him). It's so pathetic and cringeworthy.
>Why did you tag me?
I wish I could suck her tits
Jennaposting is back on the menu boys
I wish I could suck her toes