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Luv again
>Cum. Cum again
All memes aside I really enjoyed the character. this might be my new favorite movie and I think luvposting is making people hate it
how i get psychopath gf?
>that mic will never be your shaft
I want her to kick me in the balls
Step 1 : be a good boy for her
god i wish that were me
I want her to do that to my dick
Love the shot with car behind them.
Reddit Runner 2049
>my face not interlinked with dat ass
>shaved mustache
that aint Luv faggot. thats just some roastie that dont matter
Unfucking up the aspect
at least make discussion about the character...or something about the movie
why didn't she kill him here?
Where do you think you are?
she hadn't found the babby yet
just because she had captured Deckard didn't mean she was going to find it
...is that her real hairy poos?
>1,5 kiks
>3 cuts
american "cinematography"
Had a piece of rebar sticking out of him. Also just had his waifu crushed. He was also alone at the top of a skyscraper in the middle of a dead city.
Probably thought he would die alone in despair, knowing he had been utterly defeated, which would be a much crueler fate.
>unconscious Deckard
>just looks like an old man taking a nap
so she's basically a stupid bond villain
Personal reasons.
>Cum again.
Its a shame she cant hunt me down and kiss me before she kills me tbqh
Ford probably was really taking a nap there. Like
>my action scenes are done for today, gotta rest
Stop thinking like a nigger shouting "Aw hell no, don't go in the basement!", at the screen in a horror movie.
Part of watching a movie is realizing that characters do not realize they are in a movie, where movie tropes like "the hero isn't actually dead" or "don't go in the basement" are the rule. In real life people who receive mortal wounds in remote locations die, just like how in real life you don't barricade yourself in your room assuming there's a monster in the basement whenever you hear a strange noise.
Your vulgarity is tedious.
What did she hit him in the base of the neck with? Some kind of motor neuron disrupter that completely fucked up his shit?
She liked him
>Please thank Mr. Wallace for your time
>with dat "true neutral" face
Roast of the year
That was just her hand. Remember he's human and she's a replicant
More like misplaced vertrebra that tears a spinal cord.
She caved in the back of his skull.
Did K have autism?
No but I'm afraid you do if you can't understand the impact of his dialogue
her fist
Yeah but look at his fucking eyes.
he isnt a manwhore and keeps himself pure for Joi
He's making a distinction between the actress who happens to be a roastie whore and my pure dominatrix gf Luv
Did it bother anyone else that he and the female poilice chief were killed without out any legal consequences or investigation?
How do even pronounce Hoeks?
like hooks
Main story events happened far too quickly to get bogged down in banal details like the death of a scientist
haha imagine being turned on by this hahaa
I rather a joi than a real girl.
What did she do to him?
Shattered his neck.
Why has blade runner been ignored in all the recent movie awards? it's almost like they're pretending it doesn't exist.
I luv Dutch actresses
>woman beats people up by kicking them and stabbing them to death
>rather than the physics defying flippy crap that Black Widow does
He had Joi.
wait she's dutch? Fuck that kills the boner
What about dutch actors?
If you look closely you will notice that his upper row of teeth are overextended when he hits the ground, meaning that Luv hit him so hard his entire skull was dislocated.
Hmmm. Good spot lad
I wonder how much she can bench
I want to force my dick down her throat
>Her smile
>The Goose's expression of disbelief
What's wrong with her upper lip??
Why does ryan always looks like he's autistic in all his movies?
because he's autistic, thus every character he plays is too
>Did K have autism
because he's autistic
She is crushing hard on him, what a great performance.
>"All my characters are me. I'm not a good enough actor to become a character. I hear about actors who become the role and I think 'I wonder what that feels like'. Because for me, they're all me. I relate to these characters because aspects of their personality are like me. And I just turn up the parts of myself that are them and turn down the parts that aren't"
- Ryan Gosling