Why was this celebrity cameo not problematic for Sup Forums?
Why was this celebrity cameo not problematic for Sup Forums?
About Homer Simpsons in some easter european random cartoon?
Cuz its fucking George Harrison. Who would have a problem with one of the Beatles?
Except Paul.
Because he didn't only come on because the writers agreed to make Lisa a vegetarian for the rest of the show's airtime
IT also worked in context of what they were parodying.
Because Sup Forums didn't exist in 1993.
Do you think that if John Lennon were alive in the '90s, he would have agreed to make a guest cameo on The Simpsons?
Because Harrison fit into the theme of the episode pretty well. His cameo spots actually helped move both the jokes and plot along, unlike a lot of the celebrity cameos from season 8 onwards.
>It isn't an episode focused on jacking off the guest's ego
>It's relevant to the story
>Jokes are present
This is why Homer at the Bat and Springfield Files are GOAT episodes despite being guest star heavy
What about Krusty Gets Cancelled?
Boco, shut the fuck up.
Hey Moe, look over there.
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
>People who listen to Jazz are pretentious hipster contrarians with excessively massive egos
Why didn't they make him standard yellow? That's the show tone for Asians.
>Homer at the Bat
What a great episode.
>Daryl Strawberry jumping off frame and disappearing for ~4 seconds to catch a pop fly
Gets me every time.
>>Sup Forums
Blah blah blah contrarian Sup Forums drivel blah blah
find me one respected professional artist who agrees with anything you just said. No one thinks the Beatles were great because they sold the most.
They were great because they changed the game. Yes, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, and The Big Bopper predate the Beatles. The Beatles openly cite these people as inspiration. Yes, The Eagles, Rush, and, countless other bands came after. The Beatles have admitted on multiple occasions to being impressed by their work.
The Beatles introduced new methods, such as chord variation (Strawberry Fields Forever was revolutionary), and brought a fervor to music that not even Elvis had achieved, while actually writing their own songs, unlike Elvis.
The Beatles... think of their progression from the beginning, the Bowl-cuts on the Ed Sullivan Show, playing shit like "I want to hold your hand". A good song, but very lackluster, not very deep. Skip to the Apple rooftop. "Get back" "Don't Let Me Down", they have evolved. Look at music as a whole. It evolved to reflect them.
stale pasta
Eh, they would go on to have far, far more problematic cameos.
>still like the greats of jazz even though they're now actually famous
>not realizing that liking the most popular of an unpopular genre isn't enough
It's a copypasta no need to get so worked up
It's a funny cameo.
Especially when you realize George Harrison seemed to love eating.
But people said something popular is bad! We don't stand for that around here.
>Cuz its fucking George Harrison
No, The Who was in A Tale of Two Springfields.
Is he a caveman?
is this the Beatles equivalent of the Harry Potter pasta?
The Harry Potter pasta is the equivalent of this Beatles pasta
You are a dull boy Billy
bu-but Andy Dick is Andy Dick
You're going to sell me to Mr. Nikapopoplus?
I still don't understand why this image tried to make Bioshock seem like a bad pick.
Because it wasn't the center piece a al Lady Gaga.
John Lennon beat his wife
Cynthia or Yoko? no one bats an eye over hurting Yoko, it's like insulting canadians, no one cares.
>remotely relevant to sony's history
>the first bioshock was originally a 360 exclusive too
>using a Big Daddy as the rep but having a fucking Infinite stage, highlighting the disgusting transparency of PASBR being a glorified infomercial rather than a celebration of Sony's rich history like Smash is to Nintendo
Oh. Yeah. Okay, I get it now.
Post Potter Pasta
Gypsy Jazz is objectively the best form of music
It happened before most of Sup Forums was born.
>File: Watch as we tapdance on Phil Hartman's grave
Oh please, they were pissing on Hartman's grave a year after he died.
Dick guest stared in an ep in 2007.
Hartman was murdered on the 28th of May 1998
On the 3rd of October, 1999 Dick was referenced in 'Brother's Little Helper' where Skinner suggests Bart take Ritalin and the following exchange takes place
>Bart: I don't want to take drugs.
>Homer: Sure you do. All your favorite stars abuse drugs. Brett Butler, Tim Allen ...
>Marge: ... Tommy Lee ...
>Homer: ... Andy Dick.
>Bart: He's just flamboyant.
>Homer: Yeah, and I'm a size four.
A little more then a year after Dick got Hartman's wife back on drugs, that lead to Phi's death and they were already going "lol, Andy Dick does drugs! Isn't that funny"