Why did she block bullets when she could probably take them to the body and be fine?

Why did she block bullets when she could probably take them to the body and be fine?

Boob jiggle.

They still hurt, even a little bit


Same reason you block a paintball. You'd be fine, but it stings like hell.

It looks cool

Yeah, she can fight against Doomsday who can tank a nuke, but she still tries to block bullets?

because it's a shitty movie made by retards for retards

Because she's not invulnerable to bullets. They even showed this early on by having the cut on her arm from the bullet grazing her. The wounds heal due to the dumb Zeus genes but the Amazonian genes mean she can be hurt in the first place.

Its not until the End does Diana realize the extent of her powers.

getting bitten by ants isn't going to kill me but I still avoid it

They could hit bystanders? She uses her gauntlets to alter bullet direction (comic book logic)

It looks way cooler. BTW, in DC Rebirth Diana gets shot, so this pretty much confirms that she can get BTFO by anyone with Superman strength or above right? They could just shove their pinky finger into her brain

No she can't.

She can be shot, cut etc etc. She's not Superman.

Blocking bullets with their bracelets is an Amazon Pastime. The Themysciran equivalent to playing catch.

This is the dumbest aspect of Wonder Woman
>tanks punches by Doomsday and smiles while getting slammed into a wall or whatever
>gets shot

It's fucking stupid, just make her invincible so I don't have to do mental gymnastics. Yes, I understand about the cut/pierce, but the physics don't make sense

cause this movie is pure sjw liberal shit with no heart and sense. Skip it bro

No, because Diana is as fast and strong as Clark and more experienced in fighting, especially closed quarters grappling.

we wuz womyn
we wuz warriors and based germans are bad
wymen power right guys?!!!

This needs to be animated

If you're wonder why she can be shot
and other science facts.
Repeat to yourself "it's just comics.
I really should relax"

>If you're wonder why she can be shot
i guess that's why she's called WONDER woman hehehe


Thanks. I was looking for this.

Most adults are idiots.

After the fight on the beach you can see her arm is bleeding, bullets can hurt her.

Yeah bullshit, she doesn't have to be aware of how tough she is to still be that tough.

>Diana is as fast and strong as Clark
Pfffffft hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha no.

Watch that fight again, she never tanks Doomsday, her gear protects her.

Titan put it best.
>Just because bullets bounce off me doesn't mean they feel like back rubs.

Yeah, Diana could probably tank it, but why would she when she has a way to block the bullets without any of the pain associated with doing so?

Because she couldn't take them to the body and be fine until she unlocked God mode near the end.
Afterwards she just can.

Like, are you serious? Not only is she slower and weaker, if Superman gets ONE (1) shot with his pinky finger he will kill her. If you're telling me she can block every single attempt, then you are delusional

If anything, that'd be a reason NOT to block them.
If every badguy did this, then they wouldn't be shooting at those who would get hurt by bullets.

Superman is a pussy and jobs to everyone. Like Hell he could take on Wonder Woman.

>Why did she block bullets when she could probably take them to the body and be fine?

to lose less HP

But Alfred pumps the tires, right?

Ever seen him pump the tires?

go back to tumblar kid or actually read a comic

I could see this ad being a real thing.

I'd rather stay here and read you being butthurt, emasculated superfag.

I know it's still kinda dumb, but it's worth noting that pretty much all of wonder woman's powers come from magic, so they don't actually have to be consistent with regular physics

she can have some magic blessing or equipment or whatever that makes her super resilient to blunt force, but doesn't particularly have much effect on bullets and blades

also even kryptonians in MoS could be hurt by bullets of a high-enough caliber (thinking about when that one bad guy got shot by a plane), so even if diana can shrug off handguns like BB bellets she still needs to be wary of machine gun fire

Because she saw her Amazon aunt get shot and die? And she didn't know she was part god?

But who pumps Batman?

If you watch the movie, she is still vulnerable to piercing attacks, such as when an arrow at the beginning of the movie cut her. She heals super fast but can be killed by them.

>As fast and strong as Clark

No way she is even in the same league speed wise.

Strength wise she might be in the same league the same way the bat boy and Barry Bonds are in the same league. Superman strength is calculated as equal to the threat +1

Even if it doesn't kill her it'd probably hurt, and slow her down. Besides, rule of cool says if you CAN blocks bullets, you should.

This user gets it.


Yes, but she wouldn't expose herself to bullets if she didn't know.

Anyway, that's irrelevant for what says. You need to pay attention to stuff.

No, Harold does.

control the angle of deflection

Unless against Doomsday or any Daxamite.


World of cardboard speech

What kind of retard would let themselves get shot why they know from experience bullets can hurt them? Maybe you should try it user, you could totally be bullet proof too

She is not bulletproof.

>germans are bad
>missing the entire point of the movie this hard

>block bullets with your wrists
>you have a shield on your back


That's really stupid considering she goes toe to toe with Superman level beings.
I feel like this is just an excuse for the Bracelets.

Diana didn't even know she was half-god until Ares told her. She thought she was just a particularly badass Amazon warrior, and until she awakened her god-mode that's pretty much all she was.

goddess of war, only war gives her power hence she overpowered the villain in the end, she earns powers like RPG in her story(ies)

>Expecting complaining anons to have watched/read the things they complain about

i agree with you. I imagine a punch from superman carries much much more force than a bullet does albeit the latter is piercing. A punch that can destroy and crumple cars would absolutely mush organs that can be pierced by a bullet

What..? She's not the God of war, what the fuck are you talking about?

Yes but it's just one of the many things you have to accept about comics powers.

Superman could not lift giant things like planes or buses without them falling apart, but we accept it because the alternative is trying to explain it with horseshit like "tactile telekinesis".

>but the physics don't make sense
Because it's a fantasy story, user. What makes thematic sense is more important than what makes scientific sense.

The point of Morrison's anecdote being that it doesn't really matter unless it becomes relevant to the the story.

Adults who are interested in fantastical stuff often get obsessed with minutiae and miss the thematic and symbolic drives behind those stories.

>A punch that can destroy and crumple cars would absolutely mush organs that can be pierced by a bullet
Not if the harm comes from the symbolism that the bullet imparts.



>Diana is injured by a bullet earlier in the movie
>proceeds to tank a building falling on her, probably at least one bullet flying at her from an entire trench of german soldiers, and Ares flinging her across an airstrip
>"n-no you see, she developed her god powers over the course of a few days going against soldiers who caused absolutely no problem for her for 90% of the movie"

Could be. Maybe gods make a conscious decision to be immortal and invulnerable, if she never found out her true heritage she may have kept aging.


>Why do you use umbrella and wear raincoat in heavy rain when water can't harm you?
Not really considering they make the tip of bullet blunt to cause more trauma force when it drills into the body. If the tip is sharp likely the bullet will overpenetrate and causes less damage.

She goes to all the trouble of bathing in Palestinian children's blood to give her healthy skin, so why shouldn't she avoid unsightly lead smears?

She fought Clark to a stalemate for a hundred years.

ignoring the story being told to you to focus on what the story isn't telling you is like getting on a helicopter and then bitching that it can't go underwater

This is the dumbest aspect of Goku
>tanks punches by Frieza and smiles while getting slammed into a wall or whatever
>gets shot

It's fucking stupid, just make him invincible so I don't have to do mental gymnastics. Yes, I understand about the cut/pierce, but the physics don't make sense

That speech would have a lot more weight if SUperman had not been BTFO right afterwards.


Imagine shooting at someone only to have them knock the bullets out of the air.

It's an ingrained part of her fetish origins that she's vulnerable to penetration and bondage.

It's because Snyder wasn't directing. No one else cares about having "bulletproof mythology" like he does. That's why nearly every movie has plotholes while his doesn't.

>That's why nearly every movie has plotholes while his doesn't.

Wouldn't it be more intimidating to tank the bullets? That would scare me more

I don't know if she has enough boob for that

I feel like it could have been shown better at some point, because she had an injury that was treated and got better fairly quickly after the beach fight, before she went to see Steve, but something like shrapnel piercing or scratching her and her healing quickly would have made a good enough point. She is skilled enough to dodge/deflect them, sure, but that does leave the nagging question.

it's ki things

They went to the trouble of showing amazons dying to gunshots, you'd think the audience would pick up on "they maybe bullets hurt her"

user, I'll let you in on a little secret

Most people don't understand physics

I'd say that would be fair if she was an amazon and not a god/demigod.

To be fair about the first doomsday fight Clark was all

>I cannot kill something no matter what

And then he realized if he doesn't stop Doomsday it will kill everything he loves so with his remaining strength he +1 doomsday but it was too little to late.

Then every fight afterwards was either even or Superman holding back until the end where he trounced him.

Or how about the fact they went through the trouble of showing a bullet grazing her causing damage. She literally was wounded by a bullet first fight scene, and she healed quickly.

I swear it is like people don't watch or read comics.

Yeah, but then we got "only a god can kill a god" line later in the film.

Grant Morrison's quote would hold more weight, if it wasn't for the fact that kids also ask really stupid fucking questions too.

These two fail at reading comprehension. Diana learned the extent of her powers at the end of the movie, but she didn't have to "learn" shit in regards to how well she can resist damage. She was as tough at the end of the movie, as she was at the beginning. Meaning that a bullet is just as dangerous to her as it always was.

Yeah so? She isn't a full God. She is a Demi God.

underrated reference

honestly? this

Out of every question that nerds ask, this has to be by far the worst one.

It's on the same tier of moronic as asking why she uses a jet if she can fly.