Yuletide Edition >Upcoming Releases:swbooks.net /updates/release-2017.htm
>Out this Week: Darth Vader #1 - The Chosen One - Part I (June 7) Rogue One #3 - (June 7)
>Star Wars: The Last Jedi traileryoutube.com /watch?v=zB4I68XVPzQ
>Star Wars: Rebels - The Final Seasonyoutube.com /watch?v=-b7GAhnVwhA
>Battlefront 2 trailer:youtube.com /watch?v=Kae-JjbLsgA
>Download links: (Check here for new Rebels Episodes + Books, Comics, Films, etc)pastebin.com /nWsKtSya
>Canon Guide:docs.google.com /spreadsheets/d/1t1KovH_1GYLDTAe3yrleeWiuzwulm670o_anQqr5Rcg/pubhtml
>Legends Recommendation List:docs.google.com /document/d/147N5EgCnZmcPaDYvnGQwl9cn7BhBroFb7mD2C4cmWb0/edit?usp=sharing
June 9, 2017 - 12:48
What is she looking at, /swco/?
June 9, 2017 - 12:49
>no profundity get this out of date shit out of here also check the scale inset - ISD (1600m) = 326 pixels, Home One = 392 pixels 392 / 326 = ~1.2 1.2 x 1600 gives a length for Home One of approximately 1920 meters
June 9, 2017 - 13:11