They snatched him up without ever thinking why Marvel didn't want him

>They snatched him up without ever thinking why Marvel didn't want him
I'm worried /dc/bros

why it's not like he's gonna fuck up your shitty franchise even worse

at this point it's impossible

Has a thread with "I'm worried (series/company)bros" ever been made by a genuine fan of the series/company?

I just want good DC films, user. Zack Snyder gone is a plus, but this is so much worse.

What the fuck? Is his brain just a cylinder?

>Whedon worse than Snyder

lol nah, especially with Geoff Johns watching his every move

What, you don't want Superman and Batman quipping? If Snyder is responsible for half of JL, and Whedon the other half, it might create a good balance.
Or it could be a complete fucking mess. We'll have to wait and see.

Am I right, guise?

Have you SEEN the trailer? Empty CG environments and QUIPS GALORE!!

Whedon had to deal with Ike at top while making AoU. I don't blame him for not wanting to continue.

Then again. Trying to make a film that's more subversion and bending expectaions was stupid. The whole hawkeye-QS, Widow-banner, ultron-memes and.... blah blah..... idk. fuck whedon.