Are the DC movies going to show famous events from the comics? If not I don't actually see a point in watching them...

Are the DC movies going to show famous events from the comics? If not I don't actually see a point in watching them. I want to see a live action Crisis on Infinite Earths, not the retarded contrived shit Hollywood makes as an excuse to have Batman and Superman fight.

>Are the DC movies going to show famous events from the comics?
They already have.

Like what?

Crisis worked thematically as a comics- exclusive thing, really. You could have Barry sacrifice himself, but it doesn't have the context of years of history and iconography, and how it symbolizes the Silver Age's closure. A big part of Crisis too was seeing these characters for what could be the last time.

It'd have the same impact as TDKR elements in BvS did to a lesser degree as it probably wouldn't be as poorly directed.

I don't think you could do COIE properly unless you'd already had a large number of movies featuring other earths.

Unless they want to try combining their TV-verses into it. Even then there's still many characters that they haven't used yet. Are those ones just going to show up onscreen for the first time in COIE?

Obviously not right away but after several years and movies having it could work, also bringing in the TV show characters would be great

>as it probably wouldn't be as poorly directed.
What about the TDKR allusions in BvS were poorly done?

There's been enough movies. GL and Catwoman Earths getting destroyed would just be funny. Routh could be SBP. Shit would be great.

>he doesn't know Frank Miller

Except it wasn't like TDKR at all except they fought a bit.

Film is visual. Comics are visual. The fight had TDKR esque visuals.

That wasn't an event. Dark Knight Returns is a non-canon storyline that has far too strong of a grip on the comics industry.

>Dark Knight Returns is a non-canon storyline

So is Batman V Superman

really made me think

You are an idiot if you think BvS was a film DKR because they had one fight scene that was sort of similar

Thematically they didn't quite jive. In TDKR, everybody was past their prime, not just Batman. It wasn't that he was coming out of retirement, it was that he was bringing new hope with him, and bringing back the capes. BvS misses that by seeing it as just "Batman's brutal, and needs to see the light again" when a big part of TDKR was that he WAS that light.
Similarly, the Nuke. Superman taking the blast was much more significant in TDKR because it was a crucial part of showing how he had changed. Here, it's something he would do any day of the week. He's Superman, in his prime. It doesn't have the same impact it did in the comic.

An apt comparison would be when a movie references famous paintings, like Watchmen's The Last Supper, or the Birth of Venus getting posed in a movie. It rarely means anything outside of being there for coolness.

>Here, it's something he would do any day of the week.
I thought the narrative was that DCEU Supes doesn't save people.
Did you guys finally drop that tack?

So you're saying that TDKR shits on Supes while BvS shits on Batman?

Not that user, but BvS doesn't really shit on Batman. It just throws his usual character out of the picture and makes him a bloodthirsty manic.

>I want to see a live action Crisis on Infinite Earth

I literally cannot think of a harder event to pull off

>He doesn't know that it's canon that Superman threw that fight

Outside of that one panel of Bruce decking Clark, it doesn't really shit on him. He has a lot of awesome moments and his return was about as hype as Batman's.

>it doesn't really shit on him.
It makes him a government stooge.

Do you know how difficult a live action version of Crises on Infinite Earths would be?