How brown is too brown Sup Forums?

How brown is too brown Sup Forums?

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I think any shade of brown is fine. What people don't like is the protruding underbite a lot of Africans have.

>>too brown

When it no longer gives me an erection.

There's no such thing as too brown.

When it’s crispy.

No such thing.

When they're noticably african

Otherwise, there's no limit

Anything higher than 5 is too brown.

36 is a healthy skin colour

Am I racist for wanting people with 36 to mate with eachother and in time grow blue people.

Buddy I'd fuck a girl so black she bent light around her if she didn't look like a fucking monkey

Go back to Sup Forums

Nah, that is how dog breeds started, selecting by sexual preference

As long as they don't have nappy hair

I'm far mor concearned about her painfully foreshortened left arm.

As long as they look like white people but brown, I'm fine with it.

There is no such thing. Fuck off back to Sup Forums.

>sexual preference

This is false.

If the reaction to the Black Panther trailer is any indication, anything browner than a ginger.

I know just the guy to fix that.

>Dem niggas so black they actually blue

da fuck? are people this stupid?

yes...yes they are

>tfw all the way up to 34

Gimme all dat delicious brown while you stick with the albinos.

This is the worst kind of brow people

anything that is too dark that you can no longer see their veins is gross!

>>too brown
No such thing.

Most sensible answer

>Unironically liking nigger facial features

If she's not white she's not right

California Gold and Bedouin Dreams are literally perfect

Rosewater > Okinawan > powergap > the rest

Why do most of them have shovel faces?


It's called "Japanimation"

This. It's not the colour, but the features.

