/CTG/ Channel-tans General

The Electric Sheep Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember that time the title was the drawthread title


not sure how I feel about this perspective but I really like the filename

Welcome to /CTG/!

Do Channels Dream of Revival Sheep?

>C-SPAN looking for some good pantyshot

That sure is a low angle.

hello hello /ctg/!

when it happened, at the beginning?

btw, sup deida and nice pic.

What exactly is happening? It looks like she's spying on the alphabet sisters.

They are ascending to a new existential plane!

She must film everything that's the only way to prove the truth behind those shady deals

They dream about their upcoming reboots that's for sure, at least that's what CN does

Probably something illegal

Very late but here's a thing for you guys. Happy Belated Anniversary, /CTG/

Shit son that's pretty gud

Is that supposed to be Jetix-tan?

prettty good stuff, my friend.

I missed last weekend thread so this is a nice surprise to me

Is that Boomerang-tan in the Cindy Bear costume?


Why do you people still exist?

Needs more PBS.


CN as Black Hat, Disney as 505, Nick as Dementia and Toony as Dr Flug

That is a very good pic my dude, I like how you mixed the traits of each character

Do you have a nick or page, user? this is freaking cool, good job

I guess this is part of a new series because this literally reminds me Bourne Legacy

What about Disney? she is following the new CN formula but at least the Ducktales reboot series looks good


This is one of the best crossovers I've ever seen in my life. 10/10

Here you go!

I'm gone for likely the rest of the day so here's some lewds



Funny thing, I had a dream where C-SPAn was a member of a secret organization along with Foxtel, AT & T, CBS, Hulu and 20th. In my dream I saw a scene similar to this, something frightening if you ask me.

that's a Disney thing to be honest. they always bring back their best shows to the new generations.

example: A Goofy Movie

Good shit mate, have a nice rest

I'll offer you my cat if you draw some cute hand holding between Hulu and Fox

TB you're cheating, my dong wasn't ready!

>The SPAN-Supremacy

And I'll draw cat in if you draw some more Amazon.

Hi there, guys.

Here's typical day for 2x2, where she must air cartoons that she never aired since the last time. She really hates that job.

I must say russian tv is better than polish tv, yesterday I watched old Dexter's Lab episodes on russian CN stream. I felt like my childhood is back.

Just spend morning watching Slacker Cats on 2x2 live stream, last week I was suprised that all episodes are now on glorious HD. I'm goddamn happy.

Best thing ever made.

Ahoy here.

I am not sure if they are walking on water, it could be a glass floor.

Jokes on you that's my fetish!

G4 suffering saga goes beyond our main universe

Howdy Ho, Perla!

Remember 2x2, You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

sup necro!

poor 2x2, also sup perla!

have an idol!sony spin. not coloured as my scanner fucked the lineart.

At least she listens to her audience, not like our local channels. You have no idea how many times I've seen the original Scooby-Doo series.

She's fine lune don't worry, russians are strong people, that's why they have bears instead of dogs


>The SPAN-Supremacy

don't worry, sony spin knows all the dark secrets of axn. so, she knows what that red stuff is.

Russians have a lot of old shows due to the iron curtain, so now they try to show the youngsters as much as possible.

I like the way you think, Necro. but which cat, the big one of the tiny red one?

Back when Nick was "edutainment".

>In Soviet Russia you have good TV.

Oh dear lord yes! more retro Nick! She's cute, Durian!

On a related note, here's something of significantly lower quality!

I actually started making this maybe 10 months ago but completely forgot about it and tried to finish it in time for the anniversary, buuuuuut I was tied up doing other shit that weekend...


user i don't know who are you but this is a nice gift thanks for share it with us

Back when the slime was a luxury like they only used slime for two shows, now there's slime everywhere

Oh, hi, Durian. Sure Nick was educational and fun back in the 80's.


so smol...

those days are gone, sadly.

She's naked behind that logo right?

I miss the old interactive games on Nick every Saturday morning, you had to get your own phone to play one of those but hell it was fun

That or pasties looking like "C" and "N", might need to do that later...

You nailed the retro screenshot effect

Requesting the big three in different stages of Robotization by some devices that plug into their victims' nipples and vaginas, with CN in the early stage, Disney Channel in mid stage, and Nick in late stage/completely roboticized.


That's still part of it, though only in apps.

Simple and clean, I like it user
I wonder, this is a wip or are you going to try to animated something else?

Fuck TB you know my weakness... good shit

bullshit mate im amazed you did a little gif with cn, congrats

I could probably do more when I have the time, but time seems to be the key thing I lack these days.

I should definitely make time though...
Thanks, and nice quads there.

CN Tan Kill La Kill style XD

So 2x2 hates reruns? but why they're a great way to show your friends new series, etc

also I never miss my favorite episodes when they show reruns on "x" channel

bless you, am.
this is g o o d s h i t.

First, good morning mister Madness and now, HOLY SHIT!



I agree that they used to have more content like this but I think Nick now does it subliminally, it's more fun that way.

She would air The Simpsons every day since it's it channel's fan-favorite, hell, even they air marathons of this show.

Chack the TV schedule here: 2x2tv.ru/schedule/

AM you absolute madman, you're unstoppable!
P.S I love you

dubs and quads, impressive

For real user this is nice I wish I could animate something with CN but hey at least there's cool guys like you

The good old times, when Clarissa Explains It All was their biggest hit

Now imagine this with either Disney or Nick

They've a good schedule, very pop culture-ish but with good shows


Same question user is there a site where I can find more of your stuff?

So hot... Nice.

I gotta say, this rainbow scheme is quite cool

a sort of magnum opus for me, as i never draw all those characters together.
my main -tans, guys.

Pretty cool thing, lune.

Back when she was more a nerd she still a nerd but now more like the geek kind of nerd, they also had Face. a Mr. Roger for the yongiest

I tho this was a Lenten Corps reference due to the colors, nice stuff lune

thanks perla!
i was inspired from what you did last week with your tans, but i did it differently.

well, i'm not very keen on dc, so i'm not well aware of the lantern corps, i stop to green lantern. but thank you!


>Dementia Nick has a Zim hoodie
>Disney is the fucking bear

My favorite to be honest is CN, I love girls on suit and tie.

My favorite is AXN, please don't kill me

don't worry, i lov him.

I'm pretty sure somewhere there's a guy with a foot and giantess fetish, he must be really happy right now

No I mean, I don't want to be ate... he's cool but you know, cannibals are emotionless

That's true and they released a couple of new videos for the new Ducktales series. They look cool.

aaaaah. i know that he's a cannibal, he has a goo facade tho.