A figure comes into your room and shits on your chest...

A figure comes into your room and shits on your chest, your eyes are a a bit hazy but when they focus you notice it's this person, what do?

Wasn't Rachel canonically murdered?

Nah, they put her on hiatus because Ben would Chronically masturbate in the office to her storyboard art pictures and that was a major problem, so when he learned to control his urges they'd let her back, it was recent that they tested the waters and mention her, so she might be back is Ben is a good boy.

She was one of the world's mistakes.

Ben would take of his shirt and come at you for saying shit about his honey buns.

I wonder how Tobias would react to knowing Gumball, Darwin, and Mr. Small went into purgatory to get fucking Molly but left his sister in there.

You do know she isn't in the void, when she was mentioned by carrie, recently, right?

taze them

one flashback four seasons later isn't enough to convince me she isn't delet

and besides, the void is a metaphor for characters being written off the show, which she absolutely was.

are all animators autistic perverts?

She wouldn't even be remembered, and ben even said that she was temporarily put off the show because of his sick sexual obsession.

sounds like a mistake to me.

First Ben Bocquelet and that Jared guy with blossom, I'd say yes

I bet Rachel made baby brother cum in her guts when she got in the mood.

Wait, what? When was that?

Spank her, tape her diaper back on, stick her in her crib, then take a shower.

Nigga, dont tell me that you believe in the meme.

All it takes is someone saying that is the creator, for you to believe that he is the creator?

In this case, I am Patrick McHale, the guy that created Over the Garden Wall. Ask me anything.

Dude, that rumor has been circulating since 2015, it's not just some meme you dip. If you go to his twitter he deletes it immediately. There's been overwhelming evidence.

Show the evidence them.

Plenty of anons have it screen capped, I'm sure they'll provide.

I think it would be neat to see her in the void, and whether she's all glitchified like Rob was

I would so fucking eat every ounce of that Rainbow bitch's shit. Nothing gets me hard than eating that honey's yesterday's meal. I'd eat that shit like groceries, Ben's got competition, he betta back the fuck back, that blue fudge pucker is mine to claim.

Which episode?

Please go away Ben

It's funny... and pathetic because it really is him.

>Ben is sexually attracted to Rachel
Is this true or are you fags joking?

Spoonfeed me like a little baby on this Ben guy and why this connects to some one off character

Ben Bocquelet is the show's creator

yes. the only people that would deny this are autistic perverts in denial.


I also want to know this.

this is the first time I've ever heard of ben wanting to fuck her. and even then, I don't see why he'd remove her from the show just because of that.

Because he was harrassing A voice Actress over it, and he was caught masturbating publicly to the picture of rachel in the studio

>Glitchy Rachel

I didn't know I wanted this

The official explanation is that "Ben and the writers hated the Rachel character" so where's the proof of Ben fapping to Rachel?

She was referenced in The Matchmaker.

Yeah, because They'd be honest over an embarrassing thing like him wanting to fuck his drawing. and never try to cover the truth with something less fucked up like a uncreative "don't like the character"GTFO gullible bastard.

It don't even make a lick of sense to not like your own character you made, they can easily change her character if that was the case, stop denying it.
