All-Star Superman Storytime

This is gonna be my first time storytiming something so if I keep fucking shit up, just remember I'm a newfag.





And here we go actually starting the first issue.


I'll give you a bump for the best Superman story

I'll probably be storytiming the first six chapters on this thread, and then I'll start a new one so we won't be reaching the image limit on either thread.

Thanks user.


I know most anons here have probably read this many times, but even if this gets only one person to read it for the first time, I'm happy with it.

Also, even if you've read it before, there's no harm in reading this beauty again anons.





bumping for OP

This bomb dude steals the show with that one fucking line of dialogue man. Is it an SJW? Is it a terrorist monster? Is it Luthor taking the piss? I just love it.

Thanks for the bump user.

I feel like I'm gonna be needing many more bumps in the future, so if you're reading, don't forget to bump guys.


I'll bump. I've never read this before but I've heard good things about it.


You the real MVP, faganon. Maybe you're not such a fag after all.
Buckle up, buckaroo.

Welcome aboard user, hope you'll like it.

Thanks user, I'm only half a fag anyway. Just took the name cause I didn't wanna storytime without a name. It's easier this way for people to find it on desu in the future, if anyone ever looks for it.





Here we go with #2.





I forgot how well Morrison did the Clark/Lois dynamic in this series.

Okay, to be fair, she's got a point here.
Supes had been kind of a dick about that way back in the past.



You are a great person.



I loved the giant key, but super-heavy small key is alright too.

Thanks user, I was actually thinking of storytiming some Donald Duck stuff at first because it's his birthday, but I didn't have any Donald stuff at hand so I decided to go with All-Star Superman instead.





I love these next few pages where Lois is just paranoid as fuck.








And here we go with #3 also known as, "just Super-Lois having fun and me loving reading it".







bumping for OP


Thanks for the bump, I really appreciate it.















Thanks, OP. Keep up the good work.


You're welcome user, and thanks for the bump. But actually; I'll be taking a short break here, like a five to ten minute break or so, but after that I'll be back with #4.

And I'm back! I just went to take a piss.









I'm also a newanon from December. Think myself as a fuckig casual but I completely forgot I read this before in the library! It's a very interesting run. And also very very blasphemous



Thanks for the bump user, hope you have fun reading it again.


