Weekend Sup Forums creation thread

Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.

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Last weekend's thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Last time:

-New GG scripts
-More updates on The Lovely Ladybug Summer Special
-The script for Rage Racer issue #1 is finished, more-or-less
-More about Rocket boy, who still lacks any visual representation
-Talked about Premier Comics a little bit
-New characters
-The color pallets for the Trine characters got finalized (pic related)
-Other stuff I didn't mention

It amuses me that Sup Forumslette wears less in her normal outfit than in a swimsuit

Hey guys. Not much RR to give today. It's been a combination of work and lack of steam for editing. To help get myself out of my rut I've been working on snippets for other stories I plan to add in later. So far I have Mellows intro and how Rowan met Thomas.

I called in sick today so I have some time to write and spitball.

Speaking of Mellow;s intro I have a question. I've read through the wiki for him and it seems that he was a model patient until he finality decides to kill everyone and heads to the US. However I feel showing a good patient doesn't quite make for a worthwhile use of panel space. No one would really mind if I divert from that, right?

You don't actually need to show any of his escape, just have him monologue to his underlings about his childhood, commitment to the institution, being experimented on, and then escaping.

You don't even need to go into detail about any of that.

Well I guess that would be easier, but just feel keen on having him be introduced at the end of a few stories since I plan on his 1st encounter with RR to be an arc finale. Giving his childhood story to the hired help would be a good idea, though.

Upon some more thought I may have found a middle ground. Maybe my snippets could be near the final days and he starts to show a bit of rebellion, but it's small things.

As soon as that chip was put in his head and he was able to think clearly, he immediately began working on his escape plan. Being a model patient was all just part of the plan.

Just because he was no longer capable of feeling anger does not mean his previous thoughts and memories vanished, it just means he is able to look at his objectives more rationally and with new perspective to actually devise effective ways to accomplish them.

Before, he was a lunatic with crippling anger issues that prevented him from accomplishing anything. Now he is a lunatic capable of putting the thought needed into working towards the goals he has set for himself.

That's a bit of what I had in mind. I had something along the lines of:

> because of good behavior, a gaurd let's him watch the news in the security room , where MM is introduced to RR. Rest of security takes away MM with nothing more than a slap on the wrists

> During lunch or something, MM overhears the same guard remark on MM's fascination with RR. MM admits to wanting to meet RR. Someone tells MM how long it will be before he's released. MM internally remarks that's too long.

>Issue begins with the janitor finding the staff in a bloody pile. shift to an airport where a attendant remarks "Sidney" being from Europe. MM drops the "wanting to meet people" line

Looking through Laura's wiki page got me thinking: Once she joins the Collective, I assume that she would want a new suit? She only wore her current design because she was intending to follow the same path as her older sister, but now that she realizes that wasn't her path, I'd think a new suit would symbolize such.

Now that Sup Forumsco/ is gone, is this the most autistic thread in all of Sup Forums?

>ded thread
>one guy desperately trying to keep it afloat

Just go to deviantart you manchild fuckwit Jesus Christ

I like it. It gives him an actual reason for being where RR is.

Would she even wear a super suit after getting what is the equivalent of a desk job?

I believe she would be out on the field, since her job is to talk to troubled superpowered youths; she wont be behind the desk all the time.

Also her powerset can easily lead to wardrobe malfunctions, so she'd need something during work. Also I imagine she was proud of her first suit, since she wanted to showcase her admiration of her sister and her lifestyle. I'd think she want a new suit for her new gig, if at least to show off. I'd think this one would lack a mask this time around.

>still the same two autists
Give it up.

Are you thinking different colors or just a different design?

How much notoriety did Stretch get during her escapades?

I figured she could keep the scheme but change the design. If she feels like, maybe she can have her suit similar to Sup Forumslette's to signify their past rivalry.

She had enough notoriety to be known, but not enough to be feared. When most see her, they are likely to remember her for being Ma'am's ''support'' that one time, which peeves her to no end.

These threads are embarrassing. It's nothing but fetish shit and garbage "writing".

You know you're bad when even the OC superhero universes thread has better ideas than your shit thread.

You planning on sketching any designs?

Yeah, it's pretty bad. It's just the two guys talking only to each other and trying to keep the thread alive because everyone else wised up and left.

Not an artist unfortunately so no sketches from me. Stating this just as a new point of interest since everything for her first story arc is laid out

Her current design amounts to a black rubber suit with red rubber bands all over it.

If there's a design change after her actual plot is done, then what's replacing the rubber bands?

Also, lot of shit posting this weekend. Best to ignore them.

Well is there differences between her and her sisters powers? maybe go off of that?

Not sure that was entirely discussed but here is the way I see it:

Blackstrap is more like Elastigirl from DC in which along with stretching can also enlarge her limbs giving her a more menacing presence.

Stretcherous is closer to Elastigirl from the Incredibles where she has some shapeshifting but more of an elongating type. Doesn't put as much as fear as her older sister does.

So neither are Plastic Man tier.

The thing I've wondered is what's the recoil like for them? Is it actually like rubber where it snaps back into form or is it more like silly putty?

So then the main thing that all shape shifters have is a memorable pattern that seems to stay no matter how one contorts themselves. (Plastic man a perfect example) Perhaps more prominent red?

Maybe not a full on costume, but she'd definitely need an outfit that wouldn't be a hindrance to using her powers.

Both have some to an extent. Haley would have more brute strength while Laura possesses better snapback. Makes holding her opponents easier.

Black was the major color for her first suit so perhaps white will work. Maybe she rips off Collettes and says she forgot.
Maybe a two part suit with exposed midriff.

I still don't really see the need for a new suit when she changes professions.

Let's roll back the clock to what is tentatively "issue 3". Stretch had just done a lab raid with Bombastic and parted ways with him, now she's following a lead that takes her to Ma'm Aries.

What's the venue for that?

>I still don't really see the need for a new suit when she changes professions.

The Collective is anti-superhero/supervillain, and wants to integrate people with powers into regular society. I don't think they'd be fond of people wearing their costumes, preferring mostly normal clothing just tailored to accommodate their powers.

Does madam Aries have a base of sorts? I envision her staying out at a suite she got through a job when Stretch shows up. Either that or she intercepts her when she is on a job.

To determine how her attire looks for her specifications would require to know the dress code of the group first.

It seems we only ever see Ma'm Aries when she's doing a job. We hardly ever discuss where she resides at between them.

I think she owns a blimp or something, so that could be filled with who knows what and be located wherever we need it to be.

The fact that she owns a blimp, no matter how gimmicky is probably is, makes me want to see air ship to air ship combat against Svarog Darko's Pyrodactyls air pirates.

Do we have any interest from drawfags to take a shot at Rocket Boy?

How would they even make the material that can stretch and distort as much as her?

Even if she was coated in body paint, the paint would still crack as she stretches.

It seems more like the outfit is a limiter, even the super suit.

Though I guess that isn't really all that important.

Damn. Slow thread yoday

I'd take a crack at scripting the Lucia GG strip idea, but I know jack about clothing alteration, so I wouldn't be able to properly script her actions.

The only real visual cue needed is her sitting with a sewing machine with some fabric.

The strip itself I think just serves to introduce who the character is, with her letting out Audrey's clothing as a backdrop.

Sure, why not, give me the overview.

From what I can find

>In small town Kansas a young boy is out late helping his father get the cows put away in the barn. As the young boy struggles to get the stubborn cow to move, he and the cow are covered in a blinding beam of light. The boy and the cow disappear as a large UFO flies away into the night sky.
>The boy should be dressed like a 1950s kid with rolled jean legs and a tucked in flannel t shirt. His hair should be a styled comb over.

If there was any decision on what he ends up wearing after escaping the aliens, then I haven't seen it.
I just know he and the cow have matching space outfits.

so country bumpkin dress with a shiny rocket pack on his back?

>How would they even make the material that can stretch and distort as much as her?

Our "Unstable Molecules" level BS material seems to be clothing produced by Delta who also ends up working with The Collective.

Have we even decided the look on the rocket pack?

That's not a whole lot to work with appearance wise.

I gathered it was something of an Adam Strange look. A 50s retro-sci-fi thing.

It's a nice start at least. The idea is still in its infancy.

I'm pretty sure the idea was leading into some Flash Gorden/Adam Strange material, but to be honest, I really wasn't paying too close attention to it all.

The only real hook I feel it has right now is 'cow in a 1950s sci-fi space suit with rockets on all four of its legs'.

Other than that, I feel it will be more hindered by trying to keep it as a GG spin-off.

>Other than that, I feel it will be more hindered by trying to keep it as a GG spin-off.
It doesn't really need to be acknowledged as such. GG's an in-Sup Forumsverse comic book; Rocket Boy would just be another comic published by the same company.

While we talk designs. What about DiAN? I was thinking basing her look on a 50s actress RB had a crush on. My vote on Grace Kelly

I like this. Its gets the point across as this kid started out as a rancher and is now thrust out into the endless galaxy. He should feel out of place and look the part as well. As for his space suit and rocket I think he should have an Adam Strange or Rocketeer look to his rocket pack. Let's start with his head. In thinking a brunette 50's parted style and some sort of goggles/eye wear.

Sup Forumslette should be in a sling bikini.

This is bullshit.

DiAN scans RB and gets details about his first celebrity crush. I'm seeing her looking like a mix between Grace Kelly and Cortana from the Halo games

That's the idea!

Like I said, I wasn't really paying much attention to the Rocket Boy discussion.

Do you have a summary on DiAN? Just in passing, what I noticed was she was some kind of AI built into a suit or a ship or something working to keep the kid alive.

Sling bikinis do not have boob windows.

DiAN is an alien A.I. and is installed in the alien ship that RB and UFB escape in. She scans RB and slowly begins to develop her speech and human avatar while interacting with RB.

The two piecer is fine. But, why is she wearing those stockings on the beach?

Nice, the thread's still here.
Have some random fanart.

Chicken Divine, Evillette, and Ma'am, right?


Noice. Also

>that link

That caught me off gaurd


I wonder how Ma'm gets along with the Vixen Six.

Nice, always good to see new content.

All the more interesting when she does confront her for the first time; it can be anywhere.

Speaking of Ma'am, nice!

I assume her blimp has 2 balloons?

Stretch will have no problem finding her if that's the case.

I think having a blimp outside of a football stadium area would give it away first.

But where is the venue?

Ma'm is holding a grudge against Blackstrap, so what did she get away with?

No one has ever discussed it.

I'd imagine the interior looks like something out of a 1960s/70s spy movie.

Oh, something else I noticed is that Motion has been getting discussed a couple of times in other threads recently.

Reminded me I needed to update the wiki page to include a link to the comic that actually did get drawn a couple years back.

Well, here's a bump before bed.

Hopefully tomorrow will be more active.

Rocket Boy should have an emblem on his space suit. Lightning or flame?


Maybe she stole Ma'am's stolen goods and couldn't be caught because Blackstrap literally slipped past her fingers.

There isn't much interest in Rocket Boy is there?

So what new method did Ma'm come up with to keep a stretchy opponent from doing that again?

What's his hook? What's the idea's primary joke?

Hah, exactly.

Probably what leads to this

Does the cow have a name?


Space Cow eh?

Also more work in progress. Recently made revisions to make the design more consistent. Working on typeset placement at the moment. Looks like some compromised need to be made.

Huh, I kept thinking that sister was Springtime up until now.

Probably because I thought Tersia was smaller than that.

That's a really good design

I don't think it has a primary joke behind it. Its a episodic adventure sci fi comic. A small town rancher kid going through alien space exploration.

Unless he's riding the cow through alien tom-fuckery like he's at a space rodeo then it doesn't come off as interesting enough to really stick.

Just saying "space adventures" does not give it any real sense of adventure. Give him a goal to work towards, or a threat to thwart on the regular, or just something to add some flair to it.

Make a joke about aliens not having any defenses against cows or something.

Right now the idea is suffering greatly from being generic.

But how did she grab her in the first place?

Id say Stretch was careless. Blackstrap is a professional who knows what she can and can't do. Laura however is new at this and tends to over estimate herself.

I'm just trying to get someone else to think out the fight for a change.

How about Stretch sneaks into Ma'am's living pad and thinks she is greying the sneak attack on her. But Ma'am saw this coming so when Stretch is sliding under the door, Aries strikes, subduing and tying her up.

That could happen later.

First, Stretch has to find Ma'm, she probably tails her after a job back to wherever it is she lives at.

Then she gets caught.

Though to keep some action, she should squirm out of that and try to say what she came to say before Ma'm ties her into support.

It really depends what type of tone we want. Hell, Ma'm could've been in the shower and mistaken Stretch as a towel.
Ma'm wouldn't have her super strength at the time, so it gives Stretch some time to actually speak.

Or not, really, it just depends on if it needs to be funny or fighty.

Liking the first option. Also showing that Ma'am was waiting for her reinforces her beef with Blackstrap. So yeah some fight was intended beforw Stretch fills the support role.

So Ma'm has just stolen something (unimportant).
Stretch follows her, stretching into the shape of trees, rocks, cars, shadows all while tailing her.
I'm imagining Ma'm jumps into a canyon near the end of this and Stretch follows.
At this point she loses sight of Ma'm before noticing a hatch or a door or a big oddly shaped rock formation with a door on it (blimb covered in camo).
Stretch tries slipping under it?

Aside from her shapeshifting abilities (last time I checked she wasn't plastic man so she can assume simple shapes like Helen Parr), that's a solid start to Laura hunting the thief down. And yeah she is capable of thinning herself to go under things.

So Ma'm takes off to keep Stretch from escaping, but Stretch does the whole gliding thing before Ma'm falls after her like a bomb.

Trying to keep the thread up since it seems to drop to page 10 every time I leave it alone for even an hour.


Goal: Get home. Just because he can escape a UFO doesn't mean he know's where earth is or if "Earth" is even the name the aliens have for it.

Threat: Those aliens want their ship back. they send different mercs every once in awhile. Other than that maybe have him needing to refuel and explore what nearby that way.

So what is he doing in space then?

What's the stage? The ship? Some space station? A trade planet? I mean, come on, he has to be hitting up some place for information to get his star charts in order.

He stole their ship? Really? Then wouldn't he already have a map to get back?


I bet it's excessively soft in there.

Oh great, now I'm thinking of Venus Fly Trap and Bees Knees caught in a similar situation.

I wanna suck her titites

Damn, slow thread this weekend.

I have doubts it will actually make it beyond tonight.

I'll give it a bump to see if it can survive the night at least.

Your OC's are fetish trash and more shit than a public bathroom.

Well, so's your opinion, man.