There are no musclegirls in western cartoons

>there are no musclegirls in western cartoons

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Because it's a shit tier fetish

I agree! We need more BUFF BABES!!!

Fug off

fuck you fag,there is nothing more sexy than a big tall strong muscular women with a big chest and also a big fat futa cock
there is nothing homosexual about this. in fact if you dont like it, you are a manlet that can't handle big women.


they're rare but they exist

mmmm i wish she would stick her fat cock in my boipucci, if you know what i mean...

You just posted one you sperg

This one is dead :(

If it wasn't for the face, Rampage would be top tier

(the comic version is pretty cute though)



There does seem to have been a small spike in prominent muscle girls the past few years, with Korra and Jasper and Susan Strong. Just have to hope it keeps going until we get a properly huge girl as a main character.


as a main character, the most you'll get is a Korra type. Even male protagonists you don't see a straight up beef slab as your main guy. Huge muscles are secondary characters/villains for the foreseeable future for both sexes

Too bad we probably won't be seeing Susan again.

does xarna qualify or her real identity makes her invalid?

what about wargrunt from fangbone! ? not exactly muscular but she's big.

forgot pic


There's nothing gay about wanting to worship and be dominated by a muscular girl.

That episode was one of BTAS's many low points.

Yuck. I'd much rather have a mutual appreciation for one another's power

Muscular women in weatern style doesnt look as good as animu

I am going to leave now so I don't have to see the havoc caused.

That's no girl. That's a straight up dude. Take your fan art back to /sug/.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a cavewoman

The best kind of woman, especially if youre a stickman who couldn't beat up grade-schooler.

oh god why does Buttercup have a gunt

You don't even have to be a skeleton yourself, but I think a general level of fitness of both endurance and strentgh is attractive on both sexes

That's pretty gay.

Youre gay

>Using your bodies full capacity is gay
I would suggest you jump from the next bridge, but for that you'd have to first crawl out of your basement.

yesterday someone posted this comic about a 7 foot demon girl

This thread in a nutshell

She has her moments.

>clever quirky way to say kys

please fuck off to your containment board

Pretty sure musclegirls are way more common in Western animation than Eastern


Maybe, but you're a faggot.

Jasper is best muscle girl and is coming back soon and that is all that matters

We can only hope :(



post the rest nigga

Is this from Young Justice?
There was also an episode in jail with these muscle twins and one of them was a blond cute musclegirl.

It's shit tumblr trash from the looks of the thread

Now I remember, tey qere theTerrortwins and her name was Tuppence Terror.

Because muscular girls are degeneracy, much like the thicc abhorrence that's been popular lately.

Why are you posting a dog, user?

I do not, please explain further.

but she is coming back as a monster i hear, i'll still love her but i wont be the same.

I don't know how muscular you are, but I doubt She-Hulk would be impressed by your power.

Where did you hear that? I like Jasper more for her character more than her design desu so I won't mind if she looks different when she comes back but if she just stays as a retarded dog then what would even be the point?

>not fucking your dog

How could you?

Her gem is annoying... give her a normal nose and put the gem somewhere else.

>not getting that she's hard-nosed

her gem nose is cute

I don't care about your pun.
It just looks awful.

No, it doesn't

yes it do



>there are no musclegirls in western cartoons
>posts one

>rock lady you posted
>alt universe summer
>probably others I can't think of atm

Look I like muscle girls as much as the next guy

But don't turn this place into a house of lies



Jasper's nose is much cuter than the default quartz pig nose kys

>tumblr universe
>best anything.
No. Never.

Those are some bold and brash actions, there.

Did you go to college for this?


the world needs more buff women.

Cartoons need more buff women to inspire real women to become buff.


i have an autistic obsession i think. there are SEVERAL things in here about worshipping big fat futa girlcock



