Why are the DC execs scared that promoting other Green Lanterns or Flashes other than Hal and Barry will cause the...

Why are the DC execs scared that promoting other Green Lanterns or Flashes other than Hal and Barry will cause the other heroes to "outshine" their golden children? NightWing doesn't outshine Batman for example despite DC promoting Nightwing so much.

The other Green Lanterns literally have their own book, and appear in plenty of other books. Also a big part of Rebirth was bringing Wally back.

It might have something to do with the fact that Nightwing isn't called Batman

They normally appear as side kicks to Hal these days

Nightwing has a separate identity.

I don't think they're afraid of other GLs. Hal has been sidelined a lot. He's not even in the JL book. Also the other GLs have all been in books since he came back including Kyle having a solo. No one has been excluded. It worked out very well.

And that's clearly what Johns wanted to replicate with Flash, but the Barry fans in upper management are fucking terrified of Wally in particular but also generally the rest of the Flash family. That's why Geoff was undercut at every step and was not allowed to carry his run into the new 52 like he did with GL.

Part of the appeal of Wally and Kyle is that they were legacy characters trying to fill big shoes and ultimately succeeding.

You can't start a Flash movie with Wally.

Well, WB wanted movie synergy and having one, major GL or Flash like Hal or Barry would work best with that.

>You can't start a Flash movie with Wally.

You can, it would just have baked in legacy like Ant-Man.

But no one is really talking about movies here. It's a discussion about comics. There's no reason not to give Wally a solo at this point, or even something featuring both Wallys so half of black Wally's character development isn't happening in fucking Deathstroke. Every main book that sells as much as Flash has at least one spinoff. They're so terrified that Wally might be liked more than Barry (even though a second book obviously wouldn't sell as much, probably like 30k) that they are hurting their own profits. It's insane.

Actually the first few flash movies proposed were Wally focused. They would start with a brief part showing Barry as the flash and dying. They also planned on having Wally meet Barry in the speedforce and have a touching moment.

But why? Peopled who buy comics are different from people who watch movies. Comic fans want legacy characters.

>NightWing doesn't outshine Batman
That's because he doesn't have a cape, or gadets, other than two sticks.

His ass outswhines Batman's though, on every earth.

He is Batman in everything but name

Still has his own identity that doesn't step on Batman's toes. It really is that simple.

That said, multiple GLs work because it's an army/police force. Multiple Flashes are trickier and I don't much like them.

>and I don't much like them.

who cares about what you like

>not liking multiple Flashes

they're cute af man

Then the only flash would be Jay then

It's just geoff johns, wb don't give a shit, ti the point Kyle and John had both been the choices for different movies (miller jl and the already scrapped gl movie) it's a shame Johns fought against the new gl movie, the idea of Kyle as a rookie, John as the veteran and Hal as parallax was pretty cool.

>NightWing doesn't outshine Batman for example despite DC promoting Nightwing so much.

Are we really comparing Barry and Hal to Bruce Wayne? Just 5 years ago Wally West was the most popular Flash, and John Stewart was so much more popular than Hal that when they cast a white guy to play GL, people freaked.

DC can push Nightwing/Dickbats all they want, he'll never be more popular than Bruce.

Wally and the other earth Lanterns can easily outshine Barry and Hal if DC chooses to promote them as such.

Well, look at The New 52. Tailor made for movie fans and WB suits who wanted movies made.
Wally got the axe because The Flash couldn't be moving forward anymore at that time, it's gotta be all about Barry.

That sounds immensely confusing.

Wally had also been floundering for a long time before Barry came back, and the Flash continuity was dense as all hell. Flash wasn't always such a strong franchise, it was in a lot of trouble. Stop thinking everybody's making decisions about it like a fanboy just because you are.

Guy should never have become a GL again. They should have stuck with the Vuldarian Warrior angle.

>Mfw Alan is pretty much forgotten now outside of being forced to be gay to try and make his character more relevant and edgy

What is Alan even doing now in Rebirth?

This doesn't explain why they would refuse to print Wally stories Johns wrote once Barry came back. The spotlight was supposed to be shared but the fanboys at the top prevented that.

Then why not let them? If people like Wallys and Joe more then use that

Alan isn't forgotten. The Earth-0 JSA simply has not returned yet because Rebirth is a long-running arc. And Earth-2 with the gay version is a separate universe and was done as a reference to his son not to be "more relevant" or "edgy".

You claim to be a fan but honestly don't sound like you know jack shit about the character.

Practically every major DC character was floundering before the New 52.

Making Barry return when he was irrelevant to every Flash reader at the time was a very fanboy decision.

I always thought that GL would work as a buddy cop movie with Hal and John working as partners

This. Modern DC is fucked

Which was retarded since his gay son was erased by that move, keeping the faggotcounter the same

Sciver wanted to bring Barry back because he liked him, DC and WB championing him while literally erasing Jay and Wally from history was very much a corporate-driven move.

JSA is coming back in some form. The whole Johnny Thunder / Jay Garrick thing in the Button and DCRebirth 1 spells it out for you.

They won't because they like Barry. And Hal hasn't really been in the spotlight. The entire GL franchise is in a state of flux right now.

Because they were literally just establishing Flash as an accessible franchise and introducing Flash2 would be exactly the opposite of that. Johns kept pushing for Wally to be Flash alongside Barry at a time when the series needed to streamline itself.
You do know that Barry came back before the New 52, right? Wally wasn't doing strong at all, they had already replaced him before with Bart.

Wallyfags are cancer.

The only thing to me is that I don't believe GL has this problem. It's legit in Flash where no one is allowed to be a main character besides Barry but not the same with GL. Hell the main character of the Johns run is clearly Sinestro.

Not that guy, but let's face it, if people are really into the JSA then chances are they wouldn't read Earth-2 for very long, or at least not after Robinson left.

Green Lantern has a concept that lends itself easily to multiple stars and also has a concept that easily leads to different creative iterations of the same premise with the rings. Flash is a fast superhero individual: it's not nearly the same case.

>You do know that Barry came back before the New 52, right? Wally wasn't doing strong at all, they had already replaced him before with Bart.

And fans didn't care for Barry at all at the time. People didn't start caring about him until the TV show was announced. I never said Wally was the Flash 5 years ago, rather he was the most popular one.

Bullshit. There is nothing inaccessible in stories about families especially when Rebirth itself explained everyone's roles and relation to each other. Casuals would have been informed and ready for all the speedsters to do shit without confusion especially since it was all clearly leading up to a speedster war, but the people in charge decided the one character they cared about more was the only one who should get any focus to the detriment of the story. And you could see Johns was pissed given how he treated Barry in JL after it. They are lucky he didn't walk.

You mean dumb down


> I never said Wally was the Flash 5 years ago, rather he was the most popular one.
At some point this is just getting sad, user.

fuck off new 52 shitposter/Snyder shill

Well no shit. Barry is Flash now and forever. We have to accept.

Doesn't mean everyone has to like it.

You don't have to be a wallyfanboy to know Barry ruined the flash. Wally should have been replaced by anew speedster

You should just stop.

The Batman name and brand is the most important thing. People aren't buying Bruce Wayne merch.

Quit being such a sperg.

>He is Batman in everything but name
And costume. And personality. And skill. And experience. And methodology. And age.

Why don't they just make John the main Green Lantern? That way he wouldn't be stuck with Cyborg in the JL as the token black guy.

He was replaced by Bart, and it sucked real hard.

Because John has been a boring character for over 20 years and DCAUfags don't read comics anyway

Because John is shit.

Simon and Jessica are good though.

I think that why he said it should have been a new speedster not an old one like Bart.

Simon should've been a Yellow Lantern

Plus they had their own group book

Have you even been reading DC lately? There are a bunch of Flashes and GLs .

But not MINE

What do you mean? Hal was out of comission for years and years

>The Muslim guy has a fear-based power
Yeah, yeah...

Speaking of that. I've been trying to get into GL. Any recommendations?

It's literally just Geoff Johns being a Hal/Barry fanboy.