All-Star Superman Storytime Part 2

Continuing from And I'm back with #7 in this issue: BIZARRO!











Bump for Bizarro


Me am no thank you not user

Y'know, Zibarro was a bit of a dick.











Continuing on with #8. In this issue: ZIBARRO! And LE-ROJ! And just fun times in bizarro-world!
























In this next issue; Meet your new Kryptonian overlords: LILO & BAR-EL! They come with futuristic technology AND fashion!




If anyone's still reading; don't forget to bump once in a while guys.

Bumping for OP.


Thanks for the bump user, hope you're enjoying the storytime.

So why don't they have the S shield? Or that wasn't a House of El banner in silver age?












The imagelimit is 250 you genius


dont be mean


I can't I just can't.

Every time I read Bizarro, I can hear in my imagination "BIZARRO BIZARRO I LOVE YOU!"

I know, and here's me explaining why I opened up the second thread after #6 even though I could've fit 4-5 more issues to the first thread:

Thanks for the bumps anons, hope you're all enjoying this at least as much as I am.

People have been out of the Phantom Zone before though, or is that not the case in this comic?




yeah but All Star Superman (ASS for short) technically an elseworlds story. basically Morrison's headcanon.
but its a damn good headcanon






Thanks for the bump Preacher user.

Because hey would die out of the phantom zone, without any cure. It's like Mon-el, where he had to stay in the phantom zone for centuries.


I'm regular Stormy.

>Thanks for the bump Preacher user.
No problem.







Hey, remember this page everyone? It's that one page that every single person on the internet who hasn't even read the comic keeps sharing over and over.

