Why did marvel let Aaron fuck him so much?

Why did marvel let Aaron fuck him so much?

They thought Godbomb was good, when only the art for Godbomb was good and Gorr is an edgy twat who doesn't know about demons or an aderversary deity.

>Le magic is le dumb
That's basically Marvel's MO user.

Those 'rules' of magic that Aaron made, that no one else ever acknowledges, are awful.

Aaron makes Marvel money with his Star Wars stories. Fags supported him even when he fucked over Thor and replaced him with Whor.

Aaron's atheist boner is getting pretty tiresome. Why not just give him a more down to earth book?

It was pretty apparent that that was the case back when instead of following up on the mystic arcana books they let Bendis kill the Vishanti, kill Agamotto after turning him into a villain, and then have Daniel Drumm go full villain and murder a bunch of sorcerers.

Who knows, there are plenty of other heroes that he could give an ax to and have them ineffectually flail it about.

Marvel has NEVER known what to do with Doctor Strange. He's too much of an oddity to be easily crammed in with The Avengers or regular superhero fare. The times he's been good have always been off beat titles like The Defenders, Steve Englehart, or that one Mike Mingola drawn comic with Doom.

Case in point that time they gave him a superhero costume

Standard Bendis agenda move. Doc's a rich old white guy so of course he has to get knocked away for the superior negroid option. Ignoring that the title is a for-life thing, maybe editorial wouldn't let Bendis kill him off.

The upside of the arc is that you can basically taste the agony Bendis was in having to put his toys back where he found them in the end by having Brother Voodoo go berserk and Strange gettin the title and regalia back. Delicious, delicious bald dick-man tears.

I like Brother Voodoo but the man's got his own mythos with the Loa and sharing body-space with Daniel, he doesn't need to ape things from Strange to be interesting.

To be fair they realized how retarded that getup was pretty quick. Doesn't make it less hilariously stupid though.

Ineffectual is in a word what got my panties twisted hardest about Aaron's run. Doc's had the everloving shit beaten out of him plenty of times, sacrificed things but it's always to some net positive. He didn't actually do shit here so it just turned into 20 issues of pointless torture porn with some unwarranted tell-not-show effort to get shippers going. Empirikul didn't get solved, Dormammu fucked off on his own accord, and Misery's still running loose. It's cool, though, we got...brown Sarah Wolfe, Strange inexplicably running around acting like he's some 17 year old and making Reed Richards officially the second dumbest looking grief beard in the Marvel universe.

Oh, and that fucking Jane Foster team up issue. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. TL;DR: Jimmies. Fucking. Rustled. That was heinously awful.

I wonder if Hopeless is going to turn the comic into a continuation of his Spider-woman book with Strange reduced to a guest star in his own book?

But Sara Wolfe was already brown.

Only good thing about Aaron's Strange was that it introduced more mystics.

Because he is an "in your face" atheist and atheists hate fantasy.

>we want the Doctor Fate audience

The first step is to get a headpiece that looks GOOD, doc.

>the tiny baby arms on the middle guy

The Storm of the Eye was a really great story from Aaron. Death of Magic and the Emperikul was awful.

I get that strange can get pretty OP, but that's the point. He's that guy. Can't wait for the Eye of Agomotto comes back

Headgear is for cowards afraid of a little brain damage.

Some times you have to make sacrifices for mystical might.

Aaron can write good stories, but it just feels like he's half-assing it most of the time.

Wait, she was? Fuck, then there really isn't any difference between'm. Did Aaron legit fuck up and accidentally make the same character by random chance?

...Wolfe was better though. Deflecting romantic advances from an 8' tall green minotaur was funny. Zelda? Zelma? Librarian chick didn't do jack shit. Cept that annual where Clea hijacked her vacation feels to keep that repair-demon-dude from eating everyone.



Yeah man, Sara was native american.

Rintrah was cool.

That's the problem with most modern day writers. There's a HUGE gape between their creator owned work and work for hire. Lemire and Snyder too, half ass their big two books.

This has been bugging me since this book came out, if the Ancient one has been sorcerer supreme for five hundred years, then how the hell have any of the others, apart from Strange and Billy, been sorcerers supreme?

They would rather put their all into something hat they would own wholesale, it's understandable but it really doesn't mean that they should put out subpar work when they write for hire.

He also straight up jacked an old Strange storyline altogether. The whole, "Death of Magic" shit is almost exactly like what happened after Strange (seemingly) destroyed all his magic talismans, books etc in his battle with Urthona. It's basically what happened in Strange Tales Vol 3 issues 1-21. That was actually a much better story (but kind of random at the end)

>He also straight up jacked an old Strange storyline altogether.

Aren't large parts of Godbutcher lifted from a Dan Jurgens Thor story?

Pretty much, Gorr is just an edgier Desak.

No it's better in every fucking way to Jurgens run.
He took the notion of god serial killer and took it WAY fucking farther then Jurgens did.
Gorr is immeasurably more menacing then Desak's faggot crusty ass.

Jurgens went with a generic lead hero turns evil and results in a dark future and Aaron instead did a awesome & fun 3 time lines converging arc.

of the 12 people in this thread, it seems like only 3 have probably actually read the run

It's not bad at all

Aaron is fucking Dan Slott that writes Thor instead of Spider-man. He's awful and his run people claim to be good in retrospect is only good because of the art.

His Star Wars are awful, his Strange was awful, his Whor is the worst thing ever.

>not bad
>at all

Jeez user, I didn't know they allowed folks with clear dissabillities post5 here. His run has been nothing but a reskinned God Butcher arc that ignores the past of the Doc, does a 180 on his personality, and an issue to prop up hiw Whor-fu.

but let me guess, you're fee-fees are going to trump both a critic and a common reader's score

Not that user, but why would you trust either of those?

>muh critics
The same critics who gave America a 7.7? HA! Or the people who're reading DS just 'cause of Benedictiocong Cumbersntchulatch?

Fuck outta here you shill.

Fuck you, Sup Forums, I like his run. Putting character through shit isn't bad. It's not like they can't fix him later

It's not magic it's science.

>I've seen gods of myths
>I've met the personification of the universe
>I've hanged out with literal sorcerers

t.Tony Stark

Aaron pls go

It's not that character goes through shit is the problem, Aaron is the problem who can't write for fucking shit.