Star vs something or other

I guess... I still have those polls?


Somehow or other Party with a Pony got ahead of Royal Pain.

First for Ponyhead checks off a huge amount of death flags

Okay, for relevant discussion:

Back when Starcrushed first aired, I asked if maybe Toffee was controlling Ludo when the High Commission invaded, due to how smoothly he managed to deflect suspicion away from himself.

Back then I was told that was stupid, because his eyes weren't glowing. But now we have pic related...

>Pony Head dying
But that would be good
Good things aren't allowed to happen anymore

I really hope he doesn't remain in Ludo's body. I mean, come on, that's lame af.

Give Toffee His Sex Bod Back 2017

But that'd probably be mean that Toffee doesn't actually die during the movie, so who knows where they're going to go after this.

People actually think Toffee/Ludo is going to die in the movie?
If any major character is going to die in it, it's Moon. And that's still really unlikely.

There no way Toffee is going to die in the movie. Or lose, really.

Let's resume the shitposting!

Wondering how many people will remember this reference...

Unless "losing" was his plan all along.

I get the reference, but only really because people have shared that bit of the movie over and over.

I remember being really confused by the movie growing up because I couldn't figure out what setting it was trying to be in.


>In sacrificing himself, he forces all the non-monster species to leave Mewni and fritz's the magic enough so they can't come back
That would actually be a pretty legit plan.

It is a reference that blesses my childhood. Wonderful.

no matter what happen it all be part of toffee's plan

r8 my marco cosplay

be gentle

leave, and never come back.

I still can't believe the new trailer actually helped the Dies Irae Theory.

You're just a guy in a red hoodie
I guess that's what Marco is too

10/10 would deport in 2020.


Toffee is actually SCP-682?


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