What's his power?

What's his power?

sickle cell anemia

I know this is a bait thread, but let me just say dude looks cool as hell. The lip plate juxtaposed with the suit just gives an old world, bossman, "don't fuck with me" vibe.

Is he based on a character or specific to the movie? Don't read Panther so forgive my lack of knowledge.

>"don't fuck with me" vibe.
doan fuw wiff me

Weaponised Autism

Yeah, that's why he doesn't want to say it

The suit is pretty rad

That looks Shadowrun as fuck

>giant lip disk
>gauged out ears

His power is being a laughing stock by looking like an idiot.

He passively emits a psychic field that causes edgy psuedo-racists to shitpost for the next three years.

Being the niggest

Hey fuck you. I full on hate black people.

He can't communicate with that thing in his lip, I assume? Does that do any long-term damage to your body? Is it just a ceremonial thing? He can't wear it 24/7, can he?

Conversation's gotta be a bit of a chore.

There is a webm of someguy with plates for both lips.
He can remove and put them back on like rubber bands.

He may be based off of the antagonist in Priest's Black Panther run, who was a crooked demagogue who manipulated the people of Wakanda against BP.
I'm not entirely sure though.


It makes me wince to see things like that, I'm sure it doesn't actually hurt or they wouldn't be doing it, but man it's uncomfortable to look at. But then again, I don't know how people can have their genitals pierced without wanting to die.

Being a wealthy African noble with a group that will kill for them? Any user that laughs will probably get decapitated instantly.

he can speak clearly with that thing in his lip

to trigger Sup Forumstards

>confusing "triggered" with "amuse"

U'm wipf

So is this guy Wakandan or is he a visiting ambassador or diplomat?

Do you think they still do FGM in Wakanda?

>this is what they actually believe

*tips fedora

*lips fedora

I agree with his aesthetic giving that impression. I'm looking forward to that character, he has me intrigued.

I am concerned with how he'll look and sound when he talks, however. They'll have to be very careful that it doesn't come across as hilarious.

Coogler has told EW that he's an elder of the largest Wakandan tribe or something.

>Insert disc

Asking for gibs at superhuman speed

Wmmpf Wfff Kmmfff nnn Shffff!

Sha ka ka




If you think Sup Forums is triggered by that, boy, you're one autistic sugar-bat.

Looks fucking hilarious.