What franchise has the worst genwunners?

What franchise has the worst genwunners?

Star Wars

Sup Forums


Although most of them aren't even from the Silver or Bronze Age, they just like Barry for the TV show.

wouldn't that make them gentuwers?

Power rangers.

You already posted it.


Pokemon and fallout

Not Sup Forums but World of Warcraft has the worst genwunners imo.

to be fair, with the current state of their game WoWfags are justified in remembering when it was playable


does young justice count when it's the cartoon fans that are the annoying ones (basically gen 2)?

more of they absolutely want arrowverse YJ characters to be absolutely faithful to the cartoon that irritates me.

This is the best answer.

The new Star Wars Trilogy is pretty much the OT thanks to their whining.

Pokemon (Bonus points)
Star Wars (Even if it's justified)
Power Rangers (MM is terrible)

You know, as I think about it, any franchise where toys are a huge component

>Power rangers
This. Like holy shit they are really sensitive.

You would be too if you spent the majority of your love having people call your heroes the "potty trainers"

>Star Wars (Even if it's justified)
I came to post Star Wars.
It's not justified. The crucification of the PT will forever be baffling.
ANH is objectively sloppy as fuck. George never changed.

in my experience, considering they get shit on by super sentai purists, i'm surprised they aren't angrier.

BW for munky not truk

Jem has some surprisingly rancid genwunners.

You really think so?

I haven't played in a decade but I still remember how bad vanilla itemization was.

Old Gumball was better though

I don't really even get this to be honest, why should a fan of something be obligated to be a fan of other things just because it shares a title no matter how drastically different it may be from the thing they were originally a fan of?

nigga if you're gonna bring videogames to the table you gotta know that pokemon has the worst genwunners by far, this is not a contest

>Bayformers is barely transformers
>the new power ranger movie is barely power rangers
>all those DC and Marvel live-action shows are shit


To play devil's advocate, I like every iteration of Transformers aside from Beast Machines and the animes. But even still, I don't think anybody who has a preferred version of something is obligated to like other versions as long as they aren't assholes about it.

Like let's just say someone really did only like G1 Transformers, who cares...I've met plenty who only like Beast Wars, or only like Armada, or whatever, it only becomes an issue if those people are complete dicks about fans of other versions, and this is really not only limited to "genwunners", people bring up Pokemon a lot but I've met many Pokemon fans who are just as pompous about claiming the original Pokemon was inferior, and same with Power Rangers fans who hate Mighty Morphin.....so at the end of the day this is really just about people being entitled closed minded douchebags who think their opinion reigns supreme


I do and from experience as well. Spending any length of time on a Jem forum with these genwunners is actually brutal.

It's almost like you're ignorant to the fact that business people are taking advantage of consumers.
Really makes you think.

You intrigue me, what Jem forums are there? Trying to talk about it here is a lost cause.

Teen Titans cartoon fags

MMPR fags are usually just normies who stumbled upon the first seasons and only ever want to talk about fucking Tommy like he's Jesus. Real PR fags prefer the shit that came after the first seasons because rangers weren't as boring.

Sentai purists are fucking hypocrites of the highest caliber. They'll correct people by using the original japanese character names but then only watch Power rangers because it's easier than going to KissAsian to watch their weebtrash.

>want other series to be given a chance in the comics or movies
Fuck this shit, Time Force for instance is an interesting concept that could be explored more but we're stuck with the same shit for eternity.

>The crucification of the PT will forever be baffling.
I agree that ANH barely holds together narratively and is just a disjointed series of set pieces that happen one after the other for a lot of the film. But even though I think ESB is the only actually good Star Wars film, I still think the PT is hitting a new low. AotC especially.
I know some people like RotJ at least, but I just found the film to be completely forgettable.

G.I Joe and Transformers have some of the worst genwunners I've ever seen. Although the latter has a lot of fans who aren't grandpas trapped in the 80s and actually consume new material. G.I Joe fans have sealed themselves in the Hamazone and never want to let go or try something new.
We don't really have genwunners.It's just elitists who've read the VN vs secondaries. There isn't a massive group of people who cling onto Stay Night and claim every other installment should be like it, on the contrary actually. That being said, TM brings in the worst kind of newbies so the elitism is almost necessary .

Mega Man. If Capcom were to bring the franchise back Classic is basically the only thing we'll ever get now because it's all people want and to me it was a franchise that always reinvented itself with each new gaming generation and I'd loved that about it.
People were ready to be up in arms about Capcom killing the franchise but really 90% of those people hadn't looked at it in years other than 9 and 10 nostalgia pandering. And even 9 isn't actually like how the Classic games were.

And it's already the worst trilogy because its premise is making the other two pointless for the stupidest of reasons.

I don't even care if genwunners are elitist assholes. What I do care about is their influence preventing change and new explorations of a franchise.

Hell even Mark Hamill has said he fundamentally disagrees with how they're handling Luke.

But not even he could resist the Disney gold

>I know some people like RotJ at least, but I just found the film to be completely forgettable.
Fucked up my abbreviations, I meant RotS is just forgettable. RotJ has a good opening 1/3rd then goes to shit afterwards.


Every franchise that is heavily based around toys.

I guess it comes from being an austis who obsesses with toys but every single one has the worst MUH CHILDHOOD DA BEST autists that relentlessly shit on everything that came after it.

He-man, GI Joe, Transformers you name it.

>It's not justified.
Meesa sorry for your terrible taste.

>RotJ has a good opening 1/3rd then goes to shit afterwards.
Like I get what you're saying, and I feel ya, but you didn't even like the parts with luke, vader and the emperor?

ROTJ has a perfect ending (altho I prefer the new "Victory Celebration" music to the Ewok song) and a perfect opening. The middle is just boring shit that's as bad as the PT.

TPM isn't a bad SF movie. It's just a bad SW movie. AoTC is objectively the worst movie of them all.

I think some of it is well handled. Though I do think the scene where Vader is just watching Luke get tortured starts to look a little awkward before he intervenes. But I don't really connect with the Star Wars characters all that much for it to really land for me emotionally. I can appreciate why the ending does rescue it a bit for people though.

i remember this one guy in /m/ who bragged to shout "super sentai is better" during the credits of the 2017 movie.

at that point in the movie, they don't care what you do as long as you paid for your seat.

Ending or opening credits?

You kidding? Virtually every thread about TM on either Sup Forums or Sup Forums devolves into constant whining about GO, and even /fgog/ will jump down your throat for so much as admitting you enjoyed Zero. I'm convinced that the so-called "secondaries" are just a bogeyman dreamed up by elitists to make them feel better about their secret clubs, since every single fan on Sup Forums is either a SN/Tsukihime purist, a rampant cuckposter, or Melvin.

And still none of them so much as remember stuff like Mahoyo or Canaan.

And all of this is exactly why I don't hang around /fgog/ anymore. I can't believe Melvin could keep up his shitposting for 2 whole years now.

All that being said, I feel elitism is still kind of different from genwunners. For the most part Fate fans are open to new installments and new characters, I've yet to come across a huge chunk of people who cursed the day Strange fake or Prototype were made for being something "different". That and there aren't really legacy characters in TM to instigate the same kind of genwunn wank you would see in 80s franchises.

Actually could you count Saber as a legacy character now that she has like 10 different versions of herself.

At this point Melvin himself is basically a legacy character.
That said, there is still a ridiculous amount of vitriol against GO because it's a gacha mobage. The amount of rage that resulted when it was revealed Four was actually Primate Murder, or that Dantes killed Roa was enough to match anything you might see from a butthurt Star Wars EU fan. I wasn't playing when Garden of Order came out, but I can imagine something similar happened, especially once Void's bond lines were translated.

Fuck Canaan there are chances someone will remember it. Good luck having a Noir or a Madlax thread, though.

Let's not forget Solomon retconning himself out of existence. That was the greatest salt bath of them all.
>Melvin is a legacy character
JETSfag is actually just another iteration of Melvin.

Street Fighter. If a game isn't exactly SFII again it can pack up and go home as far as the world are concerned.

TMNT 1986.
I don't hate it as much as Sup Forums does and consider it a guilty pleasure, but people who go "NOT MUH" at 2003 Turtles and refuse to give it a chance are fucking frustrating to deal with.

what the fuck are you talking about

Type Moon


Solomon and Roman seem to be the one GO original that seems largely liked, though most of that is probably from what happened in Time Temple.

While I can understand most of the complaints towards GO (and it does have a ton of problems), at this point you gotta either suck it up or find some other franchise to devote your time to. It's making gangbusters in Japan and unless the Tsukihime remake actually happens or we get Extella 2 or whatever, this is what TM is going to be doing for the foreseeable future.

You are exaggerating
>Four was actually Primate Murder
Most people were in shock, not angry, it actually explained why the gods that have appeared so far were terrified of the little cabbit, and it actually fits with the Monty Python and the Holy Grail lore.
>Dantes killed Roa
Everyone accepted that, Roa isn't as strong in that timeline and Edmond Dantes is fucking broken anyway.
>Void's bond lines
Again, nobody cared, everyone knew that Void is the designated waifu-able version of a character that would never fall for (You)

This. Especially lorefags. Yes G2 sucked but fucking let it go.

>I still think the PT is hitting a new low. AotC especially.
The PT is more stylistically interesting that ANH, or the OT.
Putting aside narrative (which is the least important aspect of film), I come back to the PT much more than the OT, because the grander visuals coupled with the amazing music are is more pleasing on re-watches.

That's why TFA is so terrible, the locations are bland and the music is forgettable.


Especially since Gen 2 was better than Gen 1 in every way.

Are you kidding

It's Third Strike and recently, USFIV that the SF fanbase have been dickriding. It's especially bad since vanilla III and IV both had a lot of issues. I'm not shilling SFV but I'm just saying that these people should give it some time.

Although with SF, you do have casuals who are only really familiar with SF2 and its World Warriors. I think research has shown that games featuring the SF2 cast tend to do better than games that don't, which is why Capcom is never pulling another SFIII again.

X-men. At least other genwunners are genwunning something that was actually good

This. It's especially bad because MMPRfags are generally normies who only watched those seasons because they were kids and then grew out of PR when those shows were over. It's so stupid since a lot of later seasons were better or more interesting.

And Sentai fans.
>Zyuranger Figuarts getting as MMPR Stateside
>Zyuranger fans gloating about how Bandai won't waste money on a Trini remold so the US will get Zyu Yellow (a dude)
>Bluefin (Bandai US) reveals the new remolded US exclusive Trini on their official Facebook
>huge flamewar erupts, both sides call each other faggots
>Japanese Bandai guys see this and ask Bluefin why everyone is pissed

I can only imagine the rage of X-Men genwunners when the Giant-Sized #1 was released. Getting rid of almost the entire original team and replacing them with a mix of various minorities? Oh lawd, Sup Forums would literally shit itself in collective rage if they were around when it happened.

Pokemon. Pokemon genwunners are this weird combination of normalfags who are conceited in a way that makes no sense. How can you brag about only liking the original and specifically avoiding every iteration after? Pokemon genwunners are literally people taking pride in not engaging with a franchise.

It also shares the special distinction of having equally terrible Gen 2 fans. The only thing as obnoxious as someone saying "151 only!" is someone saying "251 only!"

Street Fighter has a core fanbase that plays (and eventually) enjoys every game. This base is mostly separate from another series of groups that only prefer their entry in the series be it II, 3rd Strike, or Alpha 2/3.

I want to see if there's more franchises with shit genwunners.

Really Genwunners are pretty bad across all stages, why would you brag about being boring and hating to try new things.

>have good thing
>sequel/remake/reboot/rewhatever isn't as good
>voice dislike