Moon Knight/Schizoid black and white Batman Complete Storytime Part 4

Previous threads

Last week, we went through Mr. Knight's run, and then went back to his first appearances and cameos, plus his time as a Defender, during the 70s era.

Today, we'll start with what many consider the best time for him: the 80s. Specifically, we'll start with his time in the backups of the Hulk magazine, then the Marvel Preview issue, and if there's enough time, we'll also start with his first on-going, written by Doug Moench and penned by Bill Sienkiewicz.

In loving memory of Adam West, the original black and white Batman.

I also didn't do anything productive in the week, like changing my 4chanX stuff like I said I would, so let's hope this makes up for it.


Remember to jump at any time with a bump if you see we're about to fall off the board.











End of first backup, onto the second one.




















Onto the third backup, for some worldbuilding.

Origins issue!














Anyone reading?





I'd continue, but it seems kinda moot if the thread dies before the next issue is done, so I'll stop for now and try again later.

Those are some pretty colors. In general, this issue has some great coloring. And nice art, but that was to be expected, I guess.

Yeah, there are some generally nice colors in there.

Also, now that you've saved the thread from dying, I should be able to finish a couple more issues.

Time to introduce the first guy in Marc's Rogue gallery.

Here, I've just arrived, ledouche, but I'm afraid I cannot last long. It's almost 3:30AM here and I doubt I can stay awake more than an hour more.


Noice, I'll try to hold my sleep a bit more them, until 5:30.

Don't worry m8, that'll be enough for now, thanks.







I'm even liking how they make different ways of panel borders.
It feels almost modern. And this from when? Early 80s?

Yup, beginning of the 80s.






This reads almost like a noir novel. It's a heavy narrator, a 3rd person narrator, and it's no one of the characters. And I like it. I've been liking it since a while, but I've just realized why: because it's like a pulp noir novel.

Part II


>it's like a pulp noir novel.

That's pretty much the reason why a lot of people like this era, due to the heavy pulpyness. Besides the whole schizo batman thing, of course.



Wait, it's Marc's brother?





It's funny, because I started reading it with the 2014 run (and the last one: both full in the schizo side), which was the one that got me engaged. But I'm definitely staying because I'm a sucker for this pulpy style.

That', and pretty colours. I admint I'm also a sucked for nice art and colours.


I like how the cape looks like a crescent moon in some panels.

Welcome back OP, it took me all week to catch up on these storytimes but it was very worth it. I'm strapped in.

And thank you!

Indeed he is.

>It's funny, because I started reading it with the 2014 run (and the last one: both full in the schizo side), which was the one that got me engaged. But I'm definitely staying because I'm a sucker for this pulpy style.
>That', and pretty colours. I admint I'm also a sucked for nice art and colours.

You and me both, m8, you and me.


One more backup to go.

This one's more of an epilogue than anything.




Yeah, I noticed. It's a nice touch.

