Plastic Man appreciation thread?

Plastic Man appreciation thread?






I appreciate all plastic men, if you know what I'm saying.









Does plastic man currently have a comic or not?





>Plastic Man bicycle




Plastic Man has the best Golden Age material of all of the characters DC owns, but they barely reprint it.







is there a pube on panel 6?


Does anyone have the one of Reed Richards going insane over not being as stretchy as Plastic Man?

Using the scan with a hair scanned into it.


saying that without posting a superior scan.

Why the FUCK is there no Plas Rebirth yet? The whole line is boring me to tears



>tfw we'll never get another JLA series like the Waid/Morrison/Kelly run with Plas as a member so he can banter along with everyone

>It's been 4 years since they updated

I always enjoyed their stuff even if they did have some preachy shit thrown in.

What would bamham even do in this situation
Aside from a snide remark, that is

Plastic Man history is best history.






>"What uniform?"

>the issue where Plas flips off Superman
Good times.

I fucking loved that issue.

>Tfw it's too late to have a Jim Carrey Plastic Man movie
Who could actually play him today? Comedian's are too fat and no-chinned these days.

Does it matter? It'd be mostly CG stepping in anyhow.




Are they fucking or fighting






I see Plas watches Ace Ventura


[_] Not BTFO
[X] blown the fuck out
[X] BTFOverload

Only a CGI/2D movie could him justice. Live action wouldn't cut it.

This looks amazing.



How does Sup Forums feel about the live-action Mr Fantastic?


>(Cyborg) dontlookatitdontlookatitdontlookatitGODDAMNITITIMLOOKINGATIT

>That Booster-Beetle banter
It's too pure for this world.

I missed these little interactions with the JSA.

I miss the proper JSA.


I love that Hawk Girl look.

>makes a great gift for grandma

i didn't realize plas was into grannies




Is it me or does Ralph look like the guy who plays eobard thawne on flash.

You right.

Also what's the context there? Why is Ralph being such a dick nozzle?


Good ol' nightmare fuel










and the next page after this will be



