Does it bug anybody how the kids in this episode don't act their age?

Does it bug anybody how the kids in this episode don't act their age?

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Hasn't that been a problem since Season 5?

when I was eight I was obssesed with pokemon and dragon ball z.

When I was eight I was obssessed with poke her bum and drain my balls, amirite, fellas

Unless it's kiwi farms that gets triggered over that trope

After watching enough anime where high school kids act like adults, I can't say it phases me anymore.

Kids in fiction hardly ever act their age. Why is this shocking to you?

> the genius 8 year old acts older than other 8 year olds


There's something about this one that felt a bit extreme, like they were trying to write teens but forgot that they were eight.

Oakley & Weinstein were right. Simpsons didn't have enough young adult characters.

When I was eight, I was a member of the Garfield Fan Club, collected Wildlife Fact File Cards, read Adventures of the Bailey School Kids, and I can't remember what else.

It was a good enough episode that you can overlook this.

Also earlier today I fapped to the thought of Lisa and Nelson fucking.

Not realising they haven't acted like real kids since the second Tracy Ullman short.

Some episodes like New Kid On The Block didn't do a bad job of it.

>Cartoons aren't 100% unrealistic

I seem to remember that Yeardley Smith has always objected to these episodes where Lisa goes boy-crazy because it's unrealistic for an 8 year old.

Mr. Enter, is that you?

>kids aren't realistic unless they act as infantile baffoons chasing candy and trifles

Clearly you've never seen IRL children in action.

thank goodness it's fiction, where we can correct god's mistakes

>There's something about this one that felt a bit extreme, like they were trying to write teens but forgot that they were eight.
It's happened a lot and it puzzles me how often the writers forget the kids' true ages because if I were writing a Simpsons script, the first thing I'd be thinking is "Aiyyo, Lisa is in the 2nd grade she shouldn't be doing X."

They are like 35 after all.

When I was 8, I played The Incredible Machine on the computer and me and my sister would pretend we were Garfield characters or something.

I have, and I still stand by my statement. I'm sure you have these artificial perceptions of what "real kids" are, but maybe you should go back and actually observe them. Because "mini adults" describes them perfectly. And it is exactly this kind of insight which levened early Simpsons to its glory. And it is exactly this kind of insight and prestige that will forever escape your grasp.

>I have
That's why you're wearing an electronic bracelet now.

Do you remember being a kid?

LOLno. Children are animals more than men. If allowed to, they'll eat candy at every meal, walk around naked, refuse to bathe, refuse to go to school, fight with each other and adults constantly, etc.

>Homer does some wacky scam and acts like an asshole
Fucking Christ, how many times did Mike Scully have to write this same exact plot?

I have to say, John Swartzwelder was among the better writers for having Bart and Lisa act the age they're supposed to be. Some of them were just way off.

when I was eight i used to fistfuck the sheep's from my neighborn farm and shove my head inside in his mare's vagina

they should have kept Roy on the show. Infinite potential.

One of my favorite examples. Since when does an 8 year old have this much self-awareness? Since when do an 8 and 10 year old boy have this much interest in peeping at a girl? They're still at the age where you think girls have cooties.

You mean act like selfish shits who want what they want because they want it, and they want it NOW!

It's always been like...half the writers depict Lisa like a kid and the other half have her as a pint-sized campus activist.