Who has the most kino potential?
Who has the most kino potential?
Scorcese > Villeneuve > Fincher >> Tarantino = Cameron >>> Nolan
Leave kino to me
nolan, but he must refund my ticket for dunkirk and apologize
scorcese is incredibly overrated, he hasn't made a good film since raging bull
tarantino has always been a degenerate who only appeals to degenerates
the rest are dried up wells
Among American filmmakers? Probably pic related. If we’re talking worldwide I’d throw Von Trier and Jodorowsky on the list.
Lynch gets a mention but he’s unofficially retired so I don’t expect him to film anything again. All the people you posted are either over the hill capitalist pawns or literally our generation’s Joel Schumacher. The exact opposite of kino
Scorcese is past his prime
Nolan has unlimited potieinal
Camerons Avatars might be kino
Fincher has gone downhill ever since Zodiac
Tarantino is finished, last good film was Kill Bill vol 2
Villeneuves moving too fast, he should work on a passion project next
The imdb hacks
>he hasn't made a good film since raging bull
objectively incorrect, and from a nolanpleb of course
Denis easily, he will finally make Dune kino
Based Jim > everyone else
he's making a trilogy out of CGI blue space cats instead of anything resembling his best films
just accept it, he's senile, he spent too much time at the bottom of the ocean
I am still interested to see what he does with terminator now that he has the rights, but I think he's past expiration, so it'll probably be sour milk
oh I meant goodfellas, everything he's done since then has sucked
>He doesn't think Avatar is one of the greatest films ever made
Did you come here because leddit is down or something?
avatar is reddit fuel
>He doesn't know that avatar is Sup Forumscore
Digits confirm
Fucking plebs not even nominating Greg Lansky. Why am I not surprised?
Nolan > Villeneuve > Cameron > Scorsese > Fincher > Tarentino
>Scorsese past his prime
>Silence (2015)
>oh I meant goodfellas, everything he's done since then has sucked
Casino and Silence are better than anything Nolan has ever done. I say that as a fan of Nolan too.
No Abrams? Fuck off with these meme directors.
Paul Thomas Anderson>Scorcese > Villeneuve>Nolan>Fincher>Cameron>>>>>>>>Tarantino
If Lynch wasn't done with making film I'd put him equal to Villeneuve, but Vleneuve needs to stop doing big blockbusters and do a more small scale film again like Enemy or Prisoners, because I'm afraid he'll burn out.
>Enemy (2013)
>Prisoners (2013)
>Sicario (2015)
>Arrival (2016)
>Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
>Dune (2019)
The man's an absolute fucking machine. Made 5 movies over the past 5 years and all of them were pretty good imo
fincher, rest of those guys are going downhill except villenueve whose limitations are gonna start being more obvious soon
Dunkirk is literally the only good movie Nolan has made since Memento
This. He's a modern day Kubrick. He'll go down as one of the greats if he can nail Dune.
scorcese and cameron are washed up, there is no potential
No way is he modern say Kubrick. Very good, but no Kubrick. PTA is this generation's Kubrick like it or not.
Is it inconsequential if you just skipped all the Marty-Leo films?
Apparently, Jim is making a small film after Avatar 2.
Whether fans like it or not. Jim want some of that Star Wars popularity. Its a slim chance he will make a mid-budget film again.
PTA and Villeneuve could go head-to-head. Since they started making films almost at the same time.
Only issue is that he doesn't write his own stuff and seems to choose questionable material. He always elevates scripts like Gone Girl and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but they are still based on "airport literature". Yet when he has a script like Social Network and Zodiac he produces pure kino.
where is Ridley?
In a retirement home hopefully
No one director is the modern Kubrick. Kubrick's style has multiple heirs.
Drinking himself to death
>Villeneuves moving too fast, he should work on a passion project next
Dune is literally in pre-production right now.
Gangs was alright because of a fantastic villain. The Departed was meh as fuck. Nicholson wasn't that great, and Damon, and DiCaprio are both bland as shit in that movie. If you want to see Wahlberg actually try, and see Martin Sheen do a pretty good job, then go for it. Otherwise don't waste your time.
This. Fincher's fucking near perfect if you give him anything remotely good to work with.