Be honest, was it really that good?
Be honest, was it really that good?
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Disney shill, pls go.
Better thaan ANH but still not very good and generally boring
Awhhhh he's mad
Perfect film.
It's not that great and only memed by normies because of the LUKE I AM YER FATHER meme
I love looking at movies from a technical standpoint and this one was leaps and bounds compared to ANH.
China is a wash and you lost the fanbase, guys. You can't fix LJ by shitting on Empire and screaming sexism.
It's RotJ part 1. It's not amazingly better than any other original trilogy film. The end Vader fight is probably the best sequence in the trilogy though.
Making Darth the same character as Anakin is the worst retcon in the series.
It somehow gets a free pass on the cliffhanger movie ending criticism. It leaves like 6 unanswered questions at the end. Whereas RotJ is an actual fully complete movie.
Star Wars fucking sucks. Half the people who say they "totally loved it as a kid" are lying and probably saw the prequels before they saw the OT. It's a hodgepodge of space fantasy that reached cult status due to fanboy nerds in the 90s who wanted to be apart of some epic counter culture. There's nothing remotely interesting or engaging about a single film in this franchise. It's a boring retelling of the heroes journey, except in each iteration theres more bells and whistles to distract you from how dull it really is.
Are you implying the original movie wasn't a cultural phenomenon?
How the fuck is liking Star Wars in the 90's being counter culture?
Actually I loved empire, I was just laughing at you for being a butthurt "muh Disney shillz xD" mile-long neckbeard
>shitlicking faggot
You just missed out on digits like you just missed out on your mother's love
The big one isn't even wearing heels
90s birth of nerd culture skyrocketed Star War's allure. The movie wasn't a "cult hit" like you're lead to believe in the 80s. It took numerous home releases and numerous theatrical releases of the entire trilogy for it to gain any sort of stay in pop culture. Plus the merchandising, book deals, game deals, etc. Notice when the bulk of these were released? (It was the 90s). Guess you can make anything stick when you pump enough money into it.
I just watched it last night with my roommate and I brought up how I could see why people might not have liked it when it came out because back then there were no clickbait journalists writing articles about how Leia being able to hear Luke was evidence that they were related
normies would have been like wtf how can Leia hear Luke, they would have also been pissed that Han got frozen and the good guys lost and that it was a cliffhanger
You're kidding right? The first merchandising which fucking sold a lot were the first action figures that came out every few weeks. You had the box with pictures of each of the figures and you would wait a couple of weeks for the next figure to be released. That alone was highly fucking successful.
It's the best shot Star Wars and one of the best shot Sci-Fi films of all time, easily.
This article is a long read but anyone who cares about ESB should read it:
The editing could be tightened up in some scenes, but otherwise yes, yes it was.
Star Wars is ok as a film series, but the levels of fanboyism is overwhelmingly stupid. It's a pretty dumb fantasy/adventure movie set in space. Enjoy it but don't obsess over it.
That dude who played Obi Wan in the first movie that gave shit to the guy who had seen it 20 times was right.
The entire OT is film kino minus the ewok shit.
Selling toys in the 70s and 80s isn't particularly impressive. It certainly isnt conductive of whether or not something is a force in pop culture or not.
Based scene
Alec Guinness was just butthurt that nobody gave a shit about his Shakespeare shit anymore
Actors literally whore themselves out for attention they should be lucky if they make it big on something people like
>It's RotJ part 1.
What the fuck does this even mean? Fuck you.
yes. it's the only time Star Wars went into "you have to take this seriously" territory. but it shouldn't be in any self-respecting adult's top 20 best films of all time, at the very least.
lol is there to take seriously about this shlock?
On the contrary, Alec Guinness had already participated in great art and was just cashing a check at that point. He had nothing to prove by that time. Also your age and plebitude is showing. Guinness had long since "made it big", which is exactly why eh was tapped for the role, as a venerable, known B-listy type who lend a certain gravity to the role. Max Von Sydow has long occupied similar career territory so it made total sense (to the point of being annoyingly-on-point) to have him do a bit part as a quasi-Ben Kenobi in the other flick.
Daisy gives that cuntish air here.
I liked his role in Lawrence of Arabia
Let me guess, you're one of the queers who puts Alien above Aliens, right?
I'm strictly talking about Empire. the rest ranges from mediocre to schlock.
>Shakespeare shit anymore
Mother fucker have you seen Alec Guinness filmography?
>the only time
You're both stupid
Kenner made a fucking fortune on Star Wars toys and physically could not push the merch out fast enough. Watch the episode about it on The Toys that Made Us on Netflix, it shows how big of a deal Star Wars was from day 1. Retard.
You are an absolute fucking retard.
It's a cliff hanger ending and it brings up things that aren't resolved until the next movie. ANH and ROTJ however work on their own.
Not to worry; I had plenty of your mother's love to get me by.
>Alec Guinness was just butthurt that nobody gave a shit about his Shakespeare shit anymore
He was famous as a comedic actor you stupid cunt.
Jesus does anyone on Sup Forums actually LIKE or even KNOW about movies or are they just manchildren who watch John Wick every night? What other hobby board on Sup Forums is more fucking ignorant of the thing they supposedly like?
I saw the prequels first, I'm a quarter of a century old. Original trilogy guys fight like men with Parkinson's. Papaltine got into power because of anarcho-capitalists
expansive george Lucas biopic when???
the big one is also the hotest one there even tho shes only a 7/10
you both say this as (im guessing) 20-somethings whose only real understanding of SW comes through Red Letter Media and documentaries.
i am telling you these things as a 36 year old man who lived through it all.
wtf his most famous role (other than obiwan) was Bridge on the River Kwai which he won an oscar for
That's not butthurt retard, try harder.
Agreed. Been my favourite film for 37 years.
Well I'm 42 and you're full of shit.
Star Wars was MASSIVE from day one to the tail end of '85 when RotJ's merchandise started to dry up. It did come back hard in the '90s thanks to the new novels, new toy lines, videogames, and ultimately the Special Editions, but it never reached the mania of SW or TESB, not even close. You simply could not get away from those movies at the time.
Uh huh, uh huh. Keep going.
>i am telling you these things as a 36 year old man who lived through it all.
Being that Return of the Jedi came out in 1983--34 years ago--that means you were only 2 years old when ROTJ came out and I seriously doubt you could understand these film until you were at least 6 years old. That would place us at around 1987, 10 years after Star Wars debuted and 7 years after The Empire Strikes Back hit the theaters.
There's no way in hell you understand what a big hit Star Wars was. You're bullshitting and it's patently obvious.
I like ANH better
Who the hell like aliens more? it was just pew pew space marines and set pieces
Yes yes and all that, but I still enjoy ANH better
>rates Aliens above Alien
Its all shit. The only good part is the hero's journey which isn't exclusive to starwars.
Don't want to look it up, but was he in the magnificent ambersons? Or the movie where he played many characters and they were all dying off. I could be thinking of Peter sellers
Ooh look, some good prop design. Cool
>memed by normies
Me: "What your favorite star wars movie?"
Pleb: "I think it's Empire Strikes Back, that's the best one...rigth?"
Normies just parrot everyone else' views. I don't care if ESB is your favorite but I have to imagine a certain percentage are just parroting.
I'd rather watch Attack of the Clones, but ESB is the best of the OT.
>he thinks prop design is my argument
Alien is a great film, to be sure, but it simply is not better than Aliens. This becomes increasingly apparent at the climaxes- Scott's xenomorph is clearly a man in a suit and the original vision had it speak in a human voice. Cameron's queen was a powerful reveal and brought a superior sense of scale without ruining the original film. It is an amazing sequel and film in its own right, the only negative quality being that you are required to watch the previous film (a quality that most sequels possess).
>the original vision had it speak in a human voice
That's ... kind of cool