Johnson said that moment was the only "honest" reaction Skywalker could have

>Johnson said that moment was the only "honest" reaction Skywalker could have.
>Luke has abandoned the Force and the Jedi ways, so the last thing he wants is his lightsaber
This scene was a beautiful metaphor for the entire shitty movie, bravo Rian, you actually got symbolism right for once.

Except it's not his lightsaber. It's his father's. As a matter of fact, it's the only memento he has from Anakin, a man he single handedly redeemed, and he lost it 40 years ago.

No matter his stance on Jedi/Force/whatever, in no circumstance would he casually throw it over his shoulder.

Him abandoning the force was shit anyway, but that aside, Luke wouldn't have thrown it over his shoulder, maybe not accepting it or dropping it, not being sure what to do. But if they decided to keep with his personality he might not have wanted it, but it was his father's lightsaber, it's the last thing he has of his
I'm so surprised nobody thought to keep him in character, then again, that would mean having to keep him around and he would have taken up space for their new donut steels that absolutely nobody gives a fuck about

I mean, it's not like that lightsaber, belonging to his father was a reminder that no matter what evil shit someone has done they could still be redeemed in the end.

Nope, that's certainly not a thought that Luke has been entertaining in his head living alone on that island, after turning Ben into Kylo Ren.

Make a fan edit of the end of TLJ and the lightsaber toss. Luke’s entire demeanor is totally god damn different.

>This scene was a beautiful metaphor for the entire shitty movie, bravo Rian, you actually got symbolism right for once.
I don't think that's exactly what he was going for but I like it. I think Rian actually did get a few things right with the movie but overall the movie is stellar. People go into a lot of capeshit movies with this mentality. "It's gonna be awesome." Then F4ntastic comes out or Batman and Robin. This is a series that is going to change hands frequently. Looper was good but did it blow you away? Was it perfect from start to finish? Why would you expect this movie to be? Look at who's in charge next time. Expect what you're going to get, not what you want. TFA had everyone set up for a monumental movie with moments like OP's pic that were going to be epic. Nope. None of that. Expectations subverted. Bravo, Rian. But people actually wanted those epic moments. Especially the fans. They're hopes were too high. I just look at movies like Christmas gifts. I'm not going to get myself excited. I'll just wait and see what I eventually get. If it's actually a surprise and it's good, all the better.

>but overall the movie is stellar.
isn't stellar

>Expect what you're going to get, not what you want.

This is a Sequel.

This is a continuation of what people wanted and asked for and only came to see because it was a follow up to something else. You don't want to follow up that something else? You want the characters to act so wildly different than the previous movie that they're impossible to reconcile even as the same person? You want to disregard everything that came before? Kay, then make more like Looper.

Don't like it when people say 'Hey the previous Luke is the opposite of everything you did and you then tried to make it sound like the really amazing universe changing things he did were just 'legends that weren't what you expected' then you had him do something he did the opposite of for really dumb reasons just to move your plot along'? Here's a thought, subvert expectations in a way that makes sense, actually do something clever besides 'this scene from the previous one, but earlier/later'. Put some effort into it. Actually make some goddamn sense if you want it.

I go into a sequel expecting it to make sense when connected to the previous movie, because if it doesn't make sense connected, you're a shitty writer who doesn't deserve any further examination. That's a basic thing that is down, and I'm not digging through sludge of crap to find some nuggets of good underneath a shitheap that you only attached your name to because it was famous. Not through merit, not through the world being interesting, it's a popular thing and you want to be a part of it. That's fine, that's your career, that's what you want, but I see zero reason to give it a chance, and not tell everyone I know that this is a piece of shit and explain why it's that way. Doesn't matter? Who cares? Blah blah blah wasting time? Okay.

Better not waste anymore talking about it, should you?

If he had balls Luke would have destroyed the lightsaber there. This would leave to make a new one. Ive seen how they collect the special crystal for them in a cave. They should have maade the hole in the island a way to obtain some crystals and create a light saber for her. Truly starting with something new. Maybe showing how Kylo fucked up and made a shitty red one.

I'm just saying capeshit kind of killed my expectations for big budget movies in general. Capeshit was pushed heavy the last ten years. This can be attributed to Raimi's Spiderman and Nolan's Batman that blew up mid 2000's. I never liked the X-men movies but they certainly had something to do with it. After that is was just superhero movie after superhero movie. Even movies that didn't have to be about superheroes were still about superheroes. Like Hancock and My Super Ex-Girlfriend. Overall quality sunk. Go back and look at the timeline. I learned to stop expecting as much from the film industry in general. I understand profits need to keep rolling in to stay afloat but what comes with that is a lot of bad movies that were only made to make money. Not intentionally bad. TLJ isn't intentionally bad. It's just misguided, I guess. I'm just warning people to be a little more cautious because not every movie was made to try to win awards.


>luke saved vaders kyber crystal and wore it on his neck because it was the last thing he had of his father
>lol just have him throw away his dads jedi saber

Are you sure it wasn't intentionally bad? That it wasn't made by someone with a vendetta. One of the hidden themes that no one talks about is literally removing Star Wars. Few to no alien characters except the back-drop takes away the Star, and an entire movie about how Wars are not part of the series.

Seriously: opening scene, blows up all the bombers and the first order dreadnaught, then lightsaber discarded, then they lose all the X-wings, then all the war leaders die, then they lose republic war ships, then the lightsaber cracks, then all the first order ships get magic-hyperspace vaporized. Then all the shooting is shown to be pointless because holograms. Somewhere along the way they criticize the rebellions usage of war ships as too capitalist and decide that the "war" isn't a war, it's a contest of love and not destroying.

Honestly though, I'd agree it was stellar despite those themes if the author had any talent and characters reacted appropriately to tone. But seeing as it is what it is....

Defending Nu Wars is fucking pathetic, OP

I had such high hopes for Rian Johnson, and he just fucked us all in the ass

Oh it's actually even better than that, instead of Vader's crystal the visual guide specifically pointed out it's from a jedi crusader. Throughout old EU there's only ever been one person who's known as "jedi crusader", Darth Revan from KOTOR. He's a jedi who fell to the dark side, established a sith empire but then eventually redeemed.

It makes perfect sense that after shit went down with Ben Luke's been searching for information and artifacts about people who went to the dark side and got redeemed, so that he could get insight on how to make it happen for Ben too.

And now one such piece of artifact comes right to his door, and it's not about someone from 4000 years ago but one who he was directly involved with, and he just throws it away?

>his father's lightsaber, his only memento from him and proof that a good man can do terrible things and still redeem himself
>nah, I'll throw it away and drink some more blue milk, then I think I'll die for no reason.

>just turn your brain off brah, it's just a movie
Literally the capeshit mentality.
Bravo Disney.

really, its fucking revans. god dammit disney ruin everything why dont you

I'm sure he has a lot of talent and could have done a great job with tone, dramatic build-up and release, meaningful scenes, and basic filming techniques. He just chose not too.

>And now one such piece of artifact comes right to his door, and it's not about someone from 4000 years ago but one who he was directly involved with, and he just throws it away?

Not just that though, Ben is Vader's fucking grandson. Redemption is in his blood.

I'm about to blow your mind

So is KOTOR canon or not? Rebels kept referencing it too.

I remember a tweet he put out a long time ago when he said he tried to inject humor everywhere...
Why do people think we need tension breaking humor in EVERY FUCKING SCENE

It couldn't have been Vader's. His lightsaber fell in the same pit that killed the Emperor, before the DSII blew up. No way it survived.

>Why do people think we need tension breaking humor in EVERY FUCKING SCENE
Because people are unhappy.

No it didn't. it fell with Luke's hand, found by Maz SOMEHOW

It's not canon, but it's not not canon.

>Johnson said that moment was the only "honest" reaction Skywalker could have

I'm talking about Vader's red saber in Ep VI, not the blue one Ben gave to Luke.

The red saber fell in the DSII pit when Luke cut his hand off like poetry.

>Sup Forums thinks they know more about Luke Skywalker than Lawrence fucking Kasdan

Were I not so disillusioned about Disney and the state of Star Wars I would fanboy it up and try to defend them with it:
>no you gais, it's all planned see. In Episode IX we would see a flash back of younger Snoke escaping from Battle of Jakku to Rakata Prime, and there he will find the Star Forge. The Star Forge is the actual source of FO's endless resources and through using it it corrupted Snoke from a regular person into a notSith Lord, hence him and FO's sudden rise out of the Unknown Region 30 years later.

But really they've already admitted that besides reylo they didn't plan out the overall story arc for ST movies, so why bother.

Stop mansplaining and being problematic.

Why does it matter what he did back then if the world is fated to keep going to shit?

Pretty much. See my other post here >capeshit kind of killed my expectations for big budget movies in general.
I turned my brain off before the trailer even started. Or more like I turned my expectations off. I'm not getting excited any more unless I see something really good, something that really catches my interest. Otherwise it will probably be a disappointment.

Wouldn't it be funny if that exactly happens, in a promotional comic for Episode IX?

If I was directing IX I would just put Star Forge in. By Disney logic IX would need a DS2 equivalent, so why not Star Forge. Sure it's fan pandering, but after the shitshow of VIII IX would need all the fan pandering it can possibly cram in.

But of course making more of KOTOR canon would actually be a smart thing to do, so I rather doubt Disney would go for it.

>Are you sure it wasn't intentionally bad?
Yes. Why the fuck would any production company make a movie that would not only be a waste of money but also not turn a profit and be bad on purpose. Why would anyone working behind the cameras want that outcome. That means no work in the future. That means no money. People's jobs are riding on this. They want it to be a success and they want it to be viewed by the public that way. That's business. That generates more profits. Even the "vendettas" some people might point out about SJW politics and feminist undertones were all done to grab that demographic by the wallet and get them in the movie theaters. This isn't rocket science or politics. This is business. It's money over everything for them.
Checking those trips, too.

Disney really should have just spent the money to hire 5 nerds to keep EU lore straight rather than throw it out to make generic shit.