What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Some Edgy Brony shot up some place because of her, that's her problem


This edgelord shit made me interested in Danny Phantom. Is it a good show?

The show doesnt really have ghosts

Couldn't decide if she wanted to go for the Demon or Starchild aesthetic

Slut who sucks off old men for free aesthetic.


That piece of shit ruined this character forever.

>Butch Hartmann characters
>Ever good


Good thing nobody cares about her or Danny Phantom.
Imagine if he did it in the name of Kitty Katswell. A sizable part of Sup Forums would be on suicide watch.

"Ruined"? Or "improved"?


The concept is mostly squandered but it's decently entertaining.


What's your Embersona look like, Sup Forums?

Oh that's right, I forgot hating Hartman's work was a common trend on Sup Forums. How silly of me.

No, it aged like milk.
Season 3's the worst

Don't forget next time, faggot.

>A sizable part of Sup Forums would be on suicide watch.
>implying we wouldn't shoot supermarkerts because of it

That boy would start a chain reaction of shootings

There's like one waifufag and that's it. That's everybody. Look in the archive.

>Shooting up a public place
Even his murderous impulses are stuck in the past. The real way to kill people now is to drive a big van into a crowded space and run over everyone.

Hey shut up. Spree killings by guns are the real mans homicidal actions. Vans are for pussys and migrants

Nah it's just one autist. I think he's mad Butch voted for Trump.

They're all like 8+ feet tall for some reason too.

Speaking of Trump, the shooter was an outspoken Trump hater. I told you these Hillary people are unstable.

Guns are for bitches.
Real men use knives and piano wires.

It wasn't a public place, it was overnight at his work.

hey, it's an american tradition and should be respected

How long until someone gets the bright idea to attach a bomb to a drone and fly it into someone they want to kill

>Butch voted for Trump


Fucking pussies. I wish someone would execute a bunch of wagecucks in my girl Tootie's honor.

>guy waifufags so hard that he made of harem of his OCs which are just recolors of his waifu and then tries to collaborate/commission animators into making a youtube series about them
>guy turns harem into a cult in which the only members are himself & the voices in his head which scares away anybody he's working with
>guy tries to pick up the slack but lacks any sort of ambition to see it through and feels it's easier to kill himself
>guy decides to shoot up his job beforehand because he thinks said action would grant him access into his little waifu cult even though the whole lore of said cult stated he had to be a girl to join

that's about all i know/care to know. but i can't help but feel that he didn't think his actions through. think he was gonna reincarnate into a ghost goth girl upon death?

literally nothing of value was lost

Hartman is a well-known conservative. It's not a surprise.

What band has 9 fucking members

You know why I never cared about this shit and only even looked it up due to Stair?

Because the character models look like fucking CWC comics. With dead eyes and expressionless faces like somebody who couldn't into human faces designed them. In fact the first time I saw DF anything I thought somebody was posting bad fan art of some existing IP I didn't recognize. Why anybody would become so obsessed with a Newgrounds tier animation from the 00's enough to go Elmer Fudd on his co-workers is beyond me.

what the fuck is up with the one on the far left?

Only 9?

Oingo Boingo

>What band has 9 fucking members
Oh, child

What the hell is this nigger rambling about?

Dontcha mean 8 members?

That was Stair.

>OC character
>just a recolor
Why do autists do this

Because it's easier to just butcher somebody else's work than it is to make an even worse attempt at an original character design without any artistic talent whatsoever.

ok dude, dont ghost yourself over it

>CWC comics

Fucking how?

>listens to Slipknot
>calls others child

Oh the fucking irony.



I think you're missing the point there. Anybody who's at least in the late 20s-30s age range knows who Slipknot is, and that they have 9 members

I would imagine it's only younger kids who wouldn't know this, seeing as Slipknot came out in like 1998 , almost two decades ago, and is practically classic rock at this point to youngins

Chris Fehn is a useless member. Might as well be 8

Literally voted for Bernie, and Bernie just attacked a Christian for believing that Christ is the saviour, and that Muslims can't be saved without accepting Christ.

>that one time where one member was stabbed in the head by his brother

are you confusing CWC with Buckley? cause I could see that comparison

wait he actually shot a place up? why haven't I heard about that outside of here?

This dude is confirmed to have posted on Sup Forums
Don't try and weasel your way out of this one

Some fucker thought he was the reincarnation of Ember a shot 3 of his coworkers before going ghost to finally be Ember

I'm 26 and had no idea how many members of slipknot there were, and have never listened to their assumably shitty music

Wait, which guy are we talking about here?

The "workplace violence" shooter in Florida, or the guy who was shouting at hijab-wearing Moslems in Washington who killed 3 Moslems who tried to stop him?

They truly were a perfect system

I find that hard to believe but Ok. Either you weren't in touch with the then metal scene when you were a kid or pop culture in general.

Diablo Swing Orchestra has 8 members, that's close enough,

Constantly bullied an then she was pranked into going on a date with a guy that never showed up and was then so exhausted when she got home she didn't notice her house was on fire and burnt to death.

Yeah I'd be a bit of a bitch in the afterlife if that happened to me

All the kids I knew that listened to Slipknot also enjoyed the Insane Clown Posse. I think I made the right call

Slipknot came out when I was 12 so I had already grown out of metal by then.

So what did you enjoy listening to in your youth, my little hipster

I exclusively listened to Biz Markie's Just a Friend in high school.

Guess you could say Randy Stair had some nasty habits.

hello barneyfag


This is where he thought he was going

>Everybody's coming leave your body at the door

user you're a retard