"The world is changing."

>"The world is changing."

How many fucking times is Marvel going to use this line in their movies? It's been how many years since the Avengers? I'm pretty sure the world has already changed.

THe Marvel Universe will never be the same again is basically their tag line for events since Civil War.

That they have a movie equivalent isn't particularly surprising.

The world is always changing, user. Look up Heraclitus.

Its an overplayed line to be sure, but to be fair Wakanda is trying to join the outside world. Also Killmonger looked really weak

Times are a changeling

They're world is changing AGAIN though

This time, black people can do things

I just hope they're ready for that

>"The world is changing."
And will change more.
The sky is clouding
Until it starts to cry,
And the rain will fall
Then the calm will come.

Then no one gets the reference

>Even after Spider Man and the Vulture people are still saying that phrase in the MCU

I remember when the MCU had checks and balances to keep inconsistencies like this from happening.

The film looks badly shot, it's why Killmonger doesn't have an intimidating screen presence in any of the clips.

>it's why Killmonger doesn't have an intimidating screen presence in any of the clips.

I think that's because he's being portrayed by Michael B. Jordan. The guy's a good actor but he's not a big dude and he's got a baby face.

>How many fucking times is Marvel going to use this line in their movies?
>I'm pretty sure the world has already changed
Change is constant.

What do you know about Wah-Canada

hah, clitus

>I remember when the MCU had checks and balances to keep inconsistencies like this from happening.
No you don't

When is the world not changing?

I bet that line is going to pop up in the Captain Marvel movie too.

I work for marvel, Captain Mar-vell starts to say but then cuts himself off and says "agh I'm dying of cancer!" and then he dies of cancer.

Wait a minute, you're not a real Triceratops. I can tell, the black skin gives it away.

>the world is only allowed to change one time


How many fucking times are X-Men flicks gonna open w this VO??

If change is constant, what's the point of mentioning it every single time? It'd be like starting every movie with "time has passed" - unless it's a series about loopers/time-stoppers, it's fucking repetitive.

Bro it's Black Panther, the MCU movie that literally doesn't matter.

No that's Ant-Man and Wasp.

Nah that's spider-man

Those checks and balances were called Perlmutter and the Marvel Creative Committee. Now that the show is being ran purely by Kevin "Do Whatever You Want As Long As There's Iron Man and Lib-Pandering" Feige, expect that to go out the window.

Nope, that's GotG vol. 2.

>If change is constant, what's the point of mentioning it every single time?
Because people easily forget that change is constant. You know, you wake up one day and realize that things are no longer as they used to be etc.


> Implication is that the world is becoming more dangerous so Wakanda has to stop being isolated.

> Perlmutter and the Creative Committee ruined both Iron Man sequels, and meddled in AoU.

Alright I guess I'll be the one who says it. It means
>black people can have Marvel movies now

Nay, that's Thor 3.

Nein, that's Captain Marvel.

that's not a false statement though, in real life, either. technically the world changes every day.

>Alien invade Earth in 2012
>Nobody actually really gives a shit
>Everyone claims the world is now changing

I just wish these movies played more on the long-term consequences of the series. But it's a minor issue.

>to keep inconsistencies like this from happening.
But there are no inconsistencies, there.

>>Alien invade Earth in 2012
>>Nobody actually really gives a shit
Don't be dumb

>>Alien invade Earth in 2012
>>Nobody actually really gives a shit
But that's not a correct statement.

So just as accurate a movie opening would be "Today a day happened."?

Those are still important changes coming for Wakanda.

Did you think that was funny?

How is that an inconsistency?

>to keep inconsistencies like this from happening.
Isn't this the exact opposite of an inconsistency?


>We're on the edge of extinction again
>No Charles, we're already dead
>Ah shit

With the countless amount of heroes and villains in the universe, wouldn't the universe be changing like all the time