Someone was paid to draw this

>Someone was paid to draw this.

baby arms!

I know it's webcomic quality, but what's so ba-
>see his "why can't I carry all these" arms

The artist actually has some decent pictures in her online gallteries.Mostly tumblr shit, but there are some decent pictures there.
I can only assume she sucks at drawing original scenes without heavy references.


>I can only assume she sucks at drawing original scenes without heavy references.
that and also crushing industry deadlines with little to no editorial oversight.

Who's the artist? Certainly not Gunnihiru.

I've seen a lot worse.

Myisha Haynes

I've seen people get away with a lot worse in Marvel books. And not just current ones. Remember, the 90s wasn't just the age of Liefeld, it was the age of Liefeld wannabes.

But it isn't the 90s anymore. With the internet the fans can complain much more vocally, realizing they have grievances in common.

It should also give Marvel the ability to find and hire artists that don't suck dick.

This is webcomic tier but it's not Henderson tier or as bad as that one issue of Hellcat with Arcade. Those were worse than this.

It's funny you can buy Injustice which is basically a premium webcomic for a dollar an issue and get better art.

But why would artists who don't suck work at Marvel? It's not like they get paid a lot or have tons of time to get the work done right. They found someone who can emulate the style of the regular artist, and called it a day.

Though back in the 80s and 90s, there was a group known as "Romita's Raiders", basically a team of artists who would help out when a book's regular artists made a mistake or something needed to be corrected. Since photoshop wasn't really a thing yet, they did a lot of it with old school redrawing or messing with xerox copies. They fixed the composition of covers, or redrew panels when the artist had the wrong character in a scene or whatever. They'd have probably come in and redrawn these hands, if they still existed, but they don't. Because Marvel doesn't care, and we all know that.

>But why would artists who don't suck work at Marvel? It's not like they get paid a lot or have tons of time to get the work done right.

Now that's just excusing Marvel for not looking hard enough.
You think they couldn't find very good artists willing to draw their comics for nickles?


...this was published.

Someone at a corporation owned by Disney said "yeah, pay this person to make this and we will publish it"

Fuck this is barely webcomic quality.

Why would they bother? Seriously, people don't get that a good a really good artist has better options than tying themselves down with Marvel. If Marvel pays nickles, they will get a nickle's worth, nothing more.

And shes a really good artist but Marvel does not carevas long as it gets done in time. Unless youre a big name then they can delay shit for as long as they want.

What the fuck? I've seen later issues of Patsy Walker, I can tell the artist is rushed as hell, but this... this can't be real. This blows the doors off the worst shit I've seen from Marvel or DC over the decades. This is something someone would draw in half an hour for a drawthread, colors and all.

It was drawn by Natasha Allegri. You might know her from the highly acclaimed Bee and Puppycat.

>tfw your book depends entirely of your artist

You don't know how real it is.

Ain't real anymore because it's finally mercifully cancelled.

So another artist who can do good work... but Leth probably gave her days or hours to finish the entire book, and thus it looks like total shit. I mean, I can see the underlying skill, but this is clearly the sketch you make to PLAN OUT the comic page you're going to draw later. Nothing about this looks finish. Which means the deadline must be insanely short after Leth finishes writing.

When Larry Hama had to write AND draw issue 21 of G.I.Joe (a silent story so that they could cut out the lettering process which took a week), it was rushed as hell without making a subpar issue. In fact, it's one of the most beloved issues in the entire series. But this... you can tell background elements were finished with the LINE TOOL! That's just... awful.

See, this at least looks finished, you can tell someone inked it.
This is just unfinished. It's just pencils scanned in, and straight lines redone in ms paint.

Just fuck my shit up.

American comics were a mistake.



The best things is that the bad guy in this slapstick tumblr bullshit used to disintegrate teenagers just for the hell of it

What's with the sudden resurgence of Arcade over the last couple of years?

I guess he's just a bullshit villain everyone can do whatever the hell they want with.


It's kind of sad that Marvel decided to use Gwenpool as a laboratory for new "talent". But I guess they can't afford GuriHiru full-time.

>The hands

Also, notice in the 4th panel where the artist literally copies and pastes the head from the 3rd panel

why is ginger beard such a reoccurring shorthand for nu-males lately?

wasn't that the reason for image comics being a thing?

got fed up with being paid nickels

See, this is why I don't even download this title.

fuck. why don't gurihiru draw every issue? are they busy?

well they are tapped to do every Avatar comic

> that someone wasnt you because you didnt apply yourself

now who's to blame?

i've seen this page like a hundred times before but only now do i realize that pink haired fuck is a dude

Actually, a few months back, I'm pretty sure he appeared in three different ongoings at the same time in distinctly separate storylines.

Marvel, editorial, etc.

I forgive them since their attempts at a subtle Zuki crackship was contagious.

Red beard signals that the man will never naturally get to pass on his genetics through sex, which is comforting to feminists.

wait. THIS is a marvel comic? they allow this?

Why don't they have Gurihiru on every issue?

Where do you guys get this idea that Marvel doesn't pay well? Valiant pays the best then Marvel then DC and then rest of the industry.

Image doesn't pay you upfront, you payed on the back end. I know post will be ignored but you're going to shit on Marvel at least be factual about it.

they wanted to keep the copyright for their creations

my inner /k/ is fucking screaming at that 3rd panel

It's just couple ladies busting their ass all day, that's why marvel hiring fill-in artists so they could catch up with shit.

jesus fuck. didnt even notice that at first

i wish they give them more time like a whole month or sth. i want quality not quantity

Looks like a doodle of a gun from a child.