Be Puerto Rican

>Be Puerto Rican
>See the Black Panther trailer
>Oh hey that looks cool
>Look at responses from Black people

I really hope when a Latino superhero movie comes out the latino community doesn't act.this retarded

Aren't Ricans half black?

There are Latino B-list superheroes?

sorry, but if America Chavez gets a movie. you'll see the same shit.

Blue Beetle is the first one that comes to mind, though right now he's probably more C-list.

I'd watch the shit out of the Latino Ghost Riders as long as the movies looks good.

I was wondering why they kept comparing it to wonder woman, why are they amazed that an African country has more black women than WW1 Europe and Themyscira

>also be puerto rican
>annoyed every time I remember that I'm puerto rican

>says it in greentext
>doesn't have any screenshot or proof
okie buddy

Not half, but yeah. Racial makeup is Spanish, African, Taíno, and a bit of other races.

It’s the white feminist holy grail movie I suppose, so they hate it.

>taking socmed shitposting as a legitimate sample of a demographic's general opinion

No, we hate feminists and gays, and America it's both of those.

Welcome to Internet times, where the faggots that do more noise get their wishes granted.

White Puerto Ricans are the majority acording to the last census

Wasn't that guy from Suicide Squad a latino superhero?
SS made big numbers among latinos but they weren't as vocal on twitter or youtube, just that he looked cool and his god transformation was awesome (ya te chingastes, wey)

>Punches Hitler
>"Not on my watch, sucker"
I hate this woman and everything about her.
>Has the opportunity to punch one of history's most vilified human beings
>Uses the word "sucker"
>Doesn't go for the throat

A latino Ghost Rider sounds great on paper, with all the Mexican fixation with dead iconography and paganism mixed with catholicism. Never read the comic though


I don't understand. Why do they want to slay him? I thought they liked black panther.

To be honest I haven't read them either (although they are in my backlog), but man the design and idea behind a female ghost rider is just sick to me, I really hope the comic doesn't have her as a her for the sake of muh progressiveness.

I mean look at that shit, cool as fuck.

It's just classic Ghost Rider but with tits, I don't have an issue with that but I don't see what's so impressive either
Isn't Robbie not even a real Ghost Rider? I think he was just possessed by a serial killer's ghost, which for some odd reason makes him look like and get powers of a Ghost Rider

>It's just classic Ghost Rider but with tits
God fucking dammit