Decide to watch pic related because of RLM

>decide to watch pic related because of RLM
>really getting into the movie

Fuck this shit.
This is the last time I listen to those hacks

The film is just tone, a mcguffin, and a cheap sentimental idea at the end.

What's her face doesn't even show her tits.

It's sexless, tedious, and just the kind of tripe that gives "art house cinema" a bad name.

>not realizing that the film was clearly mocking meme nihilism
>being this much of a brainlet

This looks like a movie for eunuchs who've given up on life and want a film to vindicate their empty banality.

Yeah but the nihilism in it didn’t bother me that much because if you actually listen to what he says he is saying that if you don’t believe in a god then what the point in doing anything in life? Because if there is no god then everything you’ve done in life won’t matter because at some point everyone will forget no matter how good you were and even then the universe will fall apart anyway so how can you not have a god?

>literally promoting self-delusion

Are you saying I’m deluded for believing in god, the movie is promoting a deluded idea, or that I’m deluded for how I understood that scene?


They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for normies. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing.

>villain is a piece of paper

I loved this movie. My interpretation is that it was pro-God and anti-Nihilism. The speech the guy at the party gave was actually saying how important God is and how everything does matter, by using a godless world as a contrast. The nihilist other ghost disappeared without closure and without faith. Our boy Casey's ghost stood tall, hung in there, and got to experience God and purpose at the end.

Basically, nihilists blown the fuck out. Not surprising our world of spiritually vacant plebs hated this movie

Eat the pie!

You know he meant the first. Bet he worships reason like a brainlet.



I think a lot of people are like the ghost in this movie. Mindlessly haunting a place or idea forever, for no real reason.

When will you stop haunting this place user?

Exactly what I meant with

Also to confirm it for myself I looked up the guy who delivered the speech. Apparently he’s in a Christian band or something so I think that kind of confirms my thought.

Nice, and right on cue a nihilist gets triggered

It's not nihilistic. Everything he says is pretty normie, common sense stuff.

Except it was literally about nihilism. There is no religious symbolism, imagery, or overreaching motif. The question of God, faith, or anything else doesn't even come into the picture for the ghost. You're extrapolating far to much from what amounts to a spewing nu-soy-hipster character.

Was the shot of the dead pioneers a Shining reference?

You yammering hot-air balloons are the cancer destroying civilization.

Words are meaningless if you don't believe them. Nowadays, people flip-flop on a dime. They're feign conviction and agree with this or that, but a second later they're on the mobile devices like the mindless consumers they are.

Bet you think Notes from Underground has nothing to do with God either.


You mean the ones preserving the very essence of civilization and what makes it great :)

The ghost had faith. Kesha's ghost showed us that if he had lost faith or chosen to give up at any time, he would've disappeared right then. But because he believed in his reason for staying, he was eventually rewarded. Ironically Nihilism is one of Gods gifts to us, and God loves us all the same. It wasn't that Kesha's ghost got punished, it was just that Casey's ghost got to have a bigger experience due to perseverance

>tfw the house you bought with your own money turns into your eternal, inescapable cuck shed

This is a scarier idea than anything I've seen on Black Mirror

You apparently don't watch a lot of art house cinema if you think this is giving it a bad name

What about God? Maybe you've got God.
Do you?
- What? Have God?
- Yes.
Well, here's howl break it down.
A writer writes a novel.
A songwriter writes a song.
A symphonist writes a symphony...
which is maybe the best example
because all the best ones
were written for God.
So, tell me what happens if Beethoven's
writing his Ninth Symphony"
and suddenly he wakes up one day
and realizes that God doesn't exist.
So, suddenly all of these notes
and chords and harmonies.
That were intended to,
you know, supersede the flesh,
you realize, "Oh, that's just physics."
So Beethoven says,
"Shoot, God doesn't exist,
so I guess I'm writing this
for other people.
It's just nuts and bolts now."
He didn't have any children,
that I can recall,
- but if he did...
- He had a nephew.
- He had a what?
- A nephew, he had a nephew.
Okay. Great. So he-he writes it for him.
Or Immortal Beloved.
Or for whoever that was.
But let's leave love out of this
and let's wrap this all up
under the blanket
of someone thinking,
"This is something
that they'll remember me for."
And they did. And we do.
And sure enough,
we do what we can to endure.
We build our legacy piece by piece,
and maybe the whole world
will remember you,
or maybe just a couple of people,
but you do what you can to
make sure you're still around
after you're gone.
And so we're still reading this book,
we're still singing the song,
and kids remember their parents
and their grandparents
and everyone's got their family tree,
and Beethoven's got his symphony,
And we've got it too.
And everyone will
keep listening to it f...
for the foreseeable future.
that's where things start breaking down,
because your kids...
Do you have kids?
Wait, who here has kids?
You? Your kids are gonna die.
Yours too. Yours too.
Hey, just sayin'. They're all gonna die,
and their kids will die,
and so on, and so on.
And then there's gonna be
one big-one big tectonic shift.
Yosemite will blow and
the western plates

Here's what's on the note

It’s sad, the state we’re in. People are so desperate for meaning that they start actively despising the absence of it, and reacting with spiteful rage when someone points it out.
In a capitalist superculture spanning the globe, what room is there for community and meaning? We’re too aware for our own good and too domesticated for our own awareness. People ITT aren’t mad at the movie, they’re mad at the delusion being broken on a massive scale like never before. Those medieval peasants had as much meaning as the office workers and shelf stockers of today. They had the delusion of purpose though. We need the veil.

This is literally a cuck movie. So of course RLM would like it m

will shift,
and the oceans will rise,
the mountains will fall,
and 90 percent of humanity will be gone.
One fell swoop. This is just science.
Whoever's left will...
go to higher ground
and social order will fall away,
and we will revert
to scavengers and hunters
and gatherers,
but maybe there's someone...
someone who one day hums
a melody they used to know.
And it gives everyone
a little bit of hope.
Mankind's on the verge of being wiped out,
but it keeps going a little bit longer
because someone hears someone
else hum a melody in a cave
and the physics of it in their ear
make them feel something other
than fear or hunger or hate,
and mankind carries on
and civilization gets back on track.
And now you're thinking
you're gonna finish that book.
But it won't last.
'Cause by and by, the planet's gonna die.
In a few billion years
the sun will become a red giant
and it'll, uh,
eventually swallow Earth whole.
This is a fact.
Now, maybe by that point,
we'll have set up shop on some
completely different planet.
Good for us. Maybe we've figured out a way
of carrying with us
all these things that matter.
They've got a photocopy
of the Mona Lisa out there,
someone sees it, mixes a little bit
of alien dirt with some spit,
paints something new,
the whole thing keeps going.
[Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" playing.
But even that doesn't matter.
Because even if some form of mankind
carries some recording
of Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony"
all the way into the future,
the future's gonna hit a brick wall.
The universe will keep expanding,
and it'll eventually
take all matter with it.
Everything you've ever strived for,
everything that you and some stranger.
On the other side of the planet
share with some future stranger
on some entirely different
planet without even knowing it,
everything that ever made
you feel big or stand up tall,
it'll all go.
Every atom in this dimension...
will be pulled apart by force
as simple as...
And then all these shredded particles
will contract

Both the ghosts disappear. What's the difference? Do you really think cyclically experiencing time for who knows how many eternities is made up for by reading one little scribbled note?

and... the universe is gonna
suck itself back into a speck
too small for any of us to see.
So, you can write a book...
but the pages will burn.
You can sing a song and pass it down.
You can write a play and hope
that folks will remember it...
keep performing it.
You can build your dream house...
but ultimately none of that
matters any more
than digging your fingers into the ground
to bury a fence post.
Or... or fucking.
Which I guess
is just about the same thing.
Thank you, O Lord,
for these, Thy blessings,
which we are about to receive
from Thy bounty.
Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
This is good.
This is good.

Stop getting offended by everything

Why do religious people see their specific religion in literally everything? It could’ve been about faith without being about Christianity.

What else did RLM tell you drones to watch?

It did for the ghost

Not Song to Song, the hack fraud plebs.
I was so excited for Jay to mention it, but it never happened

>dude, someone told you they liked a movie and YOU WATCHED IT? fucking drones

>tfw have already gave up on life and pretty much agreed with the whole scene

That's a good point. I think the difference is that it mattered to him, not that it was "worth it" in a cosmic sense necessarily. Personally I would have just gone through the magic door at the hospital, but I believe that both ghosts got to end up there after they finished their business on earth, and Casey's experience as a ghost was more satisfying because he held onto his faith.

I'm not religious at all, just spiritual. I'm not talking about a Christian god by any means. Really the word God is just sort of a placeholder for whatever spiritual, cosmic magic is going on, of which I believe there is such a thing

>You gotta have eternal meaning to have meaning and you need objective morality to have morality

Like I said earlier the guy delivering the monologue is supposedly Christian and from what I understand so is Kesha. As a Christian, You don’t really do those kind of things if they’re anti-religious.

I liked the movie. I usually like surreal shit in mah movies. My problem with it is that it felt like all that circular dubble ghost stuff coupled with a hipster rant was trying to covey a very specific idea that I failed to grasp.

>It's not for everyone...I's definitely for some people but..
>no Mike..they will hate it because nothing happens, there's not enough's just booooring isn't it
>yes Jay, of course
>So mundane, not enough explosions. Do you get it yet? We're making fun of everyone who doesn't enjoy this thinking man indie/obscure/artsy/deep film. Only we can enjoy such things
>This is funny, we should do this in every episode
>oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww-


What are you talking about there is a lot of talk of religion in this

Does Zak Bagans really show up or was that a joke?

Christianity is the one true religion.
Everything else is shitskin garbage.

This board can't shut up about RLM

>the ghost gets mad at spics

what did they mean by this?


I think it’s because They’re more likely to believe in ghosts. Most people I know who believe in ghosts are Hispanic.

>90 minutes of a dead guy watching his wife get railed

Really anchored my anchovies

There are no true religions. Christianity destroyed European culture and homogenized it under the church. All this talk of decolonization and few people mention that Christianity convinced Europeans the gods and traditions of their ancestors were to be feared and hated, and that all should kneel to the might of Rome and by extension Rome’s god.

Decolonize your mind and reject the lie.

This board is the most pathetic conglomeration of idiots I've ever seen in this website, and that's saying something. Go learn something about actual cinematographic theory and criticism that doesn't come from a youtube video. At least read something besides whatever the previous asshole with a mommy-and-daddy-bought keyboard posted two minutes ago before going back to hentaihaven. I'd like to believe that you're all part of the hot fartbubble of a culture that is the anglosphere so none of you faggots can stain my language with your toxic, programatic, acritical, plain stupid bullshit. Kill yourselves.

You should at least state what you thought about the film