Orson was 100% right about Woody Allen

Orson was 100% right about Woody Allen.

Charlie Kaufman suffers from the same 'arrogant timidity' that Woody Allen does, but it's even more blatant.

I like them both. I love them both actually, but Woody makes a movie every single year, and I've grown to hate him because it's always the same movie.

what did he say?


They both have that thing where they present their stand-in characters as incredibly shy, nerdy, quiet, soft-spoken, sensitive, and all that, and yet at the same time, the fictional worlds they create are always full of these moronic jocks or cartoonishly tasteless television producers or something like that. Basically, it feigns being 'look at me with all my flaws!' but it's really just saying that everyone else who they're competing with for women is probably even worse at the end of the day. Like, they're a little beacon of taste and wit and intellect in an otherwise neanderthalic Earth.

haven't seen this movie, is it the one where woody cheats on his mistress in new york while jazz plays in the background?

wow soyboys BTFO

Very true. I feel like Woody just writes fan fiction about himself. Upperclass New York writer who has a thing for younger girls who aren't like other girls because they like jazz music and Ingmar Bergman movies. Husbands and Wives was the last of Woody's classics I was yet to see, and I watched it last night. I fucking hated it. I used to love Woody Allen, and now I can't stand him. I'm sure I would enjoy Annie Hall if I went back to it, and his old stand-up is great, but yeah, I think I'm burnt out on Woody.

>they like jazz music and Ingmar Bergman movies
To be fair if you find a woman like this, she’s either a lesbian, or ugly.
Although I dislike Jazz as a principle.