For such a serious movie, there was a lot of funny, lighthearted moments...

For such a serious movie, there was a lot of funny, lighthearted moments. Kind of weird to have crippling anxiety in one scene, and have a nice audible laugh 30 seconds later

They went from a solid laugh immediately to a shot of a charred body. Effective shock, but I didn't find it to be in good taste.

This movie is the most overrated piece of shit I've seen pushed on people in a very long time. There was no style, no subtlety, flat characters, stupid dialogue, and worst of all, a moment where suspension of disbelief was completely impossible. You're telling me a POLICE STATION closes for the night and there's nobody there? And also there's only one door in and out so if there's a fire you just have to jump out the front window?

Also the whole nigger/people of color joke was so cringey and the whole theater was laughing little sensible NPR chuckles.

If this shit show beats All The Money In The World I'll be mad.

I'm ok with McDormand getting Best Actress (she was good in it) but the movie had a lot of sloppy parts to it.

>but I didn't find it to be in good taste
I can see that. There were some parts where I got a little frustrated with the movie because of how quickly the tone would change. I thought to myself, "stop making me laugh, this is serious shit." Anyways, I enjoyed the movie

is All the Money in the world that good? Like, best picture of the year good? Ridley Scott is the director, and I'm not a fan of his. He's done good movies, but he's also done some STINKERS

Can someone tell me why the unwatchable scenes with that 19 year old girl who for some unexplained reason was dating McDormand's character's abusive ex husband got laughs in the theater I was in?

Like the part where she was asking about the bathroom and was like "oh... uh... nevermind..." people were just losing their shit, even though it wasn't funny or cute or anything. It's just a fucking retard who takes old man dick up her pussy asking to pee. But I guess it's sooooooo awwwwkwarddddd so it's funny!!!

And why was the sheriff's wife British? What the fuck is a British woman doing married to a sheriff in small town Missouri? How would they have even met?

I hate this film so much and I can't understand why everyone praises it so much.

The only time I laughed the entire film was when the doctor asked the sheriff how he felt and he said "like I have cancer in a major organ."

What on Earth did you think was funny in this movie? Every little "clever" line fell completely flat for me.

Overall I enjoyed watching it too. But I feel like every time I take a closer at it look I don't like what I find. Having said that I think the movie was a bit surface level for such heavy subject matters.

some of the Peter Dinklage scenes gave me a chuckle. Sam Rockwell's mom crying and pounding on the door yelling "my baby" as he's collecting evidence after getting his ass beat made me laugh. Sam Rockwell palming the billboard guy's secretary in the face was a funny moment in an otherwise serious scene. Sam Rockwell had some funny moments early on. There were a couple other parts that made me laugh but I cant remember

I really enjoyed it, with that said there's no characters that have standout performances (although I think Plummer is fantastic) but I think it did a fantastic job of showing a filthy dirty Rome.

The story is so "Stranger Than Fiction" that I find it amazing, Getty was such a miserable fuck.

Is it the best movie in a very forgettable year in film. Perhaps, I haven't seen what could be the best movie though (Phantom Thread).

The editing was disgusting for such a good film

>crippling anxiety
You have to go back.

SACRED DEER is still the best film i've seen this year.

This was pretty childish desu.

I might have to agree there

I liked the joke but on my theatre no-one laughed, people died laughing at any physical slap stick or when sam rockwell said something stupid but any midget or race jokes had hushed responses.

That girl was terrible, she didnt fit remotely into the tone as she was a 100% comic character. Not even funny either, just tumblr tier "awkward character out of place speaks quickly".

Really lowered my estimation in humanity that most of the theatre was falling out of their seats at her.

> based black man spits at cops
> "fuck da police" black friend
> police fake drug charges on poor black people
> racist cop btfo when new chief is black!?

Is this what films have to force in now for academy award consideration?

Literally just got back from this. Didnt really like it, the tone was weird.

Peter Dinklage taking the wind out of McDormand's character's sails really stood out as a great moment in this film. It's a reality check for the audience who is presumably rooting for her despite her shitty behavior.

They should have used The Band's version of The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down, though. That's the only good one.

right when she torched the police station and burnt up Rockwell, she became the bad guy.

She was shitty from the first second, it was most shown in Chief Willoughby's admission to her he had cancer though. It was the point of the film that such an awful thing like that will just destroy a person and lead to more sickness and hate, like in Prisoners, a more kino film.

Still i can guarantee most cinemagoers rooted for her throughout because she was the main character and sassy, so that scene probably surprised them.

>You're telling me a POLICE STATION closes for the night and there's nobody there? And also there's only one door in and out so if there's a fire you just have to jump out the front window?
>And why was the sheriff's wife British? What the fuck is a British woman doing married to a sheriff in small town Missouri? How would they have even met?


While i agree that the tone was incosistent, they were definitely trying for a 'black comedy' in the traditional sense so it makes sense for them to try, but i agree it sort of fell flat to me, still an alright film but not one i'll be seeking out again.

I don't know if it was Francis McDormand or the black comedy aspect but it felt like a sub-par coen brothers film (not that i put them on too high a pedestal).

lmaoing at triggered nigs though, based rockwell's acting never disappoints. I'll go see any movie related to him, Vince Vaughn or Gibson.

>You're telling me a POLICE STATION closes for the night and there's nobody there?

I had something stolen once and I thought I'd call the police just because the gym I was at was being a bunch of faggots and wouldn't use their security cameras to find the person who walked off with my bag after breaking into my locker.

But I got an automated message that the police station was closed, this was like 9 at night, and I should just call emergency services if there was an actual emergency.

I didn't go to the station to see if it was empty though.

> You're telling me a POLICE STATION closes for the night and there's nobody there?
t. latte sipping city slicker.

In small towns if anything happens people literally just call the sheriff or chief or any police officer because it's a small town.

For a movie to be a black comedy there needs to be something at least ironically comedic about the premise, the Coens understand this. 3 Billboards carried itself like a movie with a weighty subject matter that was injected with jokes, the result being a lot of the humor (while imo effective) felt incredibly out of place, and gave me the impression the filmmakers didnt have a clear vision for the movie.

That's the way McDonagh operates. His films could be considered "dark comedy" but he errs heavily towards the dark, more dramatic side of the genre whereas the Coens really have a knack for the comedic aspects.

It legitimately pissed me off seeing how awful Suburbicon was. There was clearly a great Coen script in there with a ton of potential, but Clooney can't tell jokes with the camera for shit AND he altered the script to put sociopolitical themes near the forefront of the movie.

Well said.

Spot on.

I've seen a few interviews and it seems like this is exactly the type of story he wanted to tell, so maybe hes just a bit shit. But still, stronk womyn lead, muh rape with a hint of BLM is enough to carry 'a bit shit' far and wide these days.

>stronk womyn lead, muh rape with a hint of BLM is enough to carry 'a bit shit' far and wide these days.

what does that even mean?

Unironically all that stuff made the film much much worse. It would have been a 7/10 pared back of that, but instead is a 5/10.

With a 'Strong Woman' archetype in the leading role, and a story centering around the rape and murder of a woman, with hints (since they didn't really explore it at all) of 'Racist Police Force' makes (what i feel) a middling / passable film into the #1 Oscar contender for 2017.

Also stop pretending to be obtuse you fucking faggot, you're better than that.

> he doesnt know all academy award bait from here on out will include innumerable niggers talking emotionally about racism

Is it better than "In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue"

you can't just throw around random words into a sentence and expect it to stick. so the movie had a woman as the lead, some bits about rape and where does black lives matter fit into it? there were racist cops?

you managed to type a post and say nothing meaningful.


Not him but it was perfectly legible. You're the one falling short.

I don't give a shit if you disagree with what i'm saying but what i said was perfectly understandable. If you disagree with what i said then just disagree, don't act like the intent is unreadable just because you disagree.

If you want i'm more than happy to have a full blown multiple paragraph discussion about the topic with you, but brevity is the soul of wit and i'm posting on Sup Forums not discussing the newest kinoscope at the cigar lounge.

And you acting like what i'm saying is stupid or unintelligible simply because you disagree is belittling yourself.

>Like the part where she was asking about the bathroom and was like "oh... uh... nevermind..." people were just losing their shit, even though it wasn't funny or cute or anything. It's just a fucking retard who takes old man dick up her pussy asking to pee. But I guess it's sooooooo awwwwkwarddddd so it's funny!!!

she interrupts a standoff where the ex has his hands around mcdormand's throat, whilst the son reacts by threatening the ex with a knife

that's why that line is funny

jesus christ, the autists here. please seek psychological help

user police stations in small towns close for the night and the sheriff is on call.

Maybe police stations are open 24/7 for you city slickers with your fancy German cars, but in small towns they close down at night.

>And you acting like what i'm saying is stupid or unintelligible simply because you disagree is belittling yourself.

but it is stupid.. you didn't like the film but you seem to be suggesting that the reason other people like it is because of women, rape and BLM(?). you can't use the excuse of the medium that you post on to defend saying retarded shit. it's a bit more nuanced than what your post implied and i think it's a bit rude to suggest that people only enjoyed the movie

i get that the weird tonal shifts can can disrupt how the movie is being received but it worked for me. the key thing is that it was set up super early on that the movie is going to haveserious junk immediately juxtaposed with comedy so when it is featured more prominently down the line, it wouldn't be so foreign that it becomes unpalatable. the only problem that i had with that aspect was the the husband's gf

the director/writer knew exactly what he was going for. he managed to make a movie with this overrarching depressing feeling but present it in a way with dots of funny so it's not just a depressing mess. it parallels life in a funny way because it doesn't end in a happy or a bad way, it just ends really mutedly. he didn't need to delve deep into social issues or explore racism because that wouldnt be fitting for the movie. the point was to put them on screen and that is enough because showing them illicits a response to the viewer that these things are bad and they are rampant

my favorite thing about the movie is the damp approach to just about everything because it is so remniscent of life. no one seems to care that much about anything and there's a familiar complacency. racism wasn't explored because it wouldn't change anything. racism will just be there and it's refreshing to have a so abject portrayal. to these characters, the only arc is an acceptance that things are a bit shit.


LOOK I POST ON Sup Forums!!!!!

It's a black comedy that is raw and brutal.

So he made a movie that takes a surface level look at a depressing story, with (similarly surface level) references to current events and social issues. This is why I personally felt offended, it seemed distasteful to include these touchy elements without really saying anything of substance about them.

>What on Earth did you think was funny in this movie?
Sam Rockwell reading the letter in a burning building for one.

Do you autists seriously not understand black comedies?

This looks like another generic reddit trash movie that gets good reviews because it mocks rural white male Americans

Lol another/r/movies cocksucker

The ‘arrest them for homophobia’ line was great

I liked the humour. I just don’t think it worked in harmony with the serious parts like in Seven Psychopaths or In Bruges

You don't know what gallows humor is, do you?

It's been described as a "pitch black comedy." The subject matter (the crime) is so horrific that it brings to mind the saying "if I wasn't laughing, I'd be crying."

"It puts our funnybone through a woodchipper" is how it's been described.

"The film is as dark as they come, a pitch-black, often laceratingly funny look at human nature at its most nasty, brutish and dimwitted."

"a flawless example of how amazing the genre of dark comedy is by walking the line of "too far" perfectly."

It's also a tragicomedy with absurdist humor.

If anything, since Martin McDonagh conceived the whole thing, it could be accused of being contrived and manipulative for using such a brutal tragedy to mine for laughs. But then again, that's what a dark comedy does.

Look man, I'm a fan of all sorts of comedy. That doesn't make the movie any better.

Not to mention, none of the humor really came from aspects of the tragedy itself. It was just benign jokes juxtaposed with dramatic details, seemingly unrelated and at random. That's not gallows humor, thats just poor editing.

all of this
it's the 2nd best movie of the year, after br2049

McDonaghs really don't get America.

>you didn't like the film

No i enjoyed it for what it was, but i don't think it's amazing. It had numerous flaws and people are straight up saying it's the #1 oscar contender for 2017, something i disagree with. I agree that the director knew exactly what he wanted to make, i just think it's not that amazing. It's fine, it's basic, the story is well told but it's not a good story.

Imagine that, people aren't 2 dimensional strawmen of your own creation, i can say nigger and still appreciate black actors, or decry hollywood overpraising films that feature trite repetitive shit year in year out while still moderately enjoying said films based on their own merit.

I'm not going to address most of your points because it seems we just simply enjoyed the film to different degrees, you more, i less. But this is just retarded.
> the point was to put them on screen

The racist arc that Dixon went through was fucking stupid because even as character backstory it never actually affects anything, aside from calling someone a beaner and going 'see i can beat up white people too' it literally never factors into the character or plot at past its introduction (the first billboard scene)

They literally have a black police chief kick him off the force and literally nothing. It was a stupid plot element solely to bait the 'ooh raciss cops beating up black people that's so hot right now!' bullshit from the kikeywood class.

>plot at past

plot at all past*

It's a scathing look at how shitty life can be, and the stupid little amusing shit that makes it somewhat more bearable.

I laughed and cried during the movie. It's a raw look at human nature, warts and all.

Woody Harrelson reading a hopeful letter in a burning building from a guy who recently killed himself after fucking his wife the day before while he tricked his daughters into fishing for teddybears is gallows humor, you stupid fucking autists.

Sure, there's not much humor surrounding the charred rape victim, because that would be obscene, so it focuses more on the bumblefuck police and the redneck billboard company and the asshole who threatens McDormand in he shop.

I laughed, I even shed a tear when ad agency boy gave Dixon OJ. But it wasn't cathartic. In the end I feel like it gave the wrong message (perhaps none at all), and not much can be said of the story or its protagonist. It's just a buncha stuff that happened.

You seem upset. Sorry I didn't love this movie you're defending tooth and nail, but my "understanding" of gallows humor (as according to you) has little to do with my (or anyone's) enjoyment of the movie. That moment you mentioned was kind of cute, sure, but what was the point? Was it gallows humor? Great! I couldn't care less.

What's your top 5 favorite films of 2017?

Let me guess, you voted for Trump didn't you?

That movie gave you crippling anxiety?
I thought that "literally shaking" bit was just a baseless insult, it turns out you guys really are that sensitive

I bet you're a male too

It is cathartic. Tragedy makes people want to get revenge, and just the fact that McDormand and Rockwell get a ray of hope and it goes away is like real life for people whose loved ones have been murdered. The fact that McDormand and Rockwell find some other shitbag to go after, and then the fact that they have second thoughts is a perfect fucking ending.

There's a reason Rockwell wont he Golden Globe and Critics Choice award, because his character, while pathetic, has some kind of redemption in the end.

And the fact that they are driven by a thirst for revenge but still question the morality of murder is "not just a bunch of stuff that happened."

Apologies for your autism.

God, are you underage? All this "autistic this autistic that". I was saying I personally didn't find it cathartic, and look whatever reasoning you have isn't going to retroactively change that. Maybe you're the sperg, considered that?

The point is that it's the darkest of dark comedies, and evidently autism makes you unable to understand comedy, or dark comedy.

Maybe Thor: Ragnarok is more up your alley?

>a dumbass racist cop has an epiphany and changes his whole life around in one moment
It comes off as cheesy instead of profound

Trump is a kike controlled shill, i'm not American and English is not my first language.

I haven't seen enough 2017 films to make a competent list. I enjoyed Logan Lucky, A Ghost Story and Wind River. Behemoth is a documentary and technically released in 2015 but i also saw and enjoyed that in the theatre.

I'm not sitting here calling you some triggered cuck ad nauseum so can you atleast give me the respect of engaging with me straight, this whole thread is just you screeching assumptions at me because i used buzzwords also found on Sup Forums.

You like it more than me, i like it less than you, why are you trying to wave some dick around?


I bet I'm older than you are. Meanwhile, you talk like a child who doesn't know tragedy from your own asshole. Maybe after some more life experiences you'll realize why this movie is getting so many awards.

Also, spergs wouldn't get dark comedies. Because people with autism have difficulty understanding metaphors, because they take everything so fucking literally, so they don't understand why things are supposed to be funny.

But sure, call everyone who can write something longer than a tweet a sperg. Maybe go pay to see Transformers: The Last Knight again.

Has this discussion turned into an edgefest?

This is really pathetic man.

Rockwell's performance early in the movie is somehwat cheesy (and funny), but that's fine because Rockwell excels at cheesy. The ending isn't cheesy at all. The film is also about empathy. Another thing that autists don't fucking understand.

t. everyone who disagrees with me is an Autist.

Get a fresh insult you faggot.

Americans really don't get McDonaghs


Its script and tone were all over the place.
The billboards were put up to avoid the murder being forgotten and to help the investigations keep going?
Too bad apparently noone had forgotten about the case and the investigations didn't had a significant turn becaise of it.
The cancer plot was for us to sympathize more with the chief?
Too bad he wasn't the one we disliked to begin with.
Was it there to let McDormand charachter have some moral conundrum
She didn't give a shit.
Same thing for his suicide.
It seems like the idea was that, even if it happened for unrelated reasons, the suicide was put in the film to create struggle both in the charachter and in the city.
Too bad we see just glimpses of that (the threatening display of a cunt that we discover is an asshole anyway and is not even from the city!) and the movie immediately focuses on other things!
What was the point of her black friend going to prison? It was just a one off scene.
What was the point of her son scenes about his disapproval of the three billboards?
Oh my god, what was the fucking point of the priest scene? Just to take a jab at the church?

Also this movie was cheesy as fuck in its dramatic moments. It had like 5 monologues in it and they were all bland as fuck. Oh no, you're a good man but you have daddy issues. Fuck off.

Also all the comedy fell flat.
Also the cinematography was uninspired.
Also overacting.
Also the music sucked.
There was one tense scene in it, the Dickson's;s assault to the ginger, and it led nowhere. The next scene he was laughing about it in the station.

First off, there's more than 2 people discussing in this thread. I asked because I want to know what 2017 films you thought were better than Three Billboards. I'll have to check out the films you mentioned.

When you say
>It's fine, it's basic, the story is well told but it's not a good story.

I completely disagree with that, and seemingly most critics do to. AFI named it one of the top 10 films of the year. It won the Golden Globe for Best Drama, and Best Actress in a Drama, and Best Supporting Actor, and Best Screenplay. It was nominated for 9 BAFTAs. It also won 3 Critics Choice awards, for McDormand, for Rockwell, and for the cast, and was nominated for 3 more including Best Original Screenplay. And those are all deserved IMO.

I'm not saying you have to like it. I'm just saying that maybe the problem is you.

The problem isn't the usage of "gallows humor", it's the half-assed nature of said humor. If you're going to pull punches like that, go all in so it's well signaled to the audience so that they may laugh. 3 Billboards key flaw was that it didn't clearly telegraph its intentions.

The film is all over the place because McDonaghs don't know how to create a believable America (and Brendan Gleeson is missing too). The dialogue smells of Tarantino, the comedy falls flat and suspension of disbelief is nowhere to be found..

Americans don't make movies about McDonaghs

It has nothing to do with "twisted" (maybe Jigsaw is more to your liking?), but probably everything to the fact that you're not an American so you didn't "get it", ESL.

Not an argument. Would you like to lose some money betting on the Oscars, you dumbfuck?


>my argument is getting week, better pull up some stats

Not, not everyone who disagrees with me is an autist. Just the people complaining about tonal shifts in a dark comedy, and people who don't understand why people think things are funny, and people who take everything 100% literally because they are essentially robots covered in human skin, like an autist.

Was your father in his 30s when he had you?

Real shame, we were all having a perfectly civil discussion before "you're an autist" spammer joined in. I hope you do realize you are actual cancer.

Black comedies do not work on premises like that.
For a black comedy to work you have to eithertreat a still serious but less tragic subject, like Woody Allen or Louis CK do, or you have to distance your audience from the tragedy so they can laugh at it. Like, you follow the detectives, or the criminals, not the rape victim's emotionally devasteted mother.
You can made a nice black comedy out of 9/11 but it has to be around the events, but you can't do a comedy about the planes hijacking


Fair point, i thought you were the no caps poster.

But i must ask, what is the point of appealing to authority? I really don't give a shit what kike gives which kike what award.

This films is two steps removed from a childs fable of 'be careful what you wish for' or 'revenge doesn't get you anywhere!' i don't care what country you are from but that IS basic.

I get that less is more but i don't understand the fawning, it's fine, maybe 2017 is just a shitty year for american films but just because large numbers of people are fawning doesn't change anything.

Oh, so because the movie didn't have a needlescratch, you didn't know when to laugh? Maybe Ferdinand would be more to your liking.

Totally agree. I also felt a lot of comedy didn't land. It always felt like the funny moments came off as ones that you might find in some wacky summer comedy for the kids.

The irony is that, looking at his posting he has an extremely repetitive style of insulting / posting.

> maybe Jigsaw is more to your liking?
> Maybe Ferdinand would be more to your liking.
> Maybe Thor: Ragnarok is more up your alley?

He's probably legitimately autistic and just projecting.

Ok, I didn't get it until now but these posts are hilarious. I tip my hat to you sir

Critics were right about Three Billboards, wrong about TLJ. The RT gap for 3BB is +6% by the critics. The RT gap for TLJ is -41 by the audience.

Oh, and TLJ isn't going to be winning Best Screenplay anytime soon, unlike 3BB which already won best screenplay at the Golden Globes, and Critics Choice awards.

It's called evidence.

If you're right, then shouldn't Three Billboards be winning some Razzies instead of Golden Globes?


To be honest it didn't stick out to me in the theatre.

A perfectly civil discussion about how retards don't like the film?

I could maybe accept a criticsm that the script is "contrived", but other than that,, every criticism offered so far has been tone-deaf. Like an autist.

Sorry you're having your opinions challenged.

are you blind?

>while discussing a subjective matter

The story is great, it's beautifully shot but it sorts of requires that you don't know anything about Italy

Nah normally that stuff triggers me to no ends but it was such a short scene of little import.

Got a screengrab?

VERY distracting. For a moment it felt more like Harold and Kumar than Coens-lite.

Nothing in the movie seemed to suggest the drug charges were fake since no one claimed so, not even for the old charges