I'm planning on showing this EGS stuff (the video and some Sup Forums threads with more info) to a YouTuber like Pyro...

I'm planning on showing this EGS stuff (the video and some Sup Forums threads with more info) to a YouTuber like Pyro or Phillip but before i do i want to know if Sup Forums thinks that it's a good idea to make this stuff more known

Other urls found in this thread:


you must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums

I know I'm a faggot for giving this underage attention. But please fucking don't.


I'm 18 and i'm gonna do it anyway just to piss you all off

>I'm 18.

We can fucking tell. Go to bed, your mommy might get upset.

let it happen naturally young one. /egs/ cant be stopped now. let the normies learn of froggy's love their own way.

I am 18 if i wasn't then i my parents wouldn't let look at stuff like this


Yeah, like I said, we can tell.

Get a load of this underage faggot. Fuck off

Your response made it sound like you thought i wasn't 18 and that i'm young enough to have a bedtime and still call my mom "mommy"

I'm 18

Mister Metokour is already making a video next weekend about it.

>Hello lads, Pyro here, and my sole gimmick is me fukken voice n accent

Sauce? Where/when did he say this?

>Complaining about age
>In an EGS thread
The irony ITT is strong enough to feel it with your own hands.

how does the work of a 23 year old have to do about proving you aren't a fucking retard?

By just ignoring it, maybe.

Did we really need Jim to make a video about it though? All of Randys shit is available for viewing and it's pretty self explanatory why the guy did it. I like Jim, but sometimes I really feel he just cannibalizes Sup Forums threads then makes a video expressing his so called opinion. The guy should stick to chasing gook women and getting drunk on his streams.

He has a deflated lung. Can't be helped
His gimmick now is that he didn't get BTFO like Leafy

It's irony because you say so? kek, shut up retard. Nobody told the guy to run around and scream HEY! HEY! I'M 18 GUYZ!

>I don't know how dumb I sound to smarter people.

It really isn't needed.

Come the fuck on, everybody who praises this shit at this point is either an underage or is a clone of this tranny.

Any porn of this yet?

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Sadly no.

Anyone know how to contact Shadman? I have an idea.

btw half the point of posting that pic at its original size is so you can see the fedora on the photographer reflected in the dog's eye

This person is DEFINITELY a minor

It's not but he'll probably make the video anyway. Jim is cool but he's just like the rest of the Youtube whores. He wants those views and ad revenue.
How to make a jim81jim/Mister Metokur video 101
1.Jump on Sup Forums then go to Sup Forums
2.Take the best points from people you agree with from the thread you are currently in and put them in your video and pawn them off like they are your own.
3.Play Serous Sam on Steam
4.Upload the video and collect that Youtube blood money while your Asian gf draws you some cool channel art.
5.Respond to a few people in your comment section with anime girl and pepe avatars
6.Return to step 1 and repeat.

This is what trans people do when you misgender their pronoun.

Can make translation if you need

I don't get it, are you insulting me

I only said i'm 18 because people were saying i'm not

I never praised him, i never even did anything or said anything that is even close to praising, you're just assuming shit and being a retard

Also, i'm not underaged, i'm 18, unless underaged means something else on Sup Forums

Wait, i get it now, you think you're better than me, i''ll have you know that i'm smarter than you, i know a lot about history of multiple countries and i know a lot about history about other stuff too including Sup Forums

Ask him on twitter

I'm 18, why would you think i'm not