Whats with all the hate for john k? the man's a fucking genius

whats with all the hate for john k? the man's a fucking genius

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He's a cunt.

Got to bed John.

John pls go

Please watch this


His weird little hate boner for Chuck Jones for the pettiest of reasons.

>poop humor


Can someone explain to me why some people consider him a genius? I know he made Ren & Stimpy. But other then that and Ripping Friends plus a few flash cartoons he didn't make much else. So why all the worship for this guy?
If it was someone like Walt Disney or something I'd understand. But someone please explain to me.
From what I can tell he's just the Kanye West of animators.

In every way besides creating one mostly funny cartoon show and being a decent (though heavily biased) cartoon historian, he's a garbage human being who repels everyone who works with and under him.
And you fucking know why people hate him you shit posting OP.

Because he is the reigning king of daddy issues and hates Chuck Jones, a man several hundred times more influential and well-balanced.

I'm just so tired of being expected to give a shit.

He invented Flash animation

he's not
the only reason Ren and Stimpy was any good was because:
A) the people below him had more talent than he did
B) the people above him disapproved of anything too terrible

on top of that, John K is just a terrible person to work with. almost everyone who works with him never wants to work with him again, look at Billy West or Katie Rice (the only person who has ever had anything nice to say about him is Mike Judge). He has terrible work ethic and constantly missed deadlines, which led him to be fired from Nick.

any time John K gets more creative control, the production turns to shit.
remember Adult Party Cartoon? It was terrible.
remember Super Ripping Friends? Yeah, me neither.
remember those terrible, terrible, terrible Simpsons couch gags he did? I try not to.

remember Cans Without Labels? nobody does because it hasnt come out yet.

John K. is a garbage hack and anyone who calls him an inspiration has no clue who they're actually inspired by

Ren & Stimpy came out in an era when the industry was more open to cartoons that weren't heavily based on tracing model sheets (if not outright xeroxing them), and his and Ralph Bakshi's cartoons with their throwback to the Golden Age of animation (and not in the skin deep way that Tiny Toons and Animaniacs were throwbacks) were visually exciting. Plus the show had some legitimately out there stuff for a children's cartoon of any era, much less the safe and fluffy world of children's entertainment that was the early 90's.
His expectations are too high though, and his slave driver tendencies and total dickishness way outweigh any of his pros when it comes to actually producing animation.

Low effort shitposting always gets replies.

All the CalArts fags conspired to ruin him

He is a psycho with daddy issues

His dad was a real psychopath that broke his mental

>A) the people below him had more talent than he did
>B) the people above him disapproved of anything too terrible
>John K. is a garbage hack
absolute bullshit

I haven't heard anything about his dad, besides that george liquor was inspired by him

whats with the john k daddy issues meme?

>conspired to ruin him
he ruined himself plenty without Calarts help


I really don't like how his style has evolved, it's really shitty, he needs to restrain himself more like in the old days

he can't, other people restrained him for him
thats why Ren and Stimpy was good while almost everything else John K did was bad

His dad puts playboys in his wardrobe because he thought he's gay

>absolute bullshit
care to back that up, buckaroo? or are you just gonna shake your head and say "no, you're wrong" like a kid who cant accept when his parent is right?

The man can't meet a deadline.

John KKK may be an absolute dickhead but I wouldn't say he's a hack.

Imagine the sheer trauma... titties!
Poor guy.

His obsession with stylizing the hell out of everything the way he does is terrible, and I'm sure he'd hate the way we're using the word style considering how anal he is about the word. I wish he'd move away from that. Also draw something with more cute/sexy girls in it.
Not that it matters, he's not going to have another major animation project.

please turn your attention to
as well as

>They're so bad you actually feel embarrassed for the actors. It's the same feeling you get watching your dad beat up by a neighbor. If you have to watch it, turn the sound off.

>It's the same feeling you get watching your dad beat up by a neighbor

well John, explain yourself

>that time John K. sent anonymous death threats to Games Animation personnel
>that time John K. spiked Bob Camp's beer with rat poison
>that time John K. sent anonymous bomb threats to Nickelodeon Studios offices
>that time John K. cut the brake lines on Vanessa Coffey's car

what a wacky guy :^)

Remider that Johnny K. was the last force of good between western animation and the CalArts plague

Dam Howard stern is an asshole

Dear God, that's awful

HOLY SHIT, what's up with billy? he acts like he's about to have a fucking heart attack
at 13:57 especially

yeah, like what the hell. go to 14:02, it looks like billy is about to have a stroke

He is guilty!

Not really, his cartoons sucked too. Poor attempts at aping Bob Clampett. Just another Leaf attempting to be a Burger but lacking the wealth/drive/willpower to do it, so he became a shitposter instead.

Plus he also supported that loser Hillary. Sad!

>Plus he also supported that loser Hillary
if that's true, then poor John Kuckfalusi got cucked once again

How does a guy who believes in the things he does throw in with Her(tm)?!

virtue signaling

only thing i can find about john k supporting shillary is a hillary doll he made alongside an obama and a romney doll in 2008

if you were to meet John K, what would you say to him?

also kind of a moron

I love all the girls he designed with Katie Rice for that one music video John animated for Weird Al, especially pic related. I'm not sure if that was more his or Rice's doing, but drawing something with more eye candy like that WOULD be great, but it's too bad that'll never happen.

"how many people have you killed?"
because i refuse to believe he hasnt killed anyone

Ren & Stimpy set the groundwork for pretty much every cartoon that's come since so I can't really take away too much from him.

With that being said he's a massive dick. Just...massive. You really expect people to walk away from Ren & Stimpy because you got fired and then hold a grudge? And his narrow view on what animation can be is just boring. In John K's world Avatar or Samurai Jack or half the other shows we watch today would be burned in a ditch and their creators banned from the industry.

Also his artstyle has never been particularly...I wanna say eye catching but that's not quite right. It's been fascinating to watch him turn his cartoons into almost abstract paintings of balloons violently in motion and suddenly stopping at the drop of a hat but it's not anything that I'd ever aspire to draw myself.

>Cans Without Labels still isn't out

Jesus fuck man. I could've drawn that damn cartoon by this point already and it would probably be as well received as anything you put out. Dude is fucking LAAAAZY.

I'd tell him to write a book on animation based on the various bits of actual good advice that's peppered across his blog in between idiotic rants about bullshit.

Of course he probably wouldn't ever get it done if it was just him, but he could get someone to compile and edit his thoughts. He hates on Richard Williams but Dick's book is arguably the most widely read animation bible ever created, moreso even than Preston Blair's.

I never really understood his hate for Richard Williams

Part of his complaint is seriously that instead of just goofy stylized cartoons Dick likes to draw ugly people.

Shit is hilarious when you look at what John's art has degraded to.

>any character from Thief and the Cobbler
>not being the pinnacle of fantastic character design
then again, we've seen John K's character designs, its not like that man has a single ounce of taste in his body

He looks like fat bastard who lost weight

Yeah I kinda like him I guess

"please don't molest me"

Sir, you have to put your card in the reader. You got a chip on there. Wait until it says remove card.


>A man who actually didn't observe from and caricaturize reality despite telling others to do so; just old cartoons and movies

>Plus he also supported that loser Hillary. Sad!
I think all politicians are fools iah but that one post on his blog that devolved from some decent animation advice into random political rambling was just really sad.

but that one post on his blog that devolved from some decent animation advice into random political rambling was just really sad.

John's problem is that his animation style is very esoteric, inaccessible, and often makes sense only to him. His talents are better served being an auteur like Don Hertzfeld than to try and produce a mainstream half-hour animated series.

>His talents are better served being an auteur like Don Hertzfeld

Too bad Jon can't write. As a storyteller, a comedian or whatever it is his cartoons have aspired to be there just isn't much there. Only Ren & Stimpy (and maybe Boo Boo Goes Wild) were worth anything and I'm myself ignorant how much Jon himself helped with the writing of those.

Literally every other piece of media the man has ever produced, removed entirely from its animation merits, has been abject garbage. Get John a decent director, editor and writer and I'd gladly watch his stuff but left to his own devices he dissapears completely up his own asshole.

John has an open hatred of writers, and believes animators should do their own stories

>makes sense only to him.
nailed it desu. John's has a style of humor and an overall approach to his projects that honestly is very unappealing and is only funny to him and maybe his friends. and at the same time he is extremely critical of everything that everyone else makes.

the unfortunate thing is that his blog posts show a very deep appreciation and understanding of the principles followed by the creators of the cartoons that inspired him but he can't seem to ever use them to good effect despite giving such importance to them. you would think with all his insight as an artist he'd understand that making his work enjoyable is of the utmost importance, but instead he just draws ugly unfunny shit and tries to explain why it's better than everything else in the world.

>why it's better than everything else in the world.
because it is not CalArts shit

Found it:

>and believes animators should do their own stories
Too bad there are only a handful animators out there who actually know how to write at least a semi-decent story. The rest only "write" what are basically just watered-down copies of cartoons they've watched as dumb kids, John included.

"Holy cow, someone once asked me what I would say if we met and I couldn't think of anything"

>John started the calarts = bad meme
it all makes sense now

I'd tell him to read one of those shitty ren and stimpy creepypastas, like Ren's Rampage and My Poor Stimpy

In some respects.
Unfortunately he lacks the ability to properly analyze himself and has been stuck with the same notions he's had since he was 20. So while some of the advice he gives is good, it should be handled with some level of skepticism.

Basically. It was originally his catch-all term for most movie thing he don't like unless your name its Pete Emslie for some reason.


He's getting called out on national radio and he knows it. By his "friends" no less.
Wouldn't you be a bit freaked out?

It's funny how off point he can be on things like this, but he can immediately recognize exactly where certain artists are stealing from. It's like his head's a grab bag of half savant and half crazy.

He's shit

>My Poor Stimpy
The sheer amount of bad research in that pasta is enough to give a man heart-attack

I'm so tempted to repost it to /x/ and see their reaction

I love how one man can cause so much butthurt

I love how one studio (or in this case, many) can cause so much butthurt to one man.

holy shit

is that the guy who made Mighty Magiswords?


>>that time John K. sent anonymous bomb threats to Nickelodeon Studios offices


Kyle is a cunt though.

that didn't actually happen, lol. if it did, john would probably be in jail right now

it's Sup Forums tradition to potray john k as a complete lunatic

Wow, well thanks for filling me in.
That's still fucking funny for an in-joke.

Chill dude, none of those happened

Hey now Ripping Friends was awesome.

In our defense he is a complete lunatic. Maybe not the bomb type but John'd be the first person I'd expect with a shotgun in one hand and a whisky bottle in the other telling me to get off his lawn.

Unless I was an attractive female anyway, everything I've read/heard about John K suggests he has, er, "special" ways with the lady folk. Wish I could find the audio commentary for Stimpy's Cousin. Don't remember who the girl is that was doing the commentary with John but she doesn't sound altogether comfortable with the conversation sometimes.

Get him to voice act for my cartoon, because his voice is underrated as fuck.

I personally thought it was pretty forgettable at best but hey you're still entitled to your opinion.

forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3779205 ctrl + f "jivehonky"

jivehonky worked for john K sometime around 1998 - 2001

he has some really interesting things to say about him and his relationship with women

Honestly I wouldn't mind hearing him in something. Don't know what his range is but his Ren was a lot better than Billy's and his Booboo was pretty funny too.

i find it fucking hilarious that this manchild made an entire comic shitting on john k, while his comic and his show, mighty magiswords, is clearly influenced by the spumco style

I saw John K. at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


>"Do I make myself clear?"

jesus christ

Of course I'm aware that this Kyle fellow is an insufferable cunt who reacts to criticism as well as someone like Tom Preston, but it's not like John's any better you know (well, maybe except for the criticism part to an extent), especially when he gets similarly triggered by the most harmless art trends these famous studios follow.

He's a hack that can't finish anything unless he has underage girls doing it for him

>idolize animator
>become artist
>base your style off his work
>meet your inspiration
>learn he's an asshole creep

I have the DVD that commentary is on, and he basically makes weird sexual comments to her the whole time, something about which one between Ren and Stimpy she would "give it to", and there was also a gag where Sven showed Stimpy his rolled up ball of used bandaids and he asked her if she did the same thing with tampons when she was a kid.


It's standard in this industry