What's his name again Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


Jared Shapiro.

Jason from my favorite anime.

>Randy "Remember my waifu or i'll end your laifu" Stair

Even this guy learned how to animate. Whats your excuse Sup Forums?

Tranny Phantom

Will this guy get his own wikipedia page?

Ben "The One Man Klan" Garrison

Clearly he had quite a bit of drive and inspiration. Not to mention the fact that having rich parents always seems to be a good start for successful people.

Even better. He has an entire wiki dedicated to his craft.


>tfw have whole bunch of inspiration for projects but no drive to do them

meanwhile this guy does and uses it to make cringe

It's like how the smartest people tend to be lethargic and question all the decisions they make, while retards just run around doing whatever they feel like in the moment without question.

I don't want to animate.

Haven't we had enough threads by now? The process of:

>huh, who is this guy?
>dude he killed people
>that sucks, what a weird guy

can only stay fresh for so long.

laziness, and a really shitty laptop.

What kind of cartoons did he like, besides danny phantom and horse show

He had a full box set of King of the Hill and was apparently also really into the Dallas Cowboys football team.

>really into the Dallas Cowboys football team
What a fucking normie.

Does he seriously use the same Hartman template for all of his characters? Jesus Christ, even Ponycreator OCs look more variable and diverse.

I don't wanna animate. I like drawing smut.

Animating is a shit soul crashing activity. I'd better do something more interesting


>I'd better do something more interesting
Such as?

not that user but just off the top of my head--

Write shitty comic books and option the scripts off to Hollywood?

Produce shitty ass slave trainer/breeder/waifu harem games on Patreon?

Work retail?

I mean, it doesn't take much to top animating...

Barry Soetoro

Cleaning a septic tank