Captain, we're being hailed, purr

Captain, we're being hailed, purr.

Other urls found in this thread:

Things that happened in the text novels:

M'ress was revealed to have infiltrated a Kzinti ship at ine pount and was mauled before escaping, thus having a lot of scars under her fur.

One author apparently tjought it a great idea for her to come uncontrollably into heat because a new doctor fucked up her food supplements. She didn't fuck anyone but the only way they could get close enough to stun her was Scotty wearing a cat fursuit so she thought his approach wad an attempt at courting. Incredibly enough the same basic plotline was used in Enterprise with T'pol suddenly needing to be boned to not go crazy. Not sure how that ever seemed like a good idea. And of course it happened to Tigra too. Being a catgirl/alien chick written by a horny guy is suffering.

To be fair, Spock needed to bone to not go crazy first.

>One author apparently tjought it a great idea for her to come uncontrollably into heat because a new doctor fucked up her food supplements.
>She didn't fuck anyone but the only way they could get close enough to stun her was Scotty wearing a cat fursuit so she thought his approach wad an attempt at courting.

Scotty got the idea because he attended a costume party in a bird alien costume and ran into a bird chick in a human woman costume. There was some awkwardness as they hit on one another before they realized what was going on.

This really happened in a text novel, but I can't remember which one. I read a ton of the things back in the day.

It's a real shame that there's never going to be another TAS.


Can you get TAS on DVD?

>the inferior black-on-right-side-white-on-left-side race gets fair representation
>but the white-on-right-side-black-on-left-side master race doesn't

Yes, and bluray now too

>she can't replace Chekov in Star Trek 14 because Jar Jar Abrams had to retcon Caitians out of nu-Trek just for a pointless throwaway "lol sex" scene in Star Trek 12

Get back to recording your DaS1 LP, Plague.

Just retcon JJ's catgirls into being Regulans.

Friendly reminder that Sisko is the best captain.

Excelsior class is best class.


>pie fight with Klingons
>baby Hortas hatch around Spock and think he's their mom
>all those gay fanfics that got published as novels
>William Shatner fanfic that got published as novels

TOS novels are some wild shit


In what novels did this happen?
Also aren't kzinti females non sapient? Did M'Ress had to pretend to be retarded?

They are stated to be intentionally bred into being morons, but with mothering instincts intact, and maybe M'Ress didn't know that, leading her to be "put in her place". Kzinti don't do stern talking-to's. They whip that ass.

It;s been many, many years since I read many, many ST novels. Sorry, even Memory Alpha doesn't seem to say when this happened or even accurately list all of M'ress's book experiences.

I seem to recall the book thinking M'ress could pass for a typical kzin even through she's much smaller and female. I doubt the author realized this was a problem.

It was pretty sexy despite being intended to look like an overdesigned piece of shit.

Turned out that overdesigned pieces of shit were pretty good, Star Trek got it wrong.

Try memory beta, that's the wiki for licensed stuff
And even if you can't find it it sounds like a fapfic anyway so i can write my own.

Can't believe they added it.


Damn right mate.

>a human woman costume
You know what? Star Trek is fucking stupid.

You know Star Trek aliens, the "bird woman" was probably a rubber forehead alien.

That's a funny way of spelling Kirk

What's wrong with that, it's hilarious that non-humanoid aliens would dress up like humans as a gag

Whats wrong with having an unhealthy sexual attraction to cat girls user?

Why do you judge?

It's funny how TAS had the Kzin dress in pink. I think the guy who did the design was colorblind or something.

That's the explanation I've heard for why Klingons show up wearing pink too

If you're mentally challenged, maybe.

That only makes it worse.

>aliens all look like humans with bad makeup
>they only ever have a single culture
Seriously, Star Trek is fucking retarded. Though come to think of it, Star Wars does that same bullshit too. Mainstream sci-fi is infuriatingly dumb.

It's funny how one author was this close to doing a novel all about her but paramount stopped that

So the author just redid it as a orginal series though you can still tell it was supposed to be her

Here's the story's in question

Fascinating, where do I start, the novels or the short stories

>Download Palm format here.
>(Posted 12/8/2001)
>Last Updated 1/17/2007
Jesus Christ!

Commander, prepare two high yield torpedoes to fire at that post on my mark.

Shit...I was all over his stuff back in 1999-2001 (thanks to my sega dreamcast and a dial-up connection). I didn't know he'd passed away. Damn good writer.

He's dead, Jim...

I say start with the chosen few as that was I think the one which kicked it off plus you can really tell it was supposed to be set in the Star Trek universe

He also wrote a number of short stories and novels about the Sah'aarans, an alien felinoid race that was his own fictional creation. Gibbs created the Sah'aarans after receiving censorship for posting elaborate and expansive stories featuring the Star Trek: The Animated Series character Shiboline M'Ress, in which she married her longterm friend from her Starfleet Academy days. These stories included 'M'Ress: A 'Star Trek' Story', 'Commodore M'Ress' and 'The Takeover'

Anybody know where these stories are?

>The Visiting Moon
>Coming in 2002!
Oh god

Okay sweet, and I imagine after that I can read them in any order


And you are welcome

No, thank you user

Well, TAS did show that Trek Kzinti are so used to the idea of females being non-sapient that they just forget about the possibility of them being otherwise.

No problem
Always that to help with fans of m'ress

They need to be humans.

Is humanoid okay?

No. We need pure humans. Anthro x humans is absolutely disgusting.

That's OK. More anthros for the rest of us.

Jaylah can replace him, it's all good.

You keep your icky humans. I'll keep mai fluffy cat girl loli waifus. Human faces are all the human i need.


Delet that shit. Sulu don't want pussy.


Would you rather it be cat shota? Because both are good.


Reminder that Bajoran woman were literally made for the Big Cardassian Cock

Belay that order. Perhaps the post can be reasoned with.

>all those years of Picard telling Worf to not fire torpedoes
>Worf commands the Defiant and finally gets the chance to fire that full spread
>this happens

Why can't Worf ever get a break?

He's not even a captain of a ship. just the commander of a non-federation base

>wanting Wikykit, of all alien catgirls

How are you going to make human/alien hybrids with that?

To be fair, he was deliberately maneuvered into that situation by people trying to discredit the Federation and get them to withdraw from a disputed area.

Whomsoever should pull me out of that shall be crowned the new king of England.

She's even worst.

>Star Trek thread becomes hybrid catgirl thread

I'm okay with this

>Klingon battle lawyers
That was a fantastic episode. I wonder if Klingon doctors consider themselves honourable warriors fighting on a battlefield of bacteria, or engineers on a battlefield of design specs

Remember when DS9 was supposed to be ancient starbase that had been occupied by several alien species over the centuries, each of which had added their own sections and tech to it?

When is that show getting made? Or at least a damn book series.

But she's an adult, at the very least.

His honor meter is never full

Why not both?

Shes a lot of things.

And a hybrid. So no.

>If you're mentally challenged, maybe.