How would you draw Jenny comic style while still retaining her cuteness

How would you draw Jenny comic style while still retaining her cuteness

Like this? I dunno.

I don't see why you'd need to change her style for a comic.

That's anime not comic you fucking weeaboo


Yup. Her art deco design is perfect as it is.


While I agree with your argument, Daft Punk being in there makes no sense at all.




The anime is basicly music videos.

Look up Interstella 5555 for details.

>no jojo

cmon user, thats prime material for that image

I'm fairly sure that pic is from before the anime. PSG is 2010, and iirc Nichijou was 2011. Can't be assed to look any of the others up.

Have the artist behind Power Pack and Gwenpool illustrate it.

Same thing.

That's eastern, not western you fucking weeaboo.


>Caring enough to point it out
Who's the real weeaboo here?

It's kind of uncanny how her face doesn't move at all

In what world does a super fighting robot need breasts


why did you post sailor moon 48 times?

I would love too.

Easy: keep the retro-looking artstyle, and keep her proportions. Seriously, she's not meant for fucking.

I guess Nos482 got her?

By comics, does OP mean this type of style? I'd like to see someone try tb h


To soft impact and protect her chest reactor


i reckon i dont really understand the question


Well if she ended up with Marvel...

I think she's look a bit like EDI from Mass Effect. Here's my shot at it

>that pic to the right of interstella 5555
what is that from?
been looking for it for a while, but keep forgetting.

>she's not meant for fucking.
Fuck off

That pic would drive the point home if Doraemon or Shin-Chan was added.


I think she'd care less about her silicon bits being exposed though

Killer Frost

There's no such thing as "comic style" unless you are referring to a specific era

In what world does a Super fighting robot need to look even the slightest bit human?



Kind of late to /thread seeing as how that was fourth response already.

Gurihiru style a shit.

I was only looking at the pictures and only accidentally noticed that instance of "Gurihiru" -- I' have tagged the first one had I not scanned over it and I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, user. Do you want a hug?

Don't be like that.

White parts would look lie the solid parts of I,Robot. Blue parts Iron Man. Head like the Rocketeer but with two fins.

>professor layton
>Naoki urasawas monster


jenny wasn't even that cute

What picture? Are you alright?

>I was only looking at the pictures

See, there are pictures in the thread, and I was looking at them, not actually reading posts.

Are you having a stroke?

You shut your whore mouth.

Sup Forums was not and will never be anti anime. We're not reverse Sup Forums.

It's puppet animation, it's the same image just being moved left and right.

Ask Yoko Taro

What are you gay?

Or female and not gay?