Valerian thread

Valerian thread
Good movie

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good flick

Caterpillar brows just sat in front of a green screen and flashed her panties while she tried to remember which emotion the director told her she should be feeling.

Cara was good casting, they just needed a chad to play the male lead instead of soy boy mcgillicutty

Can people stop pretending that Ben Shapiro's female clone is attractive?

*breaths in through mouth*

>Cara was good casting, they just needed a chad to play the male lead instead of soy boy mcgillicutty

I kind of liked him
He looked like a pedo so I could self insert

Bad. In almost every way.
Badly written.
Horribly cast. Both leads are pasty and odd looking with zero charisma and zero attraction.
Deserved to bomb. A total shitshow and a massive disappointment.

From 30 feet away, she looked like a lot of class. From 10 feet away, she looked like something made up to be seen from 30 feet away.

How's Cara footpussy game?

>they just needed a chad to play the male lead
So Sup Forums would hate the movie even more?

Is he a justified member of ""villains" that did nothing wrong" club?

Lost pic

He fucked up the cleaning
So he did something wrong

Hating on based Dehaan.

what the fuck is wrong with that girls face?

cara is perfect but the guy playing her brother looked a little young

Fuck Clive Warren hasn't aged well

I agree. The lead actor was horrible miscast.

Mate, time to admit you haven't seen it

Rihanna was the only good part, and that's really not saying much. Cara Delememe needs to die and Dehaan should stick to serious roles

>Not liking /ourguy/ Dane

son, do you like men?

>tiny yellow teeth
>ridiculous eyebrows
>pig nose
>fridge body
Oh user, no

>obviously in front of a green screen under studio lights


not good for me user, thankfuly didn't pay for it my gf is a fan of besson, got bored as fuck

I like the bushy eyebrows, it reminded me of Jennifer Connelly

In the movie it was a computer simulation, but the whole movie does look like that.

was it fridge kino?

she's got the ass of a 10 year old boy

I hate cara but unironically her character was the one I liked the most as she really cared for her husbando


Kino costumes

It's a green screen in movie too

Kino movie - saw it last week can't believe it's actually better than the latest star wars


pretty pictures tho

Awful casting, awful performances, awful pacing and writing.

Really disappointing. Everyone involved can and should be doing better. Waste of great source material and great technical work.

I like Dane, but this is the second massive bomb he had this year, and a large part of it came down to his miscasting.

He's not Goose, he's not DiCaprio. He thinks he is, but he's not. So he was awful in the mental patient movie.

In this, you had a role built for one of the Chris's.

He was so out of place and awkward it killed the movie.

Even as a little kid, I was always perplexed by this line.

I mean, were they implying he was a child rapist? Is James Cameron a pedophile? Why would he want the "ass of a 10 year old boy"?

Yeah tell that international actress and model she's ugly. Your opinion matters

why does Cara look more cgi than Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One?

that dude being in the chad role was the funniest thing about the movie though

Bumping. How much screen time do Carafeets receive in Valerian? Can she shoot lasers our of her toes?

Are you lost, Roastie?

She's not successful because of her looks or talent, as she has neither

maybe he likes flat hairless asses, man i dunno, always made me laugh though

The movie could have been so good but they completely fucked up with the casting.

The main Characters are absolutely abysmal.
Rihanna serves no purpose.
The rest is completely forgettable.
What an absolute shitshow.

she's the posterboy of actresses that got where they are just by gargling on weinstein's cock, despite their lack of talent.

>this is a 10 in nu-hollywood
don't mind me i'm just waiting on the good times bros

I have a feeling it'd have been a lot better if Cara was the main character. Great aesthetics and a passable story but every single actor seemed like they were just going through the motions to get paid, no actual verve in any of their performances.

i saw this movie when i was 11 and that line made me uncomfortable

Yea it was hard to buy that he was a super womanizer when he was such a short skinny cuck. Apart from that jarringness at the start of the movie i enjoyed it. If they didn't put so much focus on the main dude being a chad then the casting would of made more sense

He's a good actor but totally miscast for the role.
Also I don't get why they didn't give a shit when those soldiers die (the ones that helped them at the market, they all die and Laureline's main whine was that the monster ruined her dress) and became so sentimental over another people after.

without googling, how many lines in the movie were taken from David Bowie song lyrics?.

and how many Bowie easter eggs did you see that Luc put in the movie?

>are pasty
yeah, they should've got Idris Elba to play both roles

True i hate rhianna and was very disappointed to see her luckily she was a weird looking alien for a fair portion of her 'performance'

urgh, Cara is such a talentless, ugly whore

that aside, the casting is a all wrong, first they look like siblings and not a couple, second they are way too young for whatever they position is called, third, the guy is not a chad

I thought it was like Avatar, but better.
Some of the weird creatures were excellent, and it had a 5th Element feel to it.
Also Rihanna doing her slut dance is something you wont see in nu-Hollywood now, so it gets Five Stars : A Triumph from me


Its like star wars, but men can enjoy it too

Dane Dehaan has the chaddest voice I've ever heard for a guy with his bodytype.

This. Costumes unironically are oscar worthy.

Because they were white males

Ghost in the shell had better ones

you can't call it "good movie" now when it's out of cinemas you cheap Sup Forumsfag. It was a perfectly good movie, and the few of us who have seen it and shilled it here were met with "fuck off pleb" or " I'll just wait for the torrent".

you don't deserve nice stuff

I assume you're talking about A Cure for Wellness as the other bomb so I have to inform you that Tulip Fever, which you probably have not even heard of, was another massive bomb. The guy is going to be lucky if he is ever cast in anything ever again.

You mean Batou in Niko Bellic's jacket?

>Tulip Fever
I saw my mom watching that, it had Cara too, right?

>He did it for free

You know which one I mean faggot

>you don't deserve nice stuff
this, star wars and capeshit and oscarbait flicks is exactly what today's audience deserves

This is a silly post, the movie was not going to make back its 200 million budget under any circumstances even if people had been genuinely shilling it. Just be happy to discuss it with people who praise it instead of judging it off a couple webms of a shitty camrip.

what's wrong with just going to the cinema and making your own opinions?

Yeah, though she was literally just a background character which I found pretty funny. It unfortunately was not a particularly enjoyable movie aside from Christoph Waltz who gives a stellar performance as usual.

Nothing's wrong with that but you have to learn to ignore the people who post whiny screencaps of the RT score because their shitposters. Nothing more.


would eat her ass no doubt about it

How much of Cara's panties do you actually see? Like in how many scenes does she show her ass cheeks
serious question

20/10 opening sequence
0/10 casting choices
6/10 plot
8/10 effects
-10/10 rihanna plug

Only this one

So that adds up to 24/10. Pretty solid score.

you're a bit harsh on the plot, and the casting is very problematic, but I wouldn't give it a fucking zero.

and yes, the opening scene was better than the rest of the movie

>American Edition

When that movie was made it was fashionable for women to have perky little asses. It wasn't like it is now where fat butts are popular. You'd be surprised at how much of the average person's sexual taste is dictated by what is popular.

So, back in the early 90s when this movie was made it'd be pretty normal to be attracted to slim, athletic women with small, perky round little bums... Just like a 10 year old boys.

she does look like a surfer dude in a wig sometimes.
as long as her face is in the neutral emotionless gaze of a model she looks amazing, but the moment a hint of facial expression arises she looks like shit, it's bizarre.

is this legit? would check it out but i'm afraid of my ISP finding out i pirate, pls somebody confirm

captcha: DRIVE

score is non-additive you fucking brainlet


This is you, you imbecile. Fuck off. I would post 'brainlet Wojak' picture, but I hate this meme

I know those eyebrows anywhere
>in b4 it's the filenamefaggot.swf

Right, but "ten year old boy"?

Saying "ass like a -insert firm, pert object here-" makes sense.

But 10 year old boy isn't bizarre. Ten year old boys don't have pert or athletic asses. They have asses like little boys.

Why not "teenage girl" or Junior High or something.

I dunno, it's a fucking bizarre, creepy expression that doesn't make any sense and I've literally never heard it used anywhere else, and I saw True Lies in the cinema.

Yeah, his career is utterly fucked. He wanted to be Chad. He reached for the sun. He got burned. Now it's guest spots on SVU for the rest of his career.


Welcome to Sup Forums. Enjoy your stay.

You can always tell when a rip has hit the torrents based on when high volume threads appear.

Secondly you can always spot shills because they'll have threads for films pre-release in which they talk about the characters and scenarios as if they were already well established (see the hilarious shilling for Pacific Rim).

Barely anything. Really disappointing. Besson gave us absolutely top tier slut halloween costumes with Leon and Fifth Element.

Here he casts a model and doesn't sexually exploit her at all. Which is a total waste.

May as well have cast Emily Ratajkowski for all the talent required of the role tbqh.

Why do they constantly have her have her hair up in a ponytail? Bitch looks like she is balding.

They should have styled her hair similar to this. Now that hair + that bikini would actually be sexy.

Dude could easily make a career playing villains or 'the nerd'.

She's a pilot and they are about to land

It was very European.I myself as a European loved it.


I don't understand the point of half the things in this movie
It's like they wanted to show off their CG, but it looked like it was from 08
The opening was really nice, though