just saw the movie yesterday, shit was awesome. At least a 9/10.
i love how innocent ans pure WE is durring the beggining. Totally nailed her character overall. Thank you Patty Jenkins, Zack Snyder eat your heart out.
just saw the movie yesterday, shit was awesome. At least a 9/10.
i love how innocent ans pure WE is durring the beggining. Totally nailed her character overall. Thank you Patty Jenkins, Zack Snyder eat your heart out.
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Patty was just director. Zack was one of the main co-writers.
Read the credits
First off, this is live-action, post in Sup Forums
Second, if this is a 9/10 movie for you, then you seriously lack film criticism skills
>huuur duuur da credits
Eat shot man, since the beggining it is know that Snyder was just the idea guy, and that Johns had to fix all the shit during the making of the movie, going as far as to retcon the bulshit that Zack introduuced on BvS.
But you are a fanboy, and will keep your delusions that the Sucker Punch fag somehow wrotte something good (ha!)
>Zack was one of the main co-writers.
Not very involved and left before it was done and completely gone from working on Justice League as he needs time to grieve.
The best DCEU movie so far has been the one he's worked the least on.
At least Snyder still has the more awesome battles, right?
Zack had as much involvement in the film as Nolan did with Man of Steel. Johns and Jenkins carried this film and it shows.
Summerfags need to get out.
>the beggining
Is this some kind of Amazon BDSM thing?
>pure and innocent
>holds the hand of a guy she just met
Yeah, no. Diana is just too damn sultry to be innocent