Yfw you realize 80% of Marvel books are selling less than 25K

>yfw you realize 80% of Marvel books are selling less than 25K

What the fuck is going on.

I'm the closest I've ever been to dropping capeshit entirely from my ongoing reading list and I'm happy for it.

So no DC? They're putting out some decent stuff like Deathstoke and New Super-man

Only Young Animal for me.

Same, right now Bug is the only Big 2 book I'm reading since Future Quest ended.

Do it. I did it like two years ago and it's a smart decision. Once you stop exhausting yourself keeping up with all their shit you have so much time to actually read comics.

They became shit. As simple as that. If it's not social justice bullshit, it's bad plots and passive aggressive remarks against the readership.

Right now, Marvel is like this: "So we are not selling? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

When it should be: "We are not selling? What's wrong with our books?"

I use to buy 30 marvel books a month now I buy 2 know why? Shit stories, characters I grew up with & enjoyed for over 20 years got suddenly replaced with nobodies from out of no where or had their characterization completely changed in clickbait attempts to pander so they are unrecognizable outside their codename.

Who gives a fuck about Marvel? There are tons of superior indieshit comics.

So much this Marvel's become one of those restaurants that sells cold disgusting food & complains it's the customers fault they don't like it, not the stores for serving food people don't like

Like Mockingbird killing her lover to hide the fact that she actually cheated on her boyfriend and then said that he raped her courtesy of Kelly Sue Deconick? Or Whor?

>retarded PR tactics
>doing "big events" every 6 months at the very best
>hiring people with absolutely 0 experience or ability to write/illustrate
>releasing absolutely garbage comics more frequently than not
>trying to make tumblr snowflakes buy comics

did I miss anything?

I'm only pulling Kamandi and Doom Patrol from the Big 2. Is anyone else fatigued from these standard superhero stories? I have no idea how these characters have endured this long

talk shit properly man
mockingbird was cain
deconnick just doesn't sell kek

The incestuous Bendis family that worked so well for them has now descended into complete genetic failure.

They have the motherfucking Allreds on a Silver Surfer book, and they've saddled them with the Slott for fucks sake.

p r i e s t r o k e

Mockingbird killed man that fucked her while she was in a relationship and then killed him because she did not wanted to go through a break up. Then she said that her victim raped her.

I talk shit however i want, you fat cunt. I will kick your ass.

I know everyone saying this probably seems like a rabid faggot at this point but it really is good


Perlmutter gutting editorial in 2012, over-extending writers and employing people who've never worked in the medium before has sent quality plummeting.


that user was complaining about standard superhero fare and deathstroke definitely isn't

You know there's something wrong when the japs make better capeshit than the big 2

Nah, the Japs have good eye. But they still have issues with writing capeshit. Your example is not capeshit, it's pure unfiltered shonen with the tropes and cliches of the shonen action genre.

Lol. Pussies.

I would buy Marvel Comics, but none of them have ever appealed to me. From some of the art to the stories themselves.

das racist

I don't get why people still read cape comics.

You seem to have completely missed that that guy told you that Deconick didn't write Mockingbird.
He never remotely defended that choice by Cain to terribly retcon Bobbie in that comment


No, she did. I know more than you two.

My biggest problem with Marvel is the ducking art and writing. That's over half of the problems right there.

>tfw a suicide squad fanfic is better than anything on current Marvel

The comic industry is finally dying.
It's gotten so bad that at this point i'm almost happy.


Maybe if it dies, it can be revived into something better.

Maybe shonen lends itself to capeshit?

>you have so much time to actually read comics.
Which comics?


I never said that ss was on marvel.

It's only the American comic market which is falling. Other comic markets are doing incredibly well. It is extremly pathetic when a comic series in Germany casually hits 250.000 per month while comics on the American market struggle to break the 200k line with thier comics despite having 4 times more people.

>burgerclaps of all are the only ones realizing modern comics are garbage

That guy's power is just having a tail, why is he in the same class as the girl who can make anything, the dude with absolute mastery over fire and ice and the crow dude with the ridiculous shadow powers?

Also why isn't there a stretchy dude?

Nah, burgerclaps just focus way too much on Capeshit. And they really suck at distributing thier comics.

When do sales for the month come out? It's usually the first weekend of the month after right? Shouldn't it be this weekend?

>Crying protagonist the anime.

Yeah, no. Fuck that shit.

Marvel now resents their fans and is trying to bring in a new audience who will never /ever/ buy comics by shunning their previous fans.

Forced sales gimmicks, crossovers, and reboots
I would still be reading Deadpool if they didn't have that massive crossover and 10 dollar comics every six months

>Art and writing

That is all a comic is. What's left after that?


>Look this up
Holy fuck why are trades literally a million dollars?

What? Each trade is like 20 bucks.

There are a limited number of readers with a limited amount of money, so the more spinoff titles they publish the less any title will sell.

So Black Panther was a sales success, but then they tried to capitalize on that success by doing spinoffs, which don't sell and also cause the main title to sell less.

The editors know they could have bigger sales successes if they published fewer titles, but they're obviously under orders to put as much crap on the market as they can.