>Dat Kilmonger
BP Trailer
Probably looks like the most interesting Mahvel film so far.
Is it confirmed that it's not about the Infinity Gems at all? Because a movie about the pressures of kingship and good natured idealism vs ruthless pragmatism sounds pretty tight.
Nice quads
Also; I hope they don't do the usual Marvel move and kill the villain this one. Michael B Jordan is too good of an actor to kill off.
I hope not. They better save that for Captain Marvel or Thor.
Plus its not like BP exactly has a huge list of enemies.
He has a bunch they are just obscure as fuck
Personally I'd love to see a live action Madame Slay. That'd be sexy as fuck.
>or Thor.
Fucking ew.
Nope, Ragnarok is the final set up for IW and will feauture the last gem iirc. Though dude's probably getting his call for IW in a postcredit scene.
That sweet sweet afrofuturism setting