What was even the point of Rose in The Last Jedi?

What was even the point of Rose in The Last Jedi?

Was it just so include an Asian character?

To get Asians accustomed to their women being BLACKED

You know it was.

>What was even the point of Rose in The Last Jedi?

she was there to make Finn feel shitty about himself and to become the third part of the relationship triangle

A direct analogy to Farm Boy Luke.

to pander to asians, to add yet another female character, and to add a fat character to support body positivity.

She would have been an interesting side character, but the push she got was so unnecessary.

And between the gay Asian in Rogue One and the ugly BLACKED Asian in TLJ, it's no wonder this movie is flopping in China.

Asians hate her. Chinese think she's too ugly.

Yeah she ticked a lot of boxes.

And yet they killed off her more attractive sister while Rose lives on to annoy us in another movie.