Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does...

Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does. The Punisher just shoots up places. And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap. The Punisher? Coward. He's a coward.

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Joss Whedon is such a fat numale


He's my favourite,OP.Why the hate?And who's your favourite --Or ideal superhero?

I don't particularly like the Punisher but this whole "I'm going to use my power to kill characters I don't like" attitude is a big part of the cancer that is killing comics.

>mfw Joss Whedon will never be able to harm any Marvel characters ever again

>Here's why I'm not running Marvel
You aren't wealthy, a stockholder, or a comic book editor?

It's funny because Punisher Max it's objectively the greatest Marvel Comic of all time.
I love Whedon but dude is so wrong about this.

Garth Ennis really knows how to write the most chilling shit.

>Joss Whedon is such a fat numale

Did he say that?

What a huge, liberal, weenie.

What has happened to us? Why are all of our entertainments dominated by limp-wristed, soft-headed, gutless morons?

We need more Steranko's. No lie.


>Punisher Max it's objectively the greatest Marvel Comic of all time

not even close, you massive twat

Yeah, op's post is Whedon's words verbatim. From the same man who spent his life savings shilling Hilary, because he cannot live without spouting his politcal beliefs everywhere. The same man who for mother's day said he was glad his mother was dead because Trump got elected.

>no superpowers
>vulnerable to any kind of damage
Do they know what coward means or is it a new buzzword?

>The same man who for mother's day said he was glad his mother was dead because Trump got elected.

He's a pussy-grabbing madman, a loose cannon, he's dangerous

I fear for everyone who has a pussy. So I can see where Whedon is coming from on that one

I don't give a damn if you are a rich man or the president, you gotta keep your damn hands to yourself

>Not even going to mention a comic book series

We all know you have shit taste friend

>And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap.

Cause Thor's lightning, Cyclop's eyebeams, Iron Man's hand canons, and Hulk's rage have never hit innocent bystanders either...

Yeah, it could apply to any number of heroes, Whedon just singled Frank because he has this whole thing about firearms and the military.

So because you're an autist?
I don't like Frank either and disapprove of his methods but that's no reason to kill him off. He has fans, that's all that really matters.

You must be in high school.

Also to further reiterate my point, Whedon misses the point that Frank is an ANTI-HERO. His first introduction is him trying to kill Spider-Man. Pretty much every hero in the Marvel Universe has opposed Frank at one point or another.

He's supposed to be a psycho who shoots people, and that's why other heroes have a fucking problem with Frank.

Now I kinda Punisher MCU movie just to spite Whedon.
Or, wait, he was in that daredevil show wasn't he?


And he's got his own solo show coming up apparently.

Hes quoting Whedon

He was in Daredevil S2 and his own show finished filming recently and will come out this year.
He's pretty based.

The same man who wished for a politician to be raped by a rhinoceros. The same man who made fun of the looks of a girl, who happened to be a cancer survivor.

That attitude is why the big two have suffered for so long. If you don't like a character, don't just shit on their fans and that character's legacy. Just find someone who can properly write the character, or at least hold that character on the back burner instead of humiliating them.


Not that user, but while MAX is one of the best of the newer titles, you still have
>Lee/Ditko/Romita ASM
>Stern ASM
>Conway ASM
>Miller Daredevil
>Gerber Howard the Duck
>Lee Silver Surfer
>Lee/Kirby FF

That's on the top of my head.

>fascist crap

>and Hulk's rage have never hit innocent bystanders either
Yeah about that...

The only one of those that comes anywhere near MAX in genuine, objective quality is Miller's DD.

Well has it?

You are easily impressed. Go read an actual book instead of some faggot Brit's edgy stories.


The children of Sup Forums...

>Google this to see if it's real.
>It is.
>First link is from reddit.
>Fuck it, click on link.
>They're agreeing with him.

What the hell is wrong with this planet?

Claremont's X-Men deserves to be on that list too. The speed in which he approves is fucking nuts.


That's fascist crap.

>Conway ASM
Oh, fuck you. You were going strong with Lee and Stern, and then you just had to fuck it up.
I would've understood Wolfman or DeMatteis but Conway was Dan Slott of his time. A mediocre writer heavily relying on shock value (i.e. The Night Gwen Stacy Died for instance) to hide how vapid and dull his writing is.
Between shilling his shitty Tarantula OC and indirectly setting Clone Saga in motion, he's not good at all.

It's not even the best thing Ennis has done for Marvel.

fucking pinko

punisher is the only good character, all that other sci fi shit is gay and boring

Take out the Clone Saga stuff and you've got a great run. 121 and 122 are awesome issues, shock value aside. His run was consistently good for the most part.

That's the opinion of a newfag.

>Punisher having god-like aiming and never shooting an innocent
>this is a fascist quality

I know liberals use "fascist" to describe anything they don't like, but this is bordering on legitimate mental retardation.

That is such a cheap fucking cop out.

Is it? I mean Baxter is one of the top 8 smartest people in the world. And no one ever said being Hulk didn't just increase his physical strength but also increased his mind.

T. Liberal cuck

That lessens the Jekyll Hyde aspect of the character. Bruce is smart but weak, Hulk is dumb but strong. Hulk being a super genius that never truly goes on a rampage makes the "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" weak and seem like an edgemeister trying to sound tough, instead of desperate man warding off a force of nature by the skin of his teeth.

In short, it turns the Hulk from a tragic monster into a generic 90's big guy, only with green skin. I will concede that PAD's 90's Hulk run is some of the best shit I ever read.


Frank is the only real hero in the Marvel universe.

B-but he kills criminals instead of taking them to jail to escape/be released.

Fuck Whedon. He mistakes cowardice for tactics. You don't win playing fair and you can't fret over every egg you break along the way.

Franks one hell of an asshole and I love it.
Dude fucking hugs a dude's kid after he murders him. Next he'll fuck the guys wife. Hilarious.

Hey, the kid hugged him. Frank just told him to walk over to police.

>t. Whedon

what is so wrong and sexist about BW in AoU?
I never got how the Hulk pairing or the flashbacks were offensive

Hulk is not a beta numale or an aggressive thug. So it is sexist.

Joss Whedon is one of the reasons I quited cape comics years ago. I just come back to comics forums and other websites to check out how people like him are destroying the industry.
I can't wait to the superheroes movies hype to die off and then Marvel burn in hell and all those retarded beta-liberals die starving.

So what's gonna happen to Batman in Justice League movie?

And I believe that Reavers can be cured and reverted back to being healthy, albeit emotionally traumatized from what they have done, humans, Joss.
Doesn't stop you from having your waifu slaughter them and it being treated like an "awesome" moment.
I'm almost being facetious, but Whedon's argument is just as nonsensical

>what is so wrong and sexist about BW in AoU?
Her talking about being sterile due to surgery, I think. There could have been myriad of reasons here and there, but I think that was one of them.

By that logic damn near every modern state should have its leaders liquidated because their actions have resulted in collateral damage. Why do bourgie democrats seriously take the state's violence as law but hold the violence of the individual to be crime?

The Punisher lives.....

Because the Government knows what's best for the citizens, otherwise it wouldn't be the Government.

Praise be to the DMV.

Ok but, there's nothing inherently sexist about that, is there?

So why do liberals bitch about invisible fascists when they are blindly loyal to their leftist government?

Frank is just a man. That's more than you can say for yourself Joss.

>all those triggered edgykids

To be sincere, I don't think Jack Kirby would approve of Punisher either.

Steve Ditko would, so it evens out.

And men are mostly cowards.

>a madman's opinion is as valid as the King's

>dont fuck me black widow I am a monster because I turn into a big green guy who destroys everything

You have to go back.

Here's that attention you wanted.

Why are you Punisher fans so thin-skinned? I guess reading edgy comics doesn't make you tough after all?

well, she's a killing machine who's been deprived of her childhood and of any possibility to live a normal life.
She also values families, apparently, and cannot have one of her own. Under the circumstances I guess it's understandable that she thinks of herself as something unnatural and wrong. A monster if you will.
Is this such a hard thing to grasp?
It's not telling every woman that their existence revolves around having children, but rather that BW, with her specific mindset, longs for what she can't have (but was supposed to, if she wanted) and therefore feels deffective. I really don't get where the backlash comes from. If anything, it's probably a feeling a lot of women could relate to, even if they hadn't experienced sterility themselves.

Because fascism isn't fascism when they do it, you stupid white male.

I don't know, why do capefags feel a need to shit on a character who at least tries to stop villains from repeating their crimes?

They don't know or care about the character to begin with, and have no interest in doing any sort of analysis. In fact, their philosophy is set up such that an attempt to do such an analysis is 'whitewashing', or whatever the patriarchal equivalent is. They can't acknowledge the complexity of circumstances and decisions that affect a real-life human being's goals and desires, they certainly won't extend that effort to a ficitonal character.

Well it's not like they have to do comic research
The movie chewed the whole thing for them.
But yeah, I see what you're saying. Normies am I rite?

However I've seen a bad response to the pairing here too

Sup Forums's butthurt about it isn't because of an inability to accept a woman mentioning sterility as an element of her unhappiness though, so at least they're more honest that way.

Don't worry, OP. Bendis is about to write him. You'll get a new Punisher.

Has Whedon ever read The Slavers? Does he really think those guys don't need to be killed?

I just hate Whedon and everything he ever made with the exception of Firefly and Astonishing X-Men.

Wasn't there a series of the hulk where there was a hulkbuster team consisting of all people who the hulk had killed the family members of or something. I remember a woman on the team who was crushed by a car and it killed her unborn child. It's been a long time since I read it

Fuck off Whedon.

These ?

Well it is written by Garth Ennis, the undisputed Grand Master of Edge, after all.

Only bad writers can't write about a character they don't agree with.

Yeah that's the one. Hulk indirectly killed the lady's son

>how to spot a flaming homosexual

>does not seem to accept opinions other than his own
>calls others fascists

That's not what he means, he just phrased ut poorly. He means that the assumption that everyone Frank kills is guilty is "fascist" because it sets up this idea of him as judge and jury along with execurioner.

He would have a point, if Frank wasn't vharacterised (by good writers anyway) as a meticulous planner who goes out of his way to make sure no innocents get hurt, and only goes after those guilty of hurting other innocent people.

Whedon will have a tough time arguing The Slavers, The Man of Stone, Nicki Cavella and Barracuda didn't deserve to die.

Certainly. I'm not saying he's right, just clarifying what he means.

>I don't believe in what he does.
Does anyone other than complete idiots do? The Punisher is a fucking lunatic

Also while it's sort of unbelievable that no innocent has ever caught a stray, even in reality it isn't that hard to find just dens full of truly reprehensible people.

Trying to make it about him arbitrary deciding what guilt is or race or class just ignores a lot of his most defining runs. Even before MAX he went up against all creeds and colors and really only went after the most obvious of these people deserve bullets.

That's fascist. It's either psychotic or how it's shown in the books, force of nature like.

You could describe that in so many ways. "Beyond belief" "unrealistic" "moronic" and your opinion could still be valid.
But fascist?

Oh, sorry user, my mistake.

Ah Sensative Joss Whedon. Punisher's whole shtick isn't that he's seen by the world he inhabits as this upstanding citizen who is praised for reenacting his war days on the underworld. He's a burnt shell of a man who died with his family and most people are either scared shitless by him or disgusted by his actions but they don't bother to try to bring him in because he's not a completely psychotic supervillain out to conquer the world or some alien warlord. And the people he goes after are worse than him. People like antiheroes just as well as traditional do good heroes.