Uncle Grandpa’s month long bomb got pulled after just a week

also all of the show's remaining episodes have been dumped onto the CN app

>Another Gumball Marathon
CN is dead.


>All that blue and yellow
>71% of CN's schedule next week is going to be two shows
>Sunday is all Gumball, who has the worst dad possible
At this point I just don't give a fuck anymore. I have no idea what they're doing up at CN headquarters but it's probably cocaine and meth.

There are FOUR shows getting regular air time. Just a year ago we'd be lucky to have two.

But still, a Gumball Marathon for Father's Day? Best to read comics than that.

>four shows
Christ this is sad. CN is a fucking ghost town. They used to have dozens of shows.

>all that yellow
We truly live in a godless age.

Can someone rip the UG epsiodes not easily available online (ie most of seasons 4 and 5) from digital releases (volumes 5 and 6) and CN's website/app?

>mega man

Should apply to both yellow and blue.

They need to fire the guy in charge of scheduling

Show about a kid with a mini mega man robot who turns into Mega Man

Man, Cartoon Network has very few fathers in their series. Superheroes don't really have families involved, Gumball's dad Richard is a bum, & Clarence doesn't even have a dad (he's got a Chad who takes a lot after Richard).

The only cartoons with good dads are Steven Universe & My Knight and Me. And Powerpuff Girls, albeit only the original series.

they still do, plus the library of old cartoons, they just don't air them because they're convinced repeating the same shows over and over makes more money than airing variety. hell, all the networks are doing it now. turn on any channel during the day

WGN - Blue Bloods, COPS, MASH
TV Land- Roseanne, Reba, Raymond, King of Queens
BBC America- Star Trek, TNG, Voyager
Comedy Central- Scrubs, South Park, 70s Show, Archer
TBS- Seinfeld, Friends, Big Bang Theory
Nick- Spongebob, Loud House
FXX- Simpsons

TV is a wasteland


Are you actually implying Chad is not a good dad? Despite how much he cares about Clarence and helps to take care of them, and is a funny and likable character in his own right?

but where is regular show

Quick, someone compare this chart to an average Johnny Test shitfest schedule!

does CN not air SU because its serialized? I remember a year ago they actually lumped "arcs" or character episodes together into marathon blocks like "Lapis' Lament" or "Beach City Adventures" but they don't even do that anymore. do kids have that shit of attention spans now?

I'm surprised they're giving AT reruns but not RS, at least even before it ended. If AT gets reruns so should Regular Show. The weird thing is they're airing old episodes, which is rare for CN's syndication if you're not TTG, Gumball, or Steven.

I can't think of the last time I saw a RS rerun, actually. AT has been having them randomly since around April 1st, it's had about 10.


They just wanted it gone, user. Remember how Korra ended?

>non-stop reruns of the the same show
>not a bad thing
And a father marathon of Gumball is a fucking stupid idea. Richard is one of the worst non-villain dads ever.

That's the short reason. The show requires too much investment for casual watching, so it doesn't do great in reruns.

>Bad Dad

this, they've gone out of their way to shit on him in so many episodes

at least with Nicole it worked for Mother's Day since she is treated as a caring mother and can be EVIL WICKED HAHAHA when someone tries to hurt her kids

Richard just has very few nice moments in general, any other time it's "how did nicole stay with a fat lazy slop that can't even go to the store right?"

TV is only dead in America.


what was the last episode?

Richard is literally Peter in a TV-Y7 environment

well he's technically not his dad in any capacity except surrogate

I don't think Chad isn't a very good dad, but he would make a great Uncle. Dads typically need to have an actual level of responsibility to them and there's a shit ton of times where Chad is VERY forgetful or makes poor judgement calls. It's only balanced because Clarence has his Mom around, but if she died and Chad had to take care of Clarence by himself, they'd end up in a fucking pig style eating pasta and soy sauce every night.

Pre-cancellation Peter was better than Richard. At least he was funny sometimes.

>Do a marathon for Father's Day
>Not Steven Universe

What the fuck?

I mean, they could have just pulled a nostalgia event. A bunch of Hanna Barbara cartoons, some older CN stuff, Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny etc.

because there's only 6 greg episodes and they need to fill 12 hours

Didn't even know there was a bomb

last episode to premier on TV? Anger Management
official series finale? Exquisite Grandpa (episode with 10 boarders, including series creator pete browngardt, doing a minute each a la an exquisite corpse)

Define it.

It's over.


>remember it's June

how long has it been since they stopped doing June Bugs?

>also all of the show's remaining episodes have been dumped onto the CN app
it's series finale was the worst written episode I've seen of the series

>all of the show's remaining episodes have been dumped onto the CN app
So does that mean the finales on the app?

I don't know, user, I am not American
I just thought about it because Super RTL showed Bugs Bunny on their weekend "Air 5 Episodes of one show in a row" weekend special and I saw my father watching it while I went to work.

>Step/Adoptive Dads Aren't Dads

Yes, people do need two parents and Clarence or anyone wouldn't be better off having just one, the fact that Chad isn't the most responsible guy isn't as important as the fact that he cares enough about Clarence that he'd clearly try to be if he had to.

Lots of parents have poor judgment, there isn't a test or a class that will make someone an expert at loving/caring or even making decisions that will affect the development of another human being.

You realize how little Greg episodes there are right? Like even episodes that just have him as a major appearance much less focused on him.

So what happens in the series finale of UG?

I bet they have an algorithm going to tell them which shows to put when and how much money it'll make them. They wouldn't keep the CEO if he wasn't doing the right thing for the company.

CN is for kids. They have simple minds.

As much as I love gumball, I don't want to see it all the time. I said the same thing TTG and that was a show I dislike.

They should've just had a variety of shows with Dad-centric episodes. Not every holiday has to have a TTG/Gumball marathon.

>Not every holiday has to have a TTG/Gumball marathon.

i kind of skimmed through it but it was just a halfassed parody of "when we all met back in highschool" origin stories

seemed like a completely standard episode for the show from what little i've seen of it

if there was ever a show that deserved this treatment, this is probably it

BEN 10 10

BEN 10 10

CN has been fucked for awhile but canceling an already promoted bomb? I hardly watch UG but I feel bad for any of it's fans. I was in a quiet fandom for a CN series too so I get what it's like to have your series shafted but no one cares.

that's what the Father's Day block on friday is about

that's not the actual series finale, Exquisite Grandpa is: they released the episodes out of order

>Exquisite Grandpa
I was afraid of that, it's written kinda bad too imo, I've seen the other episodes and they're better

haven't seen it myself, but Exquisite's gimmick was that each minute was from a different boarder and written a la an exquisite corpse
I could imagine that would result in a weaker written clusterfuck

Are you fucking kidding me? Someone rip them. I'm so sick of CN's shit.

>Non-stop Gumball marathon.
>A single episode of nuPPG randomly stuck in.

Everyone should be fired.

>gee patrick i don't think this gumball holiday idea could get more shitty
>i know! 2 gumball holidays!

>All that fucking yellow
Holy shit, I thought you guys were just memeing, TTG really takes most of the schedule

Does anyone have the edit?

Nigga it was 70% for months on end, this is a good week

My Night in Reee was the dumbest excuse for a time slot filler CN has had in years.

Did they always used to air so many cartoons in a row when I was a kid in 1998? I'm sure if I looked at it that they did.

now realize that this has been one of the TTG-lightest schedules in a while

>all day marathon
the only acceptable reason they've had in years to do an all day marathon was regular show's finale day and they didn't even do it

Hannah Barbara stuff, mainly Scoobert Daniels

So who WERE the guest directors on the 2nd batch of guest director shorts

>they didn't even do it
Yes they did, they had an all day titans marathon for it! Bottomed out with 2 dreamworks movies to avoid any regular show reruns at all, while still managing to have something airing at the time

>Exquisite Grandpa is
Then that means the series finale is everyone getting eaten by a fat kid and dying, while saying how much they didn't get to do and that they're dead and "this is the end"

So basically...

What? Are you 12? Your entire post comes off retarded.

not just ANY fat kid, but the fat kid from the pilot

I was thinking that but I'm not that into the series to have included it as a for sure thing


It keeps happening!

They have boomerang for that, since they trying to make it a "classic cartoon" thing again


Is there a wgn I don't know about outside of chicago? Cause wgn is mostly news, maury, and the cubs.

These niggas really don't know how bad things were before.

>Step/Adoptive Dads Aren't Dads
Chad and Clarence's mother aren't married. He's technically not even a step dad.

"Good Night."

I never understood this, wouldn't blowing your throat/neck out make you live in agony longer than maybe a head shot?

But gum ball is good so i am not mad

I was looking further into the schedule and starting on June 19, they are gonna start airing new episodes again, but they skipped over 5 episodes and are starting on "Pizza Steve's Past"

Good times...

Good or bad, reruns after reruns of the same show is cancer.

If your wondering why the schedule is so bad as it is, its becuase of this guy

Nope. Stop playing video games. Severing the brain stem is a quicker and more reliable death than a random shot to the brain, that actually has a shockingly high survival rate.

I would ask why Vishnu hasn't been fired yet, but I imagine removing an executive that high up would be very difficult, depending on how airtight his contract is/how big his golden parachute is.

Plus, he can literally just say that Gumball and TTG are the two highest rated cartoons CN has to offer, even though these two cartoons combined have taken over 60 to 70% of the schedule.

A fucking beaner? That's why third world countries will be forever shitholes; full of monkeys.

I really hope someone in a more higher position than him fires him

shreds the bottom of your brain and brain stem, unless you aim it parallel with the ground, which is full retard and will just get you in the spine

yes, theres a national cable feed that's a superstation like TBS for everyone outside Atlanta

>he can literally just say that Gumball and TTG are the two highest rated cartoons CN has to offer
That's the thing. They're the highest of course. Not many people like Steven Universe and some just find shows like Clarence, Cloudy, Uncle Grandpa, and We Bare Bears to be either meh or just shit. And shows like Transforms and Justice League Action only appears once a week.

Gumball is excellent, but constantly marathoning any show, particular when it isn't a special occasion, is horrible.

He meant ratings in terms of viewership, not reception. On premier night TTG and SU get the best viewership at the moment, but given that TTG and Gumball make up so much of the schedule it's hard to imagine any other show doing well against them in reruns.

I like Gumball and Teen Titans ago, honestly, but what the fuck is going on at CN studios to only show four shows?

Like. I get how target audience works, and they're showing what kids want....but....what happened.


It died, along with Pokemon and Sonic Boom

>They're the highest of course
No they are not. SU gets higher ratings than Gumball and TTGO. Really, Gumball ratings are shit now

>Not many people like Steven Universe and some just find shows like Clarence, Cloudy, Uncle Grandpa, and We Bare Bears to be either meh or just shit
Sup Forums isn't the target audience

>does CN not air SU because its serialized?
pretty much, SU does really good in premieres, but only so-so in reruns, which is why it doesn't get a lot of them, Gumball & TTGO do really well with both premieres and reruns which is why they get a ton of airtime

That could be the case. Some people may only watch SU if it involves the plot moving and skip those that are just fillers. Gumball and Go has similar humor which could be why they're popular.

>Sup Forums isn't the target audience
Didn't said they're the main audiences.

>Gumball & TTGO do really well with both premieres
Gumball does really bad in premieres