The one true love of the first and biggest female comicbook icon. And since he died there is nothing that will tarnish the memory of his time with her. Women everywhere will be forever wet for him and his memory will linger eternally. Just like Diana. This is wonderful and we are truly in the best timeline.
Steve Trevor is now and forever the biggest male comicbook sex symbol for women
Girls on tumblr are gushing about him
Demanding he comes back
How? I she gonna get lonely and try and get him back from Hades?
So, will we ever got some female nudity in Cape flicks? Because I have to guess that the sudden burst in his fandom is due to him walking around nude on screen.
That not Steve Rogers, Thor or Peter Quill.
Steve Trevor III, played by Chris Pine.
I loved their relationship in the movie.
But how? He never had kids
>implying a guy like that never got some random girl pregnant
Femanon here. Steve Rodgers is a virgin and will likely be paired with his OTP's niece. That's creepy as fuck. Women also don't give a shit about goofy ass Meme Lord. Trevor reigns supreme. He loved Diana and just Diana. He was sexy as fuck poth physically and personally. And I teared up at the dance and actually got emotional at Diana's message back to Bruce. Nobody is beating Trevor. Ever.