JSA Storytime: X-Statix

Good evening owls,

Dead Girl time

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>>happy Birthday.

today is also the birthday of the immortal RICHARD STRAUSS




BTW you really have to hear something like that live, even the biggest speakers imaginable can't give you the same "lol wow I can feel that sound in my chest cavity" experience


Hello, Storyteller.

It's Dinah's 70th birthday, and nobody gives a shit. That's kind of sad.


time for Strange

I'm not indifferent?

>someone remembered Rita DeMara was a character who existed



I like Dinah, they just haven't done much exciting with her lately

Otto Schmidt certainly draws a fine ass Dinah though

GDI is this the digital conversion losing speech bubbles AGAIN?

God bless dickgirl Russians

I'm kinda surprised she's 70 years old.

She's a classic JSA-er, man

btw whoever reads capeshit as Bourdieuian protest, you're my favorite

Dr. Strange is one of those characters I could never get into. I'm very very anal about magic, I need there to be consistent rules or else it comes off as plot convenience bullshit. Strange just seems to do whatever needs to happen, and I'm like "Nah.".

I'm having the same problem with the Exiles digital rips, so I'll eventually have to dig out the scans so I can replace the affected pages.

Get your shit together, Marvel

>tfw all the best girls are dead

The list of truly successful comics with Dr. Strange is, IMO/E, fairly small. It needs to be juuuust on the far side of comics logic to even work--since it's comics, it needs to work on a profoundly symbolic/visual level that doesn't necessarily translate into textual exegesis. I found the thread about why Aaron Strange sucked to resonate with me.

Or, in other words, it's the "If it's visually striking and coherent and just plain strong enough, you don't ask the questions like 'how does this work???'" which is the lynchpin of Horrock's shredding of Bitch Planet

A faggot OP is, yes.

Sadly gotta fall out with you 'cause you say Bourdieuian, I say Bourdieusian...

>I found the thread about why Aaron Strange sucked to resonate with me.
got an archive link?

>I found the thread about why Aaron Strange sucked to resonate with me.
Because Dr. Strange loses his magic and starts running around with an axe?

I'm not quite sure which is standard!

love me some field theory

I've only read the original Ditko run, which certainly hits "visually striking".

right, it's working entirely on its visual logic, and it's got imagination and mmph to it. If you make a good enough image, it can carry a comic/an opera production even against the grain of "but how does it work/what does it mean"

It's not hard to see why. Dinah is a sensible, responsible adult who deals with her problems like a normal ass person with a minimum of overblown drama. In other words, she's the type of character who is immediately labeled 'boring' by a lot of folks. She doesn't have any over the top flaws aside from, y'know, the typical stuff a normal person has, which is an instant deal breaker for many, so people tend to ignore her.

so how are you owls?


Bored, watching E3 for kicks. Curious how that user who was very into LiS feels about the prequel.


not bad, how are you OP?

Dr. Strange does have one of the most pimpin' capes of all time

Oh yeah, my Twitter feed got taken over by shit I don't understand there

I think I'm gonna dye my hair

Hungry, frustrated with how to design sci-fi submarines, and slightly confused about how walruses fuck.


full but I reek of mesquite smoke, which is somewhere between pleasant and annoying

Okay, how many people get the Ollie North joke on the previous page? You can be honest.

So that comment like "lol why would you trust a reviewer" raises a fair point IMO in that most comics reviewing/criticism is total garbage.

There's this thing coming soon PanelxPanel? gumroad.com/l/PXPNO1 if you care and it's got creator input, everyone talking it up, a guy behind it who's trying to think and is open to communication and I'm still basically "Gonna have to see this first issue because it could still be complete trash"

Feels weird to think that about the medium. Picked out your Horrocks comment because at one point she was talking about a book of comics criticism modeled off of Borges' Dreamtigers and that's the kind of thing that makes me sit up and be interested.

See, now, THIS is a Dr. Strange page.

I was impressed by how the immediate comments were "Can I fuck the Orcs?" "Can I fuck the robots?" etc. Everyone is proud to be a pervert on twitter (and on Sup Forums).

>Life is Strange
... Prequel? Fucking HOW? WHY? What, did Max break time so hard that she got her powers early? Is it just mundane faffing around with kid Max and kid Chloe?

Is Dontnod staffed entirely by insane morons? How the fuck do you make a prequel for Life is Strange? THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.

Sometimes fandom is great

I like reading some people I really disagree with because at least there's some style and a strong POV to it. The ones I least like are where I feel like either 1) they go too far in omitting uncomfortable/non-conforming aspects of the work 2) I feel how carefully they write around audience expectations especially about 'diverse' material

Who's Yellowjacket here?


It's about Chloe and Rachel. To be honest maybe it'll just be a much more down-to-earth story about their lives at that point, that'd probably be best.




that last panel is as creepy as it should be

yes, it certainly is


It'd be best if it explained why reality itself wants Chloe dead.

Shit, now I'm torn. On the one hand, this seems like an incredibly pointless idea, but on the other, I'm getting more of my bae. Fuck, this is stupid, but my waifu...

Entertained by the superhero universe thread. Now an user is suggesting they make a zine and everything, which is cool but the whole thing will probably crash and burn before it even gets off the ground

that's how they reel you in, man


I've been really impressed by Allred's ability to switch up into horror/gore and make it have an impact in this whole run. More so than with the Madman we read.

Ooh, tough call: racist slur vs. sexual harassment

Rita DeMara, pointlessly killed off in The Crossing and brought back in Chaos War until Brevoort decided to be a dick and put the kibosh on all the Avenger resurrections from that event

I kind of want to write a book that canonizes their resurrections again and explains that Rita and the rest just told the whole superhero business to go fuck itself and are living normal lives away from New York and all that crazy shit.

There's an irregular Sup Forums zine which is still going IIRC.

It's not made by them. They are working on the actual sequel thing, plus their vampire game

We really just hit the very first parts of Madman, to be fair

The heart wants what the head advises against.

Gotta give ol Squeenix credit. They got their waifubait game on lock. Bastards.

but their husbando game, where is more Basch for me


>where is more Basch for me
hey, FFXII Zodiac edition comes out next month!

I wish I didn't sell my PS4 ;_;

oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

wait, I don't have a PS4


Also, sadly, that wouldn't fix my biggest problem with FF12


what was your biggest problem with FF12? I loved that game when it came out but I haven't played it in ages

Remember they're coming out with a Marvel game next year.

Is that not gonna be a be on PC?

Their husbando game has been weak lately. FF15 was fuckin' laughable with that boy band shit.

Well, the chart says that female players don't like older males, so let's insert this Vaan dipshit who has fuck all to do with the plot instead.
>Well, why don't we just have Ashe be the protagonist? It's kinda her story anyway.

This story always reminds me of that one series I've shilled a couple of times in Sup Forums about the dead literally who's who want to come back to life, and the idea of being compared to Milligan if I ever get to pitch it to Marvel scares the living shit out of me
/blog over

Balthier and Fran are clearly the top husbando/waifu combo in FF12.

It's badly paced/they run out of story near the end compared to where you finally have easy access around the world. Yes, all the fun extra quests flesh things out quite a bit, but there needed to be way more in between climbing up the Pharos and fighting the no-way-back final battle.

I don't know, but I'm a console pleb and I don't really play games on PC

I don't think it's coming out for Xbone so I'm not sure about PC

Microsoft is fucking stupid and I don't know what they actually want to achieve wit Scorpio.

This year has been brutal if you're a weeb faggot like me with no PS4.

It does feel a bit like the console some 10 year old kid would make up and pretend he owns to his friends.


This and Mockingbird are pretty funny considering that recent run, lol

I don't care for this much, the coloring and linework looks off compared to the main series.

>She doesn't have any over the top flaws
the power of feminism

The Dragotta/Allred partnership is weird in places

I honestly can't be arsed to give a damn about E3 these days. It's all such soulless pagantry. Let me know if they announce a new Metroid game at Nintendo's conference, then I'll start paying attention.

I don't know, there's no urgency about it. There isn't a proper generational leap and incentive is really lacking. People are really going to think "wow first I spend $500 to get a 4k tv then $500 more to get this machine, you know what I'd rather just buy a simple console since games are going to come out on it either way." Let's be honest here, consoleplebs really don't think about the quality of visuals and market is always dominated by cheaper console.

>characters can end up going insane in the Marvel afterlife
Fuck, I forgot how much I unintentionally drew from this mini

I fell for the Kojimbo meme and was waiting for Death Stranding but it's not going to be there.



the best boys too



Oh eat shit. I'm frankly fed the fuck up with this demand that every character be a barely functioning mess, while at the same time being "relateable". Sorry to break the bloody fucking obvious to you, but most people are fairly well adjusted, and do not have gigantic singular personality quirks around which their entire lives revolve. Maybe if you would actually talk to another person at some point in your life instead of whiny about how girls won't touch your tiny dick on account of being a fedora tipping faggot, you would already know that. Goddamn.



>most people
Here's the thing, darling: most people are boring.