Good night, sweet Freedom Fighters

Good night, sweet Freedom Fighters.

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What happened?

>penders finally won
>never see the new FF or Egg bosses ever again

Well at least it didn't end on a cliffhanger or in the middle of a storyline. Sucks that the stuff built up in Sonic Universe will never be resolved though.

And good riddance.
Time for Mania to revive the series.

The comic has been on hitaus for months and people involved seem to be moving on. May as well say it got canceled.
They didn't even bother to release the last part of the latest arc that was made in celebration for the anniversary.

>yfw the Boom people gets the Archie characters for Sonic Boom's cartoon

The current designs look like they could fit in Boom.

That reboot was absolutely retarded throwing away decades of building the comic up.

Sally with pants a shit

They only got rid of the absolute trash.

In my day Sally wore nothing and nobody complained God damnit.

>Sally and Bunnie standing side by side.
>Visible cleavage.

I hate reboots when something is in the middle of production, I rather the comic got an ending before starting over fresh.

They got rid of Penders shit. Why you complaining?

Aren't half those characters dead?

It's definitely a shame. We were pretty close to 300 too.

Oh, fuck you, I thought you actually had some news

It's a pyrrhic victory for him, though. He gets the satisfaction of having led to the downfall of the comic, but he never got what he really wanted, which was to profit off "his" creations by forcing Archie to pay him royalties for their use.

He has his characters but now he can't get free money for owning them. He has to actually work at it and it's obvious he doesn't have the patience to actually do that.

They kind of didn't have a choice. It was either reboot, or try to dance around the fact that a significant number of characters can never appear or be mentioned again. You basically can't work with decades of continuity when significant chunks of it are legally impossible to use.

It wasn't Penders, it was never Penders.

Archie is the one that burned down the house rather than give an inch.

Not enough sports tape.

Why did Scourge, Shard, Fiona, Mina and Rob'O get fucked out of continuity?

Did sally actually get cucked?

Sonic pulled so much tail. You tell me.

Sally cucked Sonic too.

Literally nothing has changed you muckraking mongoloid. Fuck off.

Sticks doesn't have tape.
Mina's still in it.

Wasn't mina the one who worshipped eggman?

I think everyone who wasn't created by DiC or Flynn got shuffled off out of fear of another writer trying to pull a Penders

>Sticks doesn't have tape.

Her tape is on in the inside, where it counts.

>Mina was still in.
>Of all the characters that were cut, the one people liked the least stayed.
>Penders didn't even want her.

Archie will never announce it's cancelled. By their own subscription terms and conditions they'd be obligated to refund anyone who wanted a refund at that point.


Archie will never make an announcement, solicitations will just stop and that will be that.

They pulled the same shit with TMNT when it got ended. A two-issue fill in arc instead of the promised storyline and then nothing, it was gone.

But this is Sonic, man. Gone on since forever...

They could at least put our hopeful minds to rest.

>Mina's still in it.
Wait what? Has she appeared since the reboot?

Why can't they just hammer out a deal to round out Sonic at 300, Universe at 100 and release the last Mega Drive?

They've already got Overdrive, up to Universe 95 and up to Sonic 294 ready for print.

Nope, Archie is like a whore. After they had their fun they will take money from our wallet and slip out into the night without saying a word.

Background cameos I think

Because, despite what the anti-Archie rumor pushers want you to believe, Archie had no choice in this hiatus, and if it was up to them they've be continuing the comic unabated.

SEGA has stopped publication, because of unexplained reasons, most likely due to the new lawsuit.

shut up penders

The comic has nothing to do with Sonic needing a return to form. Mania is probably going to be pretty good, but pretending it laid waste to the bad things over the years, as well as pretending it is the future of the whole franchise is pretty retarded.

Do you really think Sega is going to suddenly hand all future Sonic game development over to them? We'll be lucky if there's even a Mania 2.

Sonic Mania is NOT enough to salvage Sonic. In fact, a literal long running string of Classic sprite based Sonic games cannot carry the damn franchise even if they are good. Not for the short term and much less forever. Sonic Mania even though it's made by a guy who understands 2D Sonic? It's just a band aid on a huge injury. The Sonic franchise is still seen as a joke and I don't think Sonic Forces is going to change anything (especially since they also rely on the gimmick of Classic Sonic being in there for no reason at all except to bait nostalgia driven fools).

Sonic is honestly kind of finished in certain terms.

>Sally cucked Sonic too
when was that? I vaguely remember
also was there some of that wit her brother? I was kinda getting that vibe just a little bit

Yeah, it's happened in the past. We've actually gotten good Sonic games over the last 10 years but they do nothing to change the franchise's reputation. The failures hit harder than the successes.

>didn't see the OC maker
I think sonic is saved in both Mania and forces

That's a very... dramatic opinion you have there, but honestly Sonic is probably doing fine plodding along with mediocre games. He'll never be a cornerstone of the video game industry again, but as long as Sega doesn't botch another as badly as 06 or produce even a 3rd party trainwreck like Rise of Lyric, people will probably still buy them.

They're not about to retire "Sonic the Fucking Hedgehog" just because a few people hate him a little too passionately.


Except every book was in the middle of a storyline.

>he thinks the OC maker is a good thing

>but as long as Sega doesn't botch another as badly as 06 or produce even a 3rd party trainwreck like Rise of Lyric
They have a habit of doing this every few years so I'd expect another trainwreck in the next 2-3 years.

True. Sega never learns a lesson for long.

> blue Guy Gardner

>After they had their fun
I'm sure being sued by Penders and threatened by SEGA over titles that STILL undersell fucking Jughead was super fun

It's a damn smart decision, if a little late. It's one of very few decisions that demonstrates they know their audience.

A money maker is not a bad thing for a company. Us making fun of the millions of autistic fans who will buy the game will not mean that the game is a failure.


for a moment there I thought he'd had Lara-Su 3D printed

That's probably in his mind...

You could always beat him to it.

I'd say Penders is already in a tough spot, everyone knows who he is and a quick google search will pull up all the BS he pulled as well.

>she will never be freed from her brainwashing.

That seems to be the case. Over 200+ characters, gone like that, never too be mentioned again.

Even my evil has limits

originally he was just "Evil Sonic" before being rewritten into Scourge but because Evil Sonic was "created" by Penders, he got deleted
actually this is Sega's fault. one of Sega's post reboot mandates was "there is only one Metal Sonic", he had to go
>Fiona, Mina and Rob'O
i'll be honest i don't know who any of these guys are but i'm going to guess they first appeared in a Penders written issue

>I'd say Penders is already in a tough spot
He married a sugar momma who will subsidize all his pipe dreams. Granted he won't ever do much more than make convention appearances and MAYBE shit out some independently printed comic books, but that's it.

Over 200+ Echidnas

They were made by writers who no longer worked on the comic. Sega didn't want this happening a second time.

>but because Evil Sonic was "created" by Penders, he got deleted
Penders straight up said he would sue over Scourge. Even though he has nothing to do with his green, scarred redesign. That's how petty the man is.

>one of Sega's post reboot mandates was "there is only one Metal Sonic"
Really? I'm glad Lego Universe got around that, at least.

He tried to sue Sega for fucking Tikal.

Well, the Freedom Fighters essentially are now. The last time anyone else used the SatAM characters was in 1999 (when Sally was in a puppet show at the food court in SegaWorld Sydney), so with nearly 20 years removed from being relevant in anything except comics made by one publisher, Sega is just going to let them rot away in obscurity.

What ever happened to Snively after getting locked in the VR pod?

I feel your pain, but just to clarify here, Penders did not win, he simply set enough shit into motion to cause Sega and Archie to finally end their relationship.

If Penders actually won, then Sega would be forced to continue paying him royalties to fun his trash heap of a comic, and Archie would be forced to give him credit for the things he never even actually did.

Sega could always give the Sonic comic another go, maybe in a few years, and if they do, we can only hope they have enough common sense and business experience to not let someone like Ken Penders under their wing again.

The reboot turned him into a different character.

Sally cucked Sonic a couple times, if memory serves correct, but the hardest he was ever cucked is when Sally went for that Kung-Fu Monkey dick, around the same time when Fiona left Sonic's ass for Scourge.

Nobody wants to touch the Archie characters, user. Not because their bad. But because 1) SEGA doesn't want them used and 2) Penders is autistic and willing to find any small detail similar to his comic to sue (this man fought Bioware) and where Penders is, Fullop is not too far behind.

It is dead.

Penders has no ground with the Satam characters though and any new characters could be written with new conditions to prevent future Penders. But Sega just doeant care about them.

Be honest Sup Forums
Did you support it?

I bought the Archie sonic comic for years. I started around issue 60 and had most of the comics, even a lot of the spin off stuff. I sold most of what I had right after issue 250 because I found out about Penders and understood that all the characters I enjoyed, all the loose plot holes, and all the cool shit about the comic was gone for good. I cancelled my subscription and moved on.

I'm sad to see it finally die, but it was inevitable.

Since Issue 0.

Penders had the ugliest art, the comic got way too serious after a few issues with all those deaths and dramas, and had all these weird story elements like Amy Rose growing up into SA Amy Rose via magic. I remember being so hyped for ISSUE 100, then disappointed after. the Knuckles comics were boring too

>actually this is Sega's fault. one of Sega's post reboot mandates was "there is only one Metal Sonic", he had to go
Incorrect. Ian has said it's a Penders issue and that SEGA was fine with Shard being a "mecha" Sonic.

>Mina's still in it.
No she isn't. She was a Bollers character and was removed with the reboot.

Oooooo fuck meeee~

Does anyone remember the two people running a fake chat room you could read with their shitty OCs on the website?

She made a silent background cameo.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

So, I remember reading what I think was issue 1 in the mega collection on ps2 and thinking it was kind of neat. If I wanted to binge read a shitload of sonic, what's the best way to do so?

Shut up Boco

If you wanna read the pre-boot, go from #1 - whenever you stop enjoying it. Give it another try at #160 as that's when Ian Flynn takes over from Penders & the quality from that point on is generally considered an improvement from him.

If you wanna binge read the post-reboot comics, start at issue #252 for the main comic & issue #55 for the Universe comic.

>new lawsuit

I'm out of the loop here what happened?

This pretty much covers everything:
I know >tumblr, but it provides a good explanation for everything.

And nothing of value was lost.

Fuck u, we're losing a great Eggman & his henchmen

Eggman needs no henchmen.

Even evil genius' need help sometimes, user. Where would Eggman be without his badniks?

Don't be so hasty, those are henchBOTS! Not henchMEN!

Main series was doing recaps of games and Universe ended on a part 4 of 4.

>First major (and probably most reprinted) issue is Sonic CD.
>Final issue is Sonic CD.

I'm mad because the comic got so much better and easier to follow after the reboot, but a lot of people didn't even give it a chance. There was a great balance between the elements from the games, satam and original stuff; a lot of interesting new characters and new takes on old characters; and storylines that left you wanting more. It was done with care and effort and will be hard to ever replicate.
I'm still surprised by how sympathetic they made Eclipse for example, a character that had every right to be awkard and cringy.
I guess the damage was already done regardless. That second crossover with Capcom seems to have made more harm than good too.