Mike Tyson Mysteries

Can this season get any better?

Yes. If this show were marketed more and recognize more by Reddit this season would get better. It's dumb how Rick And Morty fans talk about how genius Rick And Morty is for being an adult cartoon, but they neglect to talk about Venture Brothers, King Of The Hill, or Mike Tyson Mysteries

Probably. Its been on an upswing, not quite at the top yet.

Season 7 fucking when?

This show deserves so much more praise than it gets -- the writing, characters, and plot twists are always on point. Still can't believe they got the real Mike Tyson to agree to this whole-heartedly. And casting Norm Macdonald as a fucking pigeon? There is no episode of this show I haven't at least chuckled to.

Probably going to end up an underrated cult classic like 12 Oz. Mouse or Perfect Hair Forever.

It begins


Oh, thats cool.

This is the worst season so far, the second episode was terrible.

It's on Season 3 dude, it's gotten plenty of recognition.

Wait...that window is right next to the door so how can there be a bathroom there? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

He's going to kill those fish ;_;

3 more years
It's just so hard to describe.
It's great but it's so fucking weird.
Like right now we just wasted a fourth of the episode on Michael on the phone in the toilet.
I think he wants bigger threads.

Poor Yung.

>This is never gonna work. I don't look like a boy

>still sounds fun

what the fuck marquess

And they're dead.

>Mike wanted to rob the old lady's pearls
>Wants to rob the kid

>he literally couldn't stop jacking off
>bears are attracted to semen

>episode highlights how fucking feminine and homotastic all-male boarding school are by pointing out how an actual girl, one of the most feminine girls in all of cartoons, could pass so easily
top quality

These woods look like Winnie the Pooh.

Now when you say bears...




a year and a half.. maybe two! ooo-wee!

Holy shit they fucked a tree

>i guess that's the tree of life!

>dick stealing tree

Jesus fuck

magic sperm that makes trees come to life?
i was hoping yung would get to watch a bunch of guys jack off.. then maybe help
purely by providing the visual motivation of course

What. The fuck.

>I think we forget that this is mike fucking tyson
>he could kill us all

No. NO.



>kid looks completely clean
>branches look totally peckerless
man maybe someday


That's it?



Wow. Just wow.

I feel like that last scene could have cut out everything from identifying him to grabbing his tallywhacker and it would have worked a lot better

whoa, another mikeless ending? the hell

Kid's hair was visibly drenched though

DM link when?

Is mike gonna be a super villain by season's end?

>Being sexually assaulted by a judgemental old lady tree
I don't like how that's a turn on.

is that his real daughter?
whycome the promo image has white sclerae? is that like, authentic period incorrectness?

This show just gets wilder and wilder. 11/10 episode.

>That ending

>pigeon literally terrified at the thought that Mike could fucking murder them all over the pettiest shit because hes Mike Tyson

i have noticed that pigeon seems oddly unscared

the voice is what did it
can you imagine if theyd gotten Tree Trunks' voice?

>has a squad of sociopaths
>has the money/influence do pretty much anything
>kills people in almost every episode
>implying he wasn't already a supervillain

Looking at it, Mike IS basically the strongest member of the mystery team.

see i always figured he was aware that... ANYONE can just kill him easily... because he's a pigeon. he could get sat on by accident, or any random object could hit him. or he could die in a few years, i don't know how long pigeons live
and he wasnt super happy with being alive anyway

>tfw Mike Tyson could fucking kill all of us

10 more years at least

>Sup Forums actually has a thread on this show

I knew I liked you guys for a reason. This show is so hilarious and under appreciated.

>a squad of sociopaths
what, the pigeons? i mean they shit on people, but..


He just seems more consciousl bad this season
>steal the lady's pearls
>steal from kid
>threatening his dearest friends
Chaotic Evil Mike is surfacing. post the alignment chart


>>threatening his dearest friends
I'm still wondering what it was that made him threaten to kill all of them last episode.

>that ending

Marquess is pretty buff for a ghost but he is a total pussy. Do you think Yung Hee could take him in a figjt?

That's a pretty fancy way of saying GAY, haha!

No, but Mike seems really protective of Yung. He's probably spare her

I don't think he was threatening to kill them, I think he just had a moment of clarity and realized that he was going to kill them all, and then "ANCHORS AWEIGH!"ed himself to run from the problem he created

>That smile on pigeon

What's the next class of ghost Marquess would turn into if Mike "killed" him?

Hasnt he explained that twice already?

Yung giving a blowjob would be better

Mike has always been on the line between Chaotic Evil and Chaotic Neutral.

That's why his character is perfect.

Except that he's not playing a character; it's just the real Mike Tyson rambling in a recording booth they animate over.

I think bed sheets or he just can't hover anymore

I think Mike is realizing this mystery solving job isn't all it's cracked up to be and it's stressing him out. Look at the crazy ass stuff they end up dealing with it.

He's extra aware of Micheal though.
He started freaking out when Mike lost his shit because he was gaining weight.
>You can't live with a wild animal and not expect to get mauled to death.
He didn't get the insurance and panicked.
Either a bedsheet ghost or he'd no longer be able to interact with the physical world.
Apparently the show has some ghost lore they spell out every once and a while.

The show pretty much won me over caring about watching show about possible rapist.

he's wearing magical ned flanders clothes that hide your muscles and make you look like a pussy
i think he's muscular because he's the guy that invented boxing

>He's extra aware of Micheal though.
Mike's the same man who bit someone's ear (And raped a woman). I'd be aware, too.

is norm in there with him?

Could prime Mike defeat prime Bruce Lee? I know Lee had the moves and speed but I'd bet on Mike.

Wasn't Bruce Lee a human train?

>possible rapist



The show won me over caring about a definite, ear-biting, rapist, unstable psychopath.

I'd never want to meet Mike Tyson irl, but for the show, he's perfect.

I really liked Season 1 but never seriously gave Seasons 2 and onward an attempt, should I pick it back up?

I like how Cosby's entire legacy gets wiped out with a bunch of flimsy accusations about completely voluntary drugtaking as part of an established culture, but people like tyson, coolio, and samuel L jackson are straight up criminal thugs and get celebrated
just because they're more fun, and have never told anyone else to cut out the wild behavior and grow up

Cosby is still in the midst of his controversy.
Barring dying during the trial or being convicted beyond a doubt he'll probably be like Michael Jackson.

>I like how Cosby's entire legacy gets wiped out with a bunch of flimsy accusations about completely voluntary drugtaking as part of an established culture

That a cute way of downplaying what actually went down. Also I'm not really understanding your point here; are the accusations flimsy and untrue, or did he actually fuck a bunch of unconscious drugged out women but it's okay because it was "part of an established culture".

Also SLJ did what he did in pursuit of civil rights (and he was successful), while Coolio hasn't been relevant since the 90s.

where is that boy dragging that girl?

I guess serving time and moving on really makes the difference

>flimsy accusations

Nigga he straight-up raped a shitload of women.

There wouldn't be this many coming forward unless there was some real basis to the rape allegations.

You're like one of those people that think OJ didn't kill anyone just because he was found "not guilty" by a jury of black people in a courthouse in the hood that defended him just because he was also black, and they really just wanted to stick it to the man.

will this be the next ATHF? Will it get 10 seasons?

yeah people forgave him pretty quickly. and he started saying a bunch of shit about jews too. if it wasnt for that bit even i would have stopped hating him. and i didnt even give a shit if he wanted to snuggle some boys, i just hated his music and what he did to himself

Yes, it didn't seriously change in most cases. It generally is the same show as episode 1, same tone and kind of jokes It hasn't tried to reinvent itself so if you liked season 1 you should like the others.

it was okay because they went to a luudes party for luudes sex. I mean it wasnt okay, it was debauchery. which is sort of worse than rape
>pursuit of civil rights
wow, you actually should die. that's unusual
>hasnt been relevant
he still does cartoon voices

>There wouldn't be this many coming forward unless there was some real basis to the rape allegations.
get a load of this guy
no YOU're like those people who think that about OJ. how do you not see that?

>There wouldn't be so many coming forward coming forward unless there was some basis
I'm not making a call on whether or not Cosby did it but I don't think a lot of accusation in itself makes it solid especially if a majority of them do happen after people finally started giving a fuck about these accusations.


Thank you, user. This is great.

>the episode where she got assassinated by toxic ink

how many lives has Marquess unintentionally ruined?

I mean, believe what you want to believe, but most of them were legitimately too scared of Cosby to come forward at the times they were raped.

You're probably too young to remember just how much social influence he had in the peak period of the Cosby Show. Nobody would DARE touch "America's dad" back then. He could have murdered someone and been able to keep going unscathed.