Huh. So that's what it's used for

Huh. So that's what it's used for...

That... actually makes sense...

No it fucking doesn't. How would it eat them after picking them up?

letting them slide off by lowering its head, duh.

Obviously after it collects them it takes them back to its...... nest?

Wait, what do unicorns have? Burrows? Dens? Hives?

way to ruin the oranges, and there's nothing good about orange juice in your eyes. also horses can't eat oranges

>unicorn hives
>unicorns are eusocial, with a fertile queen laying unicorn eggs

>Unicorn hives
Jesus, that's fucking terrifying.

I mean, would they have castes and shit? Drone unicorns to forage and expand the hive, soldier unicorns to guard the nest, a giant, bloated, xenomorph-like queen unicorn laying eggs.

If you dump a bunch of water on the nest do hundreds of unicorn drones suddenly pour out of every hole in the ground to rebuild it? Do soldier unicorns raid other unicorn hives and violently gore and dismember other unicorns?


A single unicorn can lift 50 times its own body weight, and a swarm of them can bring down a full grown dragon and pick its carcass clean in 12 hours.

I hate how autistic and retarded you are, but mainly I hate that I've become too cynical to enjoy it.