Reminder that nobody would give a shit about this character today if there wasn't this worldwide fad of groveling to...

Reminder that nobody would give a shit about this character today if there wasn't this worldwide fad of groveling to black people.

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yeah and remember to go suck your daily bbc whiteboi or you'll have to pay me more taxes and women.

Reminder to keep your shitty racebait threads outside of Sup Forums.
Thank you kindly.

People actually care about black panther? This is news to me.

BP is basically Doom but instead of trying to make the whole world better he just focuses on his own people and he's treated like a hero instead of a villain for it. So dumb.

I'm not seeing Black Panther, nor Captain Carol on principle.

>bait is okay when we do it in WW threads

The state of drones

He was cool in Civil War, thats the only reason why people give a shit about the character. You think people are clamoring for M'Baku the Man Ape?

It's gonna be impossible to talk about this movie here isn't it

>obvious cuck is obvious

Please try not to get so butt gurt over an internet opinion. Theres obvious truth to this statement and you're the only one causing potential for conflict.

>some retard did it, so it's okay to do it
>adding companywar faggotry
Alright, let's drop the politeness: fuck off.

Pretty much. Sup Forums will invade and multiple WE WAS KANGZ posting. Strap in user

>trying to make the world better
Victor pls.


I like T'challa in the comics so I really want to see it

Sucks that you're triggered by skin tones and all of that, I can't imagine how frustrated you must be

>multiple WE WAS KANGZ posting
My time to shine

I mean, you're the one getting butt hurt that a movie exists, champ.

>let's drop the politeness

Oho! Fancy a bit of fisticuffs?

I'm not OP dingus. Nor did I even state that lol. I just agreed with OPs statement that groveling to blacks is more of a fad, 'champ'. So stop the bickering.

>implying this board isn't already Sup Forums's bitch

Living in your head rent free

To be fair I really like black panther's design. I like cats in general so any character based on one is usually pretty sweet. His powers aren't especially interesting though.

Good for you, now go talk about that on a board where it's on topic.

This is a lie.
1 - created by Kirby
2 - Great outfit
3 - Part of important Avengers stories, probably one of the best Avengers

I dont like the updated look though

At least these threads will be Sup Forumsshit containment threads.

I wish modern black comic book characters existed to be good characters and not to fill out a diversity sheet

Black Manta seems alright

He's literally brought about world peace.

It's such a bummer that seeing a leading black woman is basically a giant warning sign that the book will be awful. It shouldn't be that way.


Makes sense, after all sjws always forget Blade.


The Cereal King loves him, so that means he's a great character by Sup Forums logic.

Are we not allowed to have a Black Panther movie, OP?

Blade is a real brother, not a cornball brother

No he created a small area of peace in a world that was constrantly at war outside its walls.
That's the best he could do while basically being omnipotent.

Reminder it's white peoples fault for deciding to be shitty to brown people for 200 years.



You'll cry about it?

Reminder that nobody would give a shit about this character today if there wasn't this worldwide fad of groveling to coon people.



Well, it's black people's fault for selling their brothers and sisters to us (or more accurately, their POWs)

Greedy cunts. The whole reason for taking PoWs in a tribal situation like that is to work them to death. If you sell them to someone else, there's a chance that they'll get free some day and come back to wage war on you anew. If American niggers weren't fucking retarded, that is what they would be doing right now; demanding reparations from the motherfuckers who sold them in the first place.

can we go back to talking about comic books?

I'm sorry whites did one wrong thing while giving the world 90% of its progress.
Thanks for the peanut butter, I guess

>be coon
>steal for fun
>make everybody miserable

What did they mean by this?



Just report the thread and pray to the mods for a speedy deletion.

And sage your posts, naturally.

For fucks sake Sup Forums, you used to be good at this.

>Doom apologists near me

Victor, get the fuck out of here.

>if there wasn't this worldwide fad of groveling to black people.
Except the world still grovels to whitey. Try again, alt right retard.

Man, you could direct this exact post to OP and nothing would be amiss

Why don't you stop the tide from coming in while you're at it

They made people care about a Raccoon and a Tree even without the SJW shit there would be hype for Black Panther seeing how he's one of the few non-X-Men/FF character who's important in the comics.

You could say the exact same thing about that Wonder woman movie
But hell. whatever the snowflakes need to feel special. They don't get fulfilled by hard work, Ya know.

>Sup Forums doesn't read comics

>worldwide fad

Just America. Europe is grovelling to Arabs and the rest of the world hate blacks

Explain modern Dr Who then.

The modern American negro is born from from whites continuing the slave trade amongst themselves for another 100 years and raping their slave women. And after slavery ended, whites in power continued to make the the american negro submit as a lower class.

There is no one alive to remember being sold out by their countrymen in Africa, but there are plenty alive to remember being abusef by white people and those people have elders who endured that to.

But this isnt Sup Forums.

Is that still a thing?

It's completely related to topic you fool. Stop being stupid for the sake of restating your irrelevant replies. You'd save us all an eye sore.

I like him because his costume is sexy and cute.

Delicious catboys.

Yes, unfortunately.

Im fine with that solely because they're not changing the race of a white character, but actually propping up an already established non white one.

why are you so insecure?